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BADOVINAC, Zdenka BADOVINAC, Zdenka Unannounced Voices. Curatorial Practice and Changing Institutions Sternberg Press 2022 Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
SHAPOVALOV, Vladislav SHAPOVALOV, Vladislav Image Diplomacy Mousse Publishing 2020 Curatorial Studies 25€ 25€
A.R. practice (Ann Richter & Agnieszka Roguski) (eds) A.R. practice (Ann Richter & Agnieszka Roguski) (eds) Echoing Exhibition Views. Subjectivity in Post-Digital Times Onomatopee 2020 Curatorial Studies / Media Studies 14€ 14€
ADMASSU, Emanuel; BATEMAN, Anita N. ADMASSU, Emanuel; BATEMAN, Anita N. Where Is Africa (Vol. 1) CARA 2024 Curatorial Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Conversations 35€ 35€
ADUSEI-POKU, Nana (ed.) ADUSEI-POKU, Nana (ed.) Reshaping the Field. Arts of the African Diasporas on Display Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Afterall Books 2022 Art History / Curatorial Studies / Postcolonial Studies 20€ 20€
AL-MARIA, Sophia (ed.) AL-MARIA, Sophia (ed.) The Happy Hypocrite #08 - Fresh Hell Book Works Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
AMUNDSEN, Heidi Bale; MØRLAND, Gerd Elise (eds.) AMUNDSEN, Heidi Bale; MØRLAND, Gerd Elise (eds.) Curating and Politics Beyond the Curator: Initial Reflections Hatje Cantz 2015 Curatorial Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
ANGIAMA, Sepake; BUTCHER, Clare; EFTHYMIOU, Alkisti; KATS, Anton; ZEQO, Arnisa (eds.) ANGIAMA, Sepake; BUTCHER, Clare; EFTHYMIOU, Alkisti; KATS, Anton; ZEQO, Arnisa (eds.) aneducation – documenta 14 Archive Books 2018 Anthologies / Education / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
ANON. ANON. Why The Exhibit Was Canceled Temporary Services Zines / Curatorial Studies 6€ 6€
APPADURAI, Arjun APPADURAI, Arjun La vie sociale des choses. Les marchandises dans une perspective culturelle Les Presses du Réel 2020 Anthropology / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
ARNS, Inke; BIRKENSTOCK, Eva; BÖNISCH, Dominik; HUNGER, Francis (eds.) ARNS, Inke; BIRKENSTOCK, Eva; BÖNISCH, Dominik; HUNGER, Francis (eds.) Training The Archive Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst Aachen 2024 Essays / Media Studies / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
AUBART, François; CISTIAKOVA, Julija; KIM, Haeju; PESAPANE, Lucia; PINAROLI, Fabian; ROALANDINI-BEYER, Karla G.; TUKUYAMA, Yuka; WOODS, Sadie AUBART, François; CISTIAKOVA, Julija; KIM, Haeju; PESAPANE, Lucia; PINAROLI, Fabian; ROALANDINI-BEYER, Karla G.; TUKUYAMA, Yuka; WOODS, Sadie Harald Szeemann. Méthodologie individuelle JRP|Ringier Art History / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
AUS DEM MOORE, Elke (ed.) AUS DEM MOORE, Elke (ed.) Untranslatable Terms of Cultural Practices. A Shared Vocabulary Archive Books / Edition Solitude 2021 Essays / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
AYAS, Defne; BROWN, Mimi; CHONG, Heman; GAD, Amira; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) AYAS, Defne; BROWN, Mimi; CHONG, Heman; GAD, Amira; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) End Notes(s). Moderation(s) 2012-2014 Witte de With Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
AYOUB, Mathilde (ed.) AYOUB, Mathilde (ed.) Préfaces à un livre pour un musée syrien Zaman 2020 Documents / Art History / Curatorial Studies 24€ 24€
BADOVINAC, Zdenka BADOVINAC, Zdenka Comradeship: Curating, Art, and Politics in Post-Socialist Europe Independent Curators International 2019 Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
BAL, Mieke BAL, Mieke The Contemporary Condition. Exhibition-ism : Temporal Togetherness Sternberg Press 2020 Artists' Writings / Curatorial Studies 8€ 8€
BAL-BLANC, Pierre BAL-BLANC, Pierre The Continuum Was Performed in the Following Manner – Notes on documenta 14 Nero / Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève 2022 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Conversations 18€ 18€
BALASKAS, Bill; RITO, Carolina BALASKAS, Bill; RITO, Carolina Institution as Praxis – New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research Sternberg Press 2020 Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
BALDAUF, Anette; GRUBER, Stefan; HILLE, Moira; KRAUSS, Annette; MILLER, Vladimir; VERLIČ, Mara; WANG, Hong-Kai; WIEGER, Julia (eds.) BALDAUF, Anette; GRUBER, Stefan; HILLE, Moira; KRAUSS, Annette; MILLER, Vladimir; VERLIČ, Mara; WANG, Hong-Kai; WIEGER, Julia (eds.) Spaces of Commoning Sternberg Press 2017 Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
BARAVALLE, Marco; BRAGA, Emanuele; RICCIO, Gabriella (eds.) BARAVALLE, Marco; BRAGA, Emanuele; RICCIO, Gabriella (eds.) Art for UBI (manifesto) bruno 2022 Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
BECHTLER, Cristina; IMHOF, Dora (eds.) BECHTLER, Cristina; IMHOF, Dora (eds.) Museum of the Future – Now What? JRP|Ringier / Les Presses du Réel 2021 Essays / Conversations / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin About The Relative Size Of Things In The Universe Casco Projects / Four Corners Books 2007 Artists' Books / Curatorial Studies / Design 16€ 16€
BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetic, and Critique Spector Books 2022 Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Architecture / Curatorial Studies / Design 36€ 36€
BENNETT, Tony; CAMERON, Fiona; DIAS, Nélia; DIBLEY, Ben; HARRISON, Rodney; JACKNIS, Ira; MCCARTHY, Conal BENNETT, Tony; CAMERON, Fiona; DIAS, Nélia; DIBLEY, Ben; HARRISON, Rodney; JACKNIS, Ira; MCCARTHY, Conal Collecting, Ordering, Governing - Anthropology, Museums, and Liberal Government Duke University Press 2017 Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
BERGER, Maurice BERGER, Maurice Museums of tomorrow - A Virtual Discussion Centre for Art & Visual Culture Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
BERGER, Maurice BERGER, Maurice Postmodernism - A Virtual Discussion Centre for Art & Visual Culture Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
BIRNBAUM, Daniel; WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov BIRNBAUM, Daniel; WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov Spacing Philosophy: Lyotard and the Idea of the Exhibition Sternberg Press 2019 Art History / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays / Philosophy 19€ 19€
BISHOP, Claire BISHOP, Claire Radical Museology Koenig Books 2013 Essays / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 14€ 14€
BISOPA, Klera BISOPA, Klera Antagonisms (Claire Bishop in Latvian) Kim? Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 1.8€ 1.8€
BLAMEY, David (ed.) BLAMEY, David (ed.) Specialism Open Editions 2016 Essays / Curatorial Studies 29€ 29€
BOISSON, Charlie BOISSON, Charlie Mémoire de l’oublieur Les commissaires anonymes 2024 Artists' Books / Crafts / Curatorial Studies / Food Culture 12€ 12€
BORASI, Giovanna; FERRÉ, Albert; GARUTTI, Francesco; KELLEY, Jayne; ZARDINI, Mirko (eds.) BORASI, Giovanna; FERRÉ, Albert; GARUTTI, Francesco; KELLEY, Jayne; ZARDINI, Mirko (eds.) Le musée ne suffit pas Sternberg Press 2020 Curatorial Studies / Institutional Critique 18€ 18€
BORHAM, Holly BORHAM, Holly The Circulating Lifeblood of Ideas. Leo Steinberg’s Library and Prints Blanton Museum of Art 2023 Art History / Book Culture / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
BOSOLD, Birgit; FRITSCH, Lena; HOFMANN, Vera; KRASNY, Elke; LINGG, Sophie (eds.) BOSOLD, Birgit; FRITSCH, Lena; HOFMANN, Vera; KRASNY, Elke; LINGG, Sophie (eds.) Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating Sternberg Press 2022 Curatorial Studies / Feminism 22€ 22€
BOVIER, François; MEY, Adeena (eds.) BOVIER, François; MEY, Adeena (eds.) Exhibiting the Moving Image JRP|Ringier / Les Presses du Réel Essays / Film & Video / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
BUHMANN, Stephanie BUHMANN, Stephanie Frederick Kiesler. Galaxies The Green Box 2022 Monographs / Painting / Curatorial Studies 50€ 50€
BURNS, Aileen; LUNDH, Johan; McDOWELL, Tara (eds.) BURNS, Aileen; LUNDH, Johan; McDOWELL, Tara (eds.) The Artist As Producer, Quarry, Thread, Director, Writer, Orchestrator, Ethnographer, Choreographer, Poet, Archivist, Forger, Curator, and Many Other Things First Sternberg Press 2018 Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Politics 20€ 20€
BURSTEIN, Salomé BURSTEIN, Salomé De l'ennui au spectacle ness books 2019 Essays / Curatorial Studies 14€ 14€
BUTLER, Cornelia; et al (eds.) BUTLER, Cornelia; et al (eds.) From Conceptualism to Feminism. Lucy Lippard’s Numbers Shows 1969-74 Afterall Books 2012 Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Art History / Feminism 50€ 50€
CESARCO, Alejandro; HERNÁNDEZ CHONG CUY, Sofía (eds.) CESARCO, Alejandro; HERNÁNDEZ CHONG CUY, Sofía (eds.) An Exhibition History of Latin American Art / Una historia de exposiciones de arte latinoamericano ISLAA 2023 Anthologies / Art History / Art Spaces / Scenes / Curatorial Studies 42€ 42€
CHEN, Howie (ed.) CHEN, Howie (ed.) Godzilla: Asian American Arts Network 1990-2001 Primary Information 2021 Anthologies / Documents / Monographs / Artists' Writings / Curatorial Studies 29€ 29€
CHOI, Binna; DEMIRCAN, Saim; VAN DER HEIDE, Bart (eds.) CHOI, Binna; DEMIRCAN, Saim; VAN DER HEIDE, Bart (eds.) Group Affinity Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite Curatorial Studies / Exhibition Catalogues / Group Shows 20€ 20€
CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) Casco Issues #12 - Generous Structures Casco Projects / Sternberg Press Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 19€ 19€
CHON, Doris; PHILIPS, Glenn; RIGOLO, Pietro (eds.) CHON, Doris; PHILIPS, Glenn; RIGOLO, Pietro (eds.) Harald Szeemann. Selected Writings Getty Publications 2018 Essays / Curatorial Studies 48€ 48€
CHOY, Bo; ESCHE, Charles; MORRIS, David; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) CHOY, Bo; ESCHE, Charles; MORRIS, David; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) Art and its Worlds: Exhibitions, Institutions and Art Becoming Public Afterall Books / CCS Bard 2021 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Art History / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
COLIN, Anna COLIN, Anna Espaces pédagogiques alternatifs : de l’utopie à l’institutionnalisation Villa Arson 2025 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education 12€ 12€
CONDORELLI, Céline; KIWANGA, Kapwani; RADUL, Judy; ZOBERNIG, Heimo CONDORELLI, Céline; KIWANGA, Kapwani; RADUL, Judy; ZOBERNIG, Heimo Demonstration Rooms Spector Books 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Curatorial Studies / Design 32€ 32€
COPELAND, Mathieu Copeland; LOVAY, Balthazar COPELAND, Mathieu Copeland; LOVAY, Balthazar The Anti-Museum. An Anthology Koenig Books 2017 Anthologies / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
COX, Geoff; LUND, Jacob (eds.) COX, Geoff; LUND, Jacob (eds.) The Contemporary Condition. Contemporary Research Intensive Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 9€ 9€
CRIPPA, Elena (ed.) CRIPPA, Elena (ed.) Exhibition Histories: "an Exhibit" 1957 and Related Projects Afterall Books Art History / Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
CROFT, Clare (ed) CROFT, Clare (ed) The Essential Jill Johnston Reader Duke University Press 2024 Curatorial Studies 26€ 26€
DE DRUYNE, Paul; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) DE DRUYNE, Paul; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) Community Art. The Politics of Trespassing Valiz Curatorial Studies / Art Theory / Politics / Essays 20€ 20€
DECTER, Joshua; DRAXLER, Helmut et al. DECTER, Joshua; DRAXLER, Helmut et al. Exhibition Histories: Exhibition as Intervention. "Culture in Action" 1993 Afterall Books Art History / Curatorial Studies / Essays 22€ 22€
DEKKER, Annet (ed.) DEKKER, Annet (ed.) Curating Digital Art. From Presenting and Collecting Digital Art to Networked Co-Curation Valiz 2021 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Digital 32€ 32€
DELACOURT, Sandra; SCHNELLER, Katia; THEODOROPOULOS, Vanessa (eds.) DELACOURT, Sandra; SCHNELLER, Katia; THEODOROPOULOS, Vanessa (eds.) Le Chercheur et ses doubles B42 2016 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education 18€ 18€
DELISS, Clémentine DELISS, Clémentine The Metabolic Museum Hatje Cantz / KW 2020 Curatorial Studies / Anthropology / Postcolonial Studies 22€ 22€
DELISS, Clémentine DELISS, Clémentine Skin in the Game. Conversations on Risk and Contention Hatje Cantz 2023 Curatorial Studies / Education / Conversations 24€ 24€
DELISS, Clementine (ed.) DELISS, Clementine (ed.) Metronome #3 - Tempolabor Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 50€ 50€
DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #10 - Future Academy / Working Portably Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 5€ 5€
DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #9 - "Le Joker" pamphlet Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #9 - "Le Teaser" pamphlet by Documentation Céline Duval Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #9 - "Le Teaser" pamphlet by Philippe Grrieux Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #9 - "Le Teaser" pamphlet by Pierre Leguillon Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) DELISS, Clementine; BOUTOUX, Thomas (eds.) Metronome #9 - Complete pamphlet collection in a box Metronome Press Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 100€ 100€
DIRIE, Clément DIRIE, Clément Iris Clert : la pasionaria de l'avant-garde Hermann 2022 Curatorial Studies / Biographies 23€ 23€
DUNCAN, Tim (ed.) DUNCAN, Tim (ed.) Curator Conversations 1000 words 2021 Curatorial Studies / Conversations 14€ 14€
DYER, Richard DYER, Richard Blanc Mimesis 2019 Curatorial Studies / Essays / Film & Video 29€ 29€
EKERBERG, Jonas (ed) EKERBERG, Jonas (ed) Verksted #1 : New Institutionalism Office for Contemporary Art Norway Essays / Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
ESCHE, Charles ESCHE, Charles Modest Proposals Baglam Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
ÉTIENNE, Noémie ÉTIENNE, Noémie Les Autres et les ancêtres. Les dioramas de Franz Boas et d’Arthur C. Parker à New York, 1900 Les Presses du Réel 2020 Essays / Art History / Curatorial Studies 32€ 32€
FABRICIUS, Jacob (ed. FABRICIUS, Jacob (ed. Yours Truly Pork Salad Press Artists' Writings / Curatorial Studies 28€ 28€
FILIPOVIC, Elena; VAN HAL, Marieke; ØVSTEBØ, Solveig FILIPOVIC, Elena; VAN HAL, Marieke; ØVSTEBØ, Solveig The Biennial Reader Bergen Kunsthall Curatorial Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
FISHER, Jack Henrie (ed.) FISHER, Jack Henrie (ed.) Counter-Signals #3: (All the Way) Down with Platforms! Other Forms 2019 Book Culture / Graphic Design / Curatorial Studies / Media Studies 15€ 15€
FUSCO, Maria (ed.) FUSCO, Maria (ed.) The Happy Hypocrite #03 - Volatile Dispersal Book Works Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
FUSCO, Maria (ed.) FUSCO, Maria (ed.) The Happy Hypocrite #09 - Accumulator Plus Book Works Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
FUSCO, Maria (ed.) FUSCO, Maria (ed.) The Happy Hypocrite #12 - Without Reduction Book Works 2021 Curatorial Studies / Literature / Periodicals 20€ 20€
GAITAN, Juan A.; SCHAFHAUSEN, Nicolaus; SZEWCZYK, Monika (eds.) GAITAN, Juan A.; SCHAFHAUSEN, Nicolaus; SZEWCZYK, Monika (eds.) Cornerstones Sternberg Press Essays / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
GARCIA, Tristan; NORMAND, Vincent (eds.) GARCIA, Tristan; NORMAND, Vincent (eds.) Theater, Garden, Bestiary – A Materialist History of Exhibitions Sternberg Press / ECAL 2019 Essays / Cultural Studies / Curatorial Studies / Art History 28€ 28€
GARCIA-ANTON, Katya; CATALDO, Antonio; Campbell Betancourt, Diana (eds.) GARCIA-ANTON, Katya; CATALDO, Antonio; Campbell Betancourt, Diana (eds.) Critical Writing Ensembles & Dhaka Art Summit 2016 Mousse Publishing / Office for Contemporary Art Norway / Samdani Art Foundation 2016 Curatorial Studies / Education / Postcolonial Studies 26€ 26€
GEDIN, Andreas GEDIN, Andreas Pontus Hultén. She, a Cathedral & Moderna Museet Koenig Books 2020 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 33€ 33€
GEIGER, Thomas (ed.) GEIGER, Thomas (ed.) The Collection for the Poor Collector (2nd edition) Taube 2024 Artists' Writings / Economy / Curatorial Studies 5.5€ 5.5€
GIELEN, Pascal (ed.) GIELEN, Pascal (ed.) Institutional Attitudes Valiz Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
GLOBUS, Doro; BLAKE, Rose GLOBUS, Doro; BLAKE, Rose Making a Great Exhibition David Zwirner Books 2021 Children's Books / Curatorial Studies 21€ 21€
GLOBUS, Doro; BLAKE, Rose GLOBUS, Doro; BLAKE, Rose Et si on faisait une grande exposition ? Hélium 2022 Children's Books / Curatorial Studies 16.9€ 16.9€
GRAU, Donatien GRAU, Donatien Living Museums. Conversations with Leading Museum Directors Hatje Cantz 2020 Conversations / Curatorial Studies 26€ 26€
GROUP MATERIAL; AULT, Julie (ed.) GROUP MATERIAL; AULT, Julie (ed.) Show and Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material Four Corners Books 2010 Monographs / Politics / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
HALL, Stuart HALL, Stuart Familiar Stranger Penguin 2018 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 14€ 14€
HAMELIJNCK, Robert; TERPSMA, Nienke (eds.) HAMELIJNCK, Robert; TERPSMA, Nienke (eds.) Fucking Good Art #29 - Art in the Age of Berlusconi Fucking Good Art Curatorial Studies / Periodicals / Politics 23€ 23€
HAMELIJNCK, Robert; TERPSMA, Nienke (eds.) HAMELIJNCK, Robert; TERPSMA, Nienke (eds.) Fucking Good Art #31 - It's play time (Biennale de Rennes 2014) Fucking Good Art Group Shows / Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HAMELIJNCK, Robert; TERPSMA, Nienke (eds.); VERWOERT, Jan HAMELIJNCK, Robert; TERPSMA, Nienke (eds.); VERWOERT, Jan Fucking Good Art #35 - New Existentialism Fucking Good Art / Edition Fink Curatorial Studies / Periodicals / Essays 12€ 12€
HAN, Byung-Chul HAN, Byung-Chul Hyperculture Polity 2022 Philosophy / Curatorial Studies / Ecology 18€ 18€
HANSEN, Sidsel Meineche; VANDEPUTTE, Tom (eds.) HANSEN, Sidsel Meineche; VANDEPUTTE, Tom (eds.) Politics of Study Open Editions 2015 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education / Politics / Conversations 28€ 28€
HANSEN, Tone (ed.) HANSEN, Tone (ed.) What Does Public Mean? Torpedo Press Essays / Curatorial Studies / Politics 26€ 26€
HEBERT, Stine; KARLSEN, Anne Szefer (eds.) HEBERT, Stine; KARLSEN, Anne Szefer (eds.) Self-Organised Open Editions Essays / Curatorial Studies 25€ 25€
HENDRIKX, Bas; KRUIKSWIJK, Léo; IANCU, Valentin (eds.) HENDRIKX, Bas; KRUIKSWIJK, Léo; IANCU, Valentin (eds.) Queer Exhibition Histories Valiz 2023 Curatorial Studies / Queer Culture 32€ 32€
HENNI, Samia HENNI, Samia Deserts Are Not Empty Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2022 Anthropology / Curatorial Studies / Ecology / Essays / Architecture / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
HESSE, Eva; ROSEN, Barry (ed.) HESSE, Eva; ROSEN, Barry (ed.) Eva Hesse: Exhibitions, 1972–2022 Hauser & Wirth 2024 Monographs / Art History / Documents / Curatorial Studies 58€ 58€
HEUGUET, Guillaume; MENU, Étienne (eds.) HEUGUET, Guillaume; MENU, Étienne (eds.) Audimat #11 Audimat 2019 Periodicals / Music & Sound / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HICKS, Dave HICKS, Dave The Brutish Museums. The Benin Bronzes, Colonial Violence and Cultural Restitution  Pluto Press 2020 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Cultural Studies / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) Ten fundamental questions of curating Mousse Publishing Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) Theater of Exhibitions Sternberg Press Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 16€ 16€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) The Exhibitionist #05 (01/2012) Archive Books Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) The Exhibitionist #06 (06/2012) Archive Books Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) The Exhibitionist #07 (01/2013) Archive Books Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) The Exhibitionist #08 (10/2013) The Exhibitionist Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) The Exhibitionist #11 (07/2015) The Exhibitionist Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) HOFFMANN, Jens (ed.) The Exhibitionist #12 (06/2016) The Exhibitionist Periodicals / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
HOLERT, Tom HOLERT, Tom Knowledge Beside Itself Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Art Theory / Economy / Education / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
HOLERT, Tom; SCHAFFER, Johanna (eds.) HOLERT, Tom; SCHAFFER, Johanna (eds.) Troubling Research - Performing knowledge in the Arts Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
HOPPS, Walter HOPPS, Walter The Dream Colony. A Life in Art Bloomsbury 2017 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 36€ 36€
HUBATOVA-VACKOVA, Lada (ed.) HUBATOVA-VACKOVA, Lada (ed.) Theatre of the Street. Advertising and Window Display within the Context of Modernism, 1918-1938 Academy of Arts Architecture & Design Prague 2023 Architecture / Design / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) The Artist’s Institute: Today we should be thinking about. Koenig Books / The Artist's Institute Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) Abbas to Yuki: Writing Alongside Exhibitions CCA Wattis / Mousse Publishing 2019 Anthologies / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 27€ 27€
HULTEN, Pontus HULTEN, Pontus Pontus Hulten and Moderna Museet : The Formative Years Moderna Museet / Koenig Books Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 25€ 25€
IMHOF, Dora IMHOF, Dora C is for Curator: Bice Curiger – A Life in Art Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Curatorial Studies / Biographies 30€ 30€
J. SCHNEEMANN, Peter J. SCHNEEMANN, Peter Localizing the Contemporary – The Kunsthalle Bern as a Model JRP|Ringier 2018 Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
JANUŠKEVIČIŪTĖ, Virginija JANUŠKEVIČIŪTĖ, Virginija The Happy Hypocrite #10 - Tolstoyevsky Book Works 2018 Periodicals / Curatorial Studies / Literature 15€ 15€
JOOS, Birgit; OSWALT, Philipp; TYRADELLIS, Daniel (eds.) JOOS, Birgit; OSWALT, Philipp; TYRADELLIS, Daniel (eds.) Bauhaus / Documenta. Vision and Brand Spector Books 2020 Curatorial Studies / Institutional Critique / Graphic Design 36€ 36€
KIPPENBERGER, Martin KIPPENBERGER, Martin Martin Kippenberger. MOMAS Project MAMCO 2021 Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
KLIMAŠAUSKAS, Valentinas KLIMAŠAUSKAS, Valentinas B and/or an Exhibition guide in search of its exhibition Torpedo Press 2014 Curatorial Studies / Essays / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
KLIMAŠAUSKAS, Valentinas KLIMAŠAUSKAS, Valentinas Telebodies – Bleeding Subtitles for Postrobotic Scenes Mousse Publishing 2024 Curatorial Studies / Essays / Art Theory 18€ 18€
KREPLAK, Yaël; BELTRAME, Tiziana N. (eds.) KREPLAK, Yaël; BELTRAME, Tiziana N. (eds.) Les réserves des musées. Écologies des collections Les Presses du Réel 2024 Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
LAGNADO, Lisette (ed.) LAGNADO, Lisette (ed.) Exhibition Histories: Cultural Anthropophagy. The 24th Bienal de São Paulo 1998 Afterall Books Art History / Curatorial Studies / Essays 22€ 22€
LAIA, João (ed.) LAIA, João (ed.) While we are asleep here, we are awake somewhere else, and thus every man is two men OEI editör 2013 Artists' Writings / Literature / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
LASZLO, Zsuzsa; MAURER, Dora; VESIC, Jelena; DEBEUSSCHER, Juliane (eds.) LASZLO, Zsuzsa; MAURER, Dora; VESIC, Jelena; DEBEUSSCHER, Juliane (eds.) On Directing Air 2018 #2: Selforganization and the Art System in Central Eastern Europe Archiving Art Press 2018 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies / Scenes 10€ 10€
LEAVER-YAP, Isla (ed.) LEAVER-YAP, Isla (ed.) The Happy Hypocrite #07 - Heat Isl Book Works Periodicals / Literature / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
LEEUW MARCAR, Ank LEEUW MARCAR, Ank Willem Sandberg: Portrait of an Artist Valiz / Werkplaats Typografie 2013 Biographies / Curatorial Studies 23€ 23€
LEGUILLON, Pierre LEGUILLON, Pierre The Museum of Mistakes Edition Patrick Frey 2020 Artists' Books / Curatorial Studies / Institutional Critique / Art Spaces / Book Culture 58€ 58€
LEMAITRE, Christophe; MOLE, Aurelien; PARCOLLET, Remi LEMAITRE, Christophe; MOLE, Aurelien; PARCOLLET, Remi POSTDOCUMENT, 1-7,8 Tombolo Presses 2015 Periodicals / Anthologies / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
LIGHTING THE ARCHIVE; SPERLINGER, Mike LIGHTING THE ARCHIVE; SPERLINGER, Mike Objects in Time Distanz 2023 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Photography / Documents 18€ 18€
LIJSTER; MILEVSKA; GIELEN; SONDEREGGER (eds.) LIJSTER; MILEVSKA; GIELEN; SONDEREGGER (eds.) Spaces for Criticism. Shifts in Contemporary Art Discourse Valiz Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
LIND, Maria LIND, Maria Seven Years – The Rematerialisation of Art from 2011 to 2017 Sternberg Press 2019 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Biographies 22€ 22€
LIND, Maria (ed.) LIND, Maria (ed.) Tensta Museum: Reports from New Sweden Sternberg Press 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Politics / Scenes / Curatorial Studies 25€ 25€
LIND, Maria; BANG LARSEN, Lars (eds.) LIND, Maria; BANG LARSEN, Lars (eds.) The New Model: An Inquiry Sternberg Press 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Institutional Critique / Curatorial Studies 22€ 22€
LIND, Maria; MASUCCI, Michele; WARSZA, Joanna (eds.) LIND, Maria; MASUCCI, Michele; WARSZA, Joanna (eds.) Red Love: A Reader on Alexandra Kollontai / Kollantai: A Play by Agneta Pleijel Sternberg Press 2020 Essays / Politics / Performance / Curatorial Studies 18€ 18€
LO PINTO, Luca; SHAFHAUSEN, Nicolaus; SCHMITZ, Anne-Claire (cur.); ANGELETTI, Marie LO PINTO, Luca; SHAFHAUSEN, Nicolaus; SCHMITZ, Anne-Claire (cur.); ANGELETTI, Marie Individual Stories Sternberg Press Exhibition Catalogues / Group Shows / Curatorial Studies 24€ 24€
LOTERY, Kevin (ed.) LOTERY, Kevin (ed.) The Long Front of Culture. The Independent Group and Exhibition Design MIT Press 2020 Curatorial Studies 45€ 45€
LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) LOTRINGER, Sylvère (ed.) Semiotext(e) Journal: Autonomia Semiotext(e) 2007 Politics / Curatorial Studies 28€ 28€
MADOFF, Steven Henry (ed.) MADOFF, Steven Henry (ed.) What about Activism? Sternberg Press 2019 Politics / Essays / Curatorial Studies 19€ 19€
MADOFF, Steven Henry (ed.) MADOFF, Steven Henry (ed.) Why I Do What I Do: Global Curators Speak Sternberg Press 2024 Anthologies / Curatorial Studies 16€ 16€
MALASAUSKAS, Raimundas MALASAUSKAS, Raimundas Paper Exhibition – Selected Writings Sternberg Press Essays / Curatorial Studies 25€ 25€
MALKOWSKI, Jennifer MALKOWSKI, Jennifer Dying in full detail Duke University Press 2017 Curatorial Studies / Essays / Film & Video 24€ 24€
MARKOPOULOS, Leigh (ed.) MARKOPOULOS, Leigh (ed.) Great Expectations : Prospects for the Future of Curatorial Education Koenig Books Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Education 15€ 15€
MARQUEZ, Anne MARQUEZ, Anne Godard, le dos au musée – histoire d'une exposition Les Presses du Réel 2017 Curatorial Studies / Film & Video / Essays 22€ 22€
MARTÍNEZ, Chus MARTÍNEZ, Chus The Complex Answer – On Art as a Nonbinary Intelligence Sternberg Press 2023 Anthologies / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Philosophy 19.95€ 19.95€
MARTINI, Vittoria MARTINI, Vittoria Thomas Hirschhorn: The Bijlmer Spinoza-Festival. The Ambassador's Diary Hatje Cantz 2023 Conversations / Curatorial Studies / Documents / Institutional Critique / Monographs / Performance / Politics 24€ 24€
MC CLEAN, Daniel MC CLEAN, Daniel Artist, Authorship & Legacy. A Reader Ridinghouse 2019 Curatorial Studies / Art History 26€ 26€
MEIJER, Inge MEIJER, Inge The MoMA Plant Collection ROMA Publications 2024 Artists' Books / Photography / Curatorial Studies / Institutional Critique 36€ 36€
MIESSEN, Markus; MOUFFE, Chantal MIESSEN, Markus; MOUFFE, Chantal The Space of Agonism — Critical Spatial Practice 2 Sternberg Press Essays / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
MILEVSKA, Suzana (ed.) MILEVSKA, Suzana (ed.) The Renaming Machine PARASITE Curatorial Studies / Essays 45€ 45€
MISIANO, Viktor MISIANO, Viktor Curator without a System Sternberg Press 2022 Curatorial Studies 26€ 26€
MÖNTMANN, Nina MÖNTMANN, Nina Decentring the Museum Lund Humphries 2023 Curatorial Studies / Postcolonial Studies 36€ 36€
MORRIS, Catherine; BONIN, Vincent (eds.) MORRIS, Catherine; BONIN, Vincent (eds.) Materializing six years. Lucy R. Lippard & the Emergence of Conceptual Art MIT Press Art History / Essays / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
MORRIS, David; CHAN, Wing (eds.) MORRIS, David; CHAN, Wing (eds.) Precarious Solidarities: Artists for Democracy 1974–77 Afterall Books 2023 Curatorial Studies / Art History / Collectives / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 20€ 20€
MÖRTENBÖCK, Peter; MOOSHAMMER, Helge with CRUZ, Teddy, & FORMAN, Fonna MÖRTENBÖCK, Peter; MOOSHAMMER, Helge with CRUZ, Teddy, & FORMAN, Fonna Informal Market Worlds - Reader NAI010 Publishers Politics / Curatorial Studies 29€ 29€
MÜLLER, Andreas; KÄHNY, Lydia; LICHTENBERG, Sophie; WERBICK, Aaron; WEIRICH, Maxim (eds.) MÜLLER, Andreas; KÄHNY, Lydia; LICHTENBERG, Sophie; WERBICK, Aaron; WEIRICH, Maxim (eds.) Re-reading the Manual of Travelling Exhibitions Spector Books 2018 Art History / Graphic Design / Documents / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Manuals 32€ 32€
MURPHY, Gavin; CULLEN, Mark MURPHY, Gavin; CULLEN, Mark Artist-Run Europe - Practice/Projects/Spaces Onomatopee 2016 Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies / Art Theory 25€ 25€
MURPHY, Maureen MURPHY, Maureen De l'imaginaire au musée Les Presses du Réel Art History / Curatorial Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Essays 25€ 25€
MUZAFFAR, May MUZAFFAR, May Story of Water and Fire Hatje Cantz 2023 Biographies / Scenes / Curatorial Studies 28€ 28€
NACHTERGAEL, Magali NACHTERGAEL, Magali Quelles histoires s'écrivent dans les musées ? MKF 2023 Essays / Curatorial Studies 18€ 18€
NASH, Mark NASH, Mark Curating the moving image Duke University Press 2023 Curatorial Studies / Film & Video 30€ 30€
NDIKUNG, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng NDIKUNG, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng AB pamphlet 1 – Ceux qui sont morts ne sont jamais partis Archive Books 2018 Essays / Institutional Critique / Curatorial Studies / Postcolonial Studies 10€ 10€
NESBIT, Molly NESBIT, Molly Midnight: The Tempest Essays Inventory Press 2017 Art History / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 35€ 35€
NEUGEBAUER, Daniel (ed.) NEUGEBAUER, Daniel (ed.) The New Alphabet/DNA #5: Skin and Code Spector Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2021 Essays / Cultural Studies / Curatorial Studies 11.5€ 11.5€
O'NEILL, Paul O'NEILL, Paul The Culture of Curating and the Curating of Culture(s) MIT Press 2016 Curatorial Studies 26€ 26€
O'NEILL, Paul (ed.) O'NEILL, Paul (ed.) Curating Research Open Editions 2014 Essays / Curatorial Studies 24€ 24€
O'NEILL, Paul; DOHERTY, Claire (eds.) O'NEILL, Paul; DOHERTY, Claire (eds.) Locating The Producers / Durational Approaches to Public Art Valiz Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 25€ 25€
O'NEILL, Paul; SHEIKH, Simon; STEEDS, Lucy; WILSON, Mick (eds.) O'NEILL, Paul; SHEIKH, Simon; STEEDS, Lucy; WILSON, Mick (eds.) Curating After the Global. Roadmaps for the Present CCS Bard / MIT Press / Luma Foundation 2019 Essays / Curatorial Studies 44€ 44€
O'NEILL, Paul; STEEDS, Lucie; WILSON, Mick (eds.) O'NEILL, Paul; STEEDS, Lucie; WILSON, Mick (eds.) How Institutions Think: Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse Luma Foundation / CCS Bard / MIT Press 2017 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Art Theory 35€ 35€
O'NEILL, Paul; VAN NOORD, Gerrie (eds.) O'NEILL, Paul; VAN NOORD, Gerrie (eds.) Curious Open Editions 2024 Conversations / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
O'NEILL, Paul; VAN NOORD, Gerrie; LARISON, Elizabeth (eds.) O'NEILL, Paul; VAN NOORD, Gerrie; LARISON, Elizabeth (eds.) Not Going it Alone. Collective Curatorial Curating Apexart 2024 Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
O'NEILL, Paul; WILSON, Mick; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) O'NEILL, Paul; WILSON, Mick; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) The Curatorial Conundrum: What to Study? What to Research? What to Practice? MIT Press / Luma Foundation / CCS Bard 2016 Essays / Curatorial Studies 35€ 35€
OBRIST, Hans Ulrich OBRIST, Hans Ulrich Think Like Clouds Badlands Unlimited Curatorial Studies / Artists' Books 300€ 300€
OBRIST, Hans Ulrich OBRIST, Hans Ulrich Somewhere Totally Else JRP|Ringier 2018 Anthologies / Conversations / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Curating Sternberg Press Curatorial Studies / Essays 12€ 12€
OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich Sharp Tongues, Loose Lips, Open Eyes, Ears to the ground Sternberg Press Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich A Brief History of Curating JRP|Ringier Essays / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich A Brief History of New Music JRP|Ringier Essays / Curatorial Studies / Music & Sound 20€ 20€
OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich; PEYTON-JONES, Julia OBRIST, Hans-Ulrich; PEYTON-JONES, Julia Art + Care : A Future Serpentine Galleries Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
O’DOHERTY, Patrick / IRELAND, Patrick; LERM HAYES, Christa-Maria (ed.) O’DOHERTY, Patrick / IRELAND, Patrick; LERM HAYES, Christa-Maria (ed.) Brian O'Doherty/Patrick Ireland: Word, Image and Institutional Critique Valiz 2017 Monographs / Biographies / Curatorial Studies / Art Theory 25€ 25€
PAPER MONUMENT (ed.) PAPER MONUMENT (ed.) As radical, as mother, as salad, as shelter: What should art institutions do now? Paper Monument 2018 Art Spaces / Institutional Critique / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
PHILIPS, Glenn ; KAISER, Philipp (eds) PHILIPS, Glenn ; KAISER, Philipp (eds) Harald Szeemann. Museum of Obsessions Getty Publications 2018 Art History / Curatorial Studies / Exhibition Catalogues 68€ 68€
PICCOLI, Cloe; GRAZIANI, Stefano (eds.) PICCOLI, Cloe; GRAZIANI, Stefano (eds.) Palazzo Abatellis Palermo Humboldt Books 2019 Artists' Books / Architecture / Curatorial Studies / Artists' Writings 25€ 25€
PINAROLI, Fabien PINAROLI, Fabien Re: vers une histoire mineure des expositions et des performances It: editions Performance / Curatorial Studies / Essays 28€ 28€
PIRON, François (cur.) PIRON, François (cur.) Incorporated! Les Ateliers de Rennes 2016 (2 vol.) Paraguay Press Group Shows / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
POINSOT, Jean-Marc POINSOT, Jean-Marc Quand l'œuvre a lieu – L'art exposé et ses récits autorisés Les Presses du Réel 2020 Curatorial Studies / Art History 25€ 25€
POULIN, Céline; PRESTON, Marie; AIRAUD, Stéphanie (eds.) POULIN, Céline; PRESTON, Marie; AIRAUD, Stéphanie (eds.) Co-Création CAC Brétigny / Éditions Empire 2019 Cultural Studies / Essays / Education / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
PUBLICS (ed.) PUBLICS (ed.) The Voice that Remains Lugemik / PUBLICS 2023 Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 23€ 23€
REICHARDT, Jasia REICHARDT, Jasia Cybernetic Serendipity – a walk around the exhibition Studio International Foundation 2023 Curatorial Studies / Documents / Media Studies / Technology 30€ 30€
ROELSTRAETE, Dieter (ed.) ROELSTRAETE, Dieter (ed.) Auguste Orts: Correspondence Sternberg Press 2010 Film & Video / Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
ROMAGNY, Vincent (ed.) ROMAGNY, Vincent (ed.) Anthologie - Aires de jeux d'artistes L'Onde Curatorial Studies / Essays / Anthologies 30€ 30€
ROTOR; CELANT, Germano (ed.) ROTOR; CELANT, Germano (ed.) ex limbo Fondazione Prada 2011 Exhibition Catalogues / Design / Curatorial Studies / Fashion 40€ 40€
SAHLINS, Peter SAHLINS, Peter 1688. The Year of the Animal in France Zone Books 2017 Philosophy / Essays / Curatorial Studies 34€ 34€
SANDLER, Irving SANDLER, Irving A Sweeper-Up After Artists Thames & Hudson Art History / Curatorial Studies / Biographies 38€ 38€
SCARPA, Carlo SCARPA, Carlo L'art d'exposer JRP|Ringier / Maison Rouge Architecture / Design / Essays / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
SCHAFAFF, Jörn; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; WESKI, Thomas (eds.) SCHAFAFF, Jörn; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; WESKI, Thomas (eds.) Cultures of the Curatorial Sternberg Press Curatorial Studies / Essays 19€ 19€
SCHAFAFF, Jörn; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; WESKI, Thomas (eds.) SCHAFAFF, Jörn; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; WESKI, Thomas (eds.) Cultures of the Curatorial (2) Timing: On the Temporal Dimension of Exhibiting Sternberg Press Curatorial Studies / Essays 19€ 19€
SCHERER, Bernie (ed.) SCHERER, Bernie (ed.) The New Alphabet/DNA #25: The New Institution Spector Books / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2024 Essays / Curatorial Studies 11.5€ 11.5€
SCHWARTZ, Eugene M., BEESON, John (ed.) SCHWARTZ, Eugene M., BEESON, John (ed.) Confessions of a Poor Collector Taube 2016 Manuals / Economy / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€