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DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) Habitante #5 Audimat 2024 Periodicals / Urban Studies 12€ 12€
DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) Habitante #4 Audimat 2023 Periodicals / Urban Studies 12€ 12€
ÅBÄKE; ROSENTHAL SLOAN, May ÅBÄKE; ROSENTHAL SLOAN, May London’s Kitchen Dent-De-Leone 2021 Food Culture / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
AGUDIO, Elena; JÄGER, Anna; KÖBSCHALL, Saskia; NDIKUNG, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng (eds.) AGUDIO, Elena; JÄGER, Anna; KÖBSCHALL, Saskia; NDIKUNG, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng (eds.) I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See – Endeavours in Rhythmanalysis Archive Books 2020 Philosophy / Urban Studies / Architecture 19€ 19€
ALECHINE, Ivan; ALECHINSKY, Pierre ALECHINE, Ivan; ALECHINSKY, Pierre Belleville sur un nuage Yellow Now 2019 Photography / Urban Studies 14€ 14€
ANDERSEN, Thom ANDERSEN, Thom Los Angeles : Une ville au cinéma | Un piéton à Los Angeles Monoquini 2023 Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Urban Studies 15€ 15€
ARAGUAS, Léna; GARNIER, Alaric ARAGUAS, Léna; GARNIER, Alaric Merci Rotolux Press 2019 Stationery / Urban Studies / Book Culture 5€ 5€
ARÈNES, Alexandra; GRÉGOIRE, Axelle; AÏT-TOUATI, Frédérique ARÈNES, Alexandra; GRÉGOIRE, Axelle; AÏT-TOUATI, Frédérique Terra Forma. Manuel de cartographies potentielles B42 2019 Architecture / Essays / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
ATELIERS D'ALGER, AMAROUCHE, Lydia; CHEIKH, Malek; HENNI, Samia; LESBET, Djaffar; BOUTHEINA REGHIS, Yousra; SEMMOUD, Nora ATELIERS D'ALGER, AMAROUCHE, Lydia; CHEIKH, Malek; HENNI, Samia; LESBET, Djaffar; BOUTHEINA REGHIS, Yousra; SEMMOUD, Nora Habiter l'indépendance Shed Publishing 2022 Architecture / Postcolonial Studies / Urban Studies / Politics 22€ 22€
AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) Habitante #1 Audimat 2021 Periodicals / Literature / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) AUBERT, Samuel (ed.) Habitante #2 Audimat 2022 Periodicals / Literature / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
AUDIN, Michèle AUDIN, Michèle Rue des Partants. Paris, Ménilmontant éditions terres de Feu 2024 Essays / Urban Studies / Politics / History 14€ 14€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.) AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.) The City as a Project RUBY PRESS 2013 Anthologies / Essays / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies 44€ 44€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio; TSW, Cleo (ed.) AURELI, Pier Vittorio; TSW, Cleo (ed.) Subdivision and Colonisation (excerpt) Off Course 2021 Zines / Graphic Design / Urban Studies 4€ 4€
AVANESSIAN, Armen AVANESSIAN, Armen Miamification Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies 18€ 18€
AYERBE, Júlia (ed.) AYERBE, Júlia (ed.) Queer City, A Reader Publication Studio 2019 Queer Culture / Typography / Scenes / Food Culture / Urban Studies 20€ 20€
BAILEY, Dave Hullfish BAILEY, Dave Hullfish What's Left Sternberg Press / Casco Projects Monographs / Artists' Books / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
BALMORI, Diana BALMORI, Diana Notebooks Publication Studio Urban Studies / Artists' Books 18€ 18€
BECKER-HO, Alice BECKER-HO, Alice Le premier Ghetto : l’exemplarité vénitienne Riveneuve 2020 Urban Studies / History / Politics 9.5€ 9.5€
BENJAMIN, Walter; LÃCIS, Asja; SOHN-RETHEL, Alfred BENJAMIN, Walter; LÃCIS, Asja; SOHN-RETHEL, Alfred Sur Naples Editions La Tempête 2019 Essays / Urban Studies / Politics 10€ 10€
BOBETTE, Adam; HUTTON, Jane (eds.) BOBETTE, Adam; HUTTON, Jane (eds.) Scapegoat #02. Materialism SCAPEGOAT Publications 2011 Urban Studies / Politics / Economy / Periodicals 6€ 6€
BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) The New Normal Strelka / Park Books 2020 Architecture / Design / Ecology / Education / Essays / Media Studies / Urban Studies 58€ 58€
BRENNER, Neil; PECK, Jamie; THEODORE, Nik BRENNER, Neil; PECK, Jamie; THEODORE, Nik Civic City Cahier 4: Afterlives of Neoliberalism Bedford Press Essays / Urban Studies / Politics 10€ 10€
CAL / Collective for Architecture Lebanon (eds) CAL / Collective for Architecture Lebanon (eds) Architecture of the Territory – Constructing National Narratives in the Arab world Kaph Books 2023 Urban Studies / Architecture 40€ 40€
CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) CHEVASSUS, Hugo; MYON, Fanny (eds.) Revue fig. #7: Technosphère Revue fig. 2022 Periodicals / Architecture / Urban Studies 20€ 20€
COBURN, JamesCOBURN, James COBURN, JamesCOBURN, James Black Wall Street Black Mass Publishing 2022 Urban Studies / Zines / Black Studies 10€ 10€
CORNBREAD CORNBREAD Cornbread the Legend. Graffiti in Philadelphia 1965-1971 Maximage 2024 Monographs / Urban Studies / Typography / Documents / Graffiti 37€ 37€
DARLING, Michael (ed.) DARLING, Michael (ed.) Virgil Abloh: Figures of Speech (1980-2019) Delmonico Books / D.A.P. / MCA Chigago 2019 Architecture / Urban Studies / Graphic Design / Design 80€ 80€
DAVIS, Mike DAVIS, Mike Le stade Dubai du capitalisme Les Prairies Ordinaires Urban Studies 8€ 8€
DAVIS, Mike; MONK, Daniel B. DAVIS, Mike; MONK, Daniel B. Paradis Infernaux. Les villes hallucinées du néo-capitalisme Les Prairies Ordinaires Philosophy / Urban Studies 22€ 22€
DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) DE DREUILLE, Simon; TOURNAIRE, Julia (eds.) Habitante #3 Audimat 2022 Periodicals / Urban Studies / Ecology 10€ 10€
DE MOURAT, Robin; SEURAT, Clémence; TARI, Thomas DE MOURAT, Robin; SEURAT, Clémence; TARI, Thomas Le champ des possibles: une enquête collective à Sevran 369 éditions 2023 Essays / Ecology / Urban Studies 17€ 17€
DELANY, Samuel R. DELANY, Samuel R. Times Square Red Times Square Blue New York University Press 1999 Essays / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
DELANY, Samuel R. DELANY, Samuel R. Times Square Red Times Square Blue (20th Anniversary Edition) New York University Press 2019 Essays / Urban Studies 26€ 26€
DELANY, Samuel R. DELANY, Samuel R. Heavenly Breakfast Bamberger Books 2006 Urban Studies / Essays / Biographies 13€ 13€
DESROCHE, Caroline & Cyril DESROCHE, Caroline & Cyril Los Angeles Standards Poursuite Éditions 2020 Photography / Architecture / Urban Studies 39€ 39€
DOHERTY, Garet (ed.) DOHERTY, Garet (ed.) Roberto Burle Marx Lectures. Landscape as Art and Urbanism Lars Müller Verlag 2018 Architecture / Essays / Urban Studies 30€ 30€
DUHEM, Ludovic DUHEM, Ludovic Crash metropolis Design Critique, Biorégions et Territoires T&P Publishing 2022 Architecture / Urban Studies / Graphic Design / Design 39€ 39€
EASTERLING, Keller EASTERLING, Keller Extrastatecraft: The Power of Infrastructure Space Verso Urban Studies / Architecture / Essays 13€ 13€
EDJABE, Ntone; PIETERSE, Edgar (eds.) EDJABE, Ntone; PIETERSE, Edgar (eds.) African Cities Reader 2: Mobilities & Fixtures Chimurenga Urban Studies / Politics / Essays 25€ 25€
EXPERIMENTAL JETSET EXPERIMENTAL JETSET Superstructures (Notes on Experimental Jetset / Volume 2) ROMA Publications 2021 Graphic Design / Essays / Urban Studies 28€ 28€
FERRERI, Maria; LANG, Andreas FERRERI, Maria; LANG, Andreas Notes from the Temporary City: Hackney Wick and Fish Island, 2014–2015 public works Essays / Urban Studies / Politics 12€ 12€
FEZER, Jesko; GÖRLICH, Matthias (eds.) FEZER, Jesko; GÖRLICH, Matthias (eds.) Civic City. Notes pour le design d’une ville sociale. B42 2017 Anthologies / Urban Studies / Design 24€ 24€
FIKS, Yevgeniy FIKS, Yevgeniy Soviet Moscow’s Yiddish-Gay Dicitionary Cicada Press 2016 Artists' Books / Urban Studies / Queer Culture / Cultural Studies 14€ 14€
FORNARI, Davide; TURRINI, Davide (eds.) FORNARI, Davide; TURRINI, Davide (eds.) Olivetti Identities. Spaces and Languages 1933–1983 Triest Verlag 2002 Architecture / Design / Essays / Urban Studies 50€ 50€
FORSTER, Kim; COMMON ROOM FORSTER, Kim; COMMON ROOM Arts for Living Common Room Urban Studies / Essays 25€ 25€
FREEMAN, Lucas; LUI, Ann; URBONAS, Gediminas (eds.) FREEMAN, Lucas; LUI, Ann; URBONAS, Gediminas (eds.) Public Space? Lost and Found MIT Press 2017 Urban Studies / Essays / Ecology 40€ 40€
GALLICCHIO, Alessandro GALLICCHIO, Alessandro Rue d’Alger MF 2021 Postcolonial Studies / Urban Studies 30€ 30€
GUY-DENARCY, Léo GUY-DENARCY, Léo Les Grands Ensembles Sombres Torrents 2022 Essays / Architecture / Urban Studies 8€ 8€
HALITI, Bardhi HALITI, Bardhi May 25 is now October 1 cpress 2019 Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Architecture / Photography / Urban Studies 32€ 32€
HAMPEL, Winston; SELF, Jack (ed.) HAMPEL, Winston; SELF, Jack (ed.) Kommunen: Utopian Communes in the New World 1740–1972 REAL Foundation 2022 Architecture / Urban Studies / Politics / Facsimile & Reprints 22€ 22€
HARVEY, David HARVEY, David Paris, capitale de la modernité Les Prairies Ordinaires Urban Studies 32€ 32€
HAZAN, Eric HAZAN, Eric Le tumulte de Paris La Fabrique 2021 Urban Studies / Politics / Cultural Studies 12€ 12€
HENNI, Samia HENNI, Samia Deserts Are Not Empty Columbia Books on Architecture and the City 2022 Anthropology / Curatorial Studies / Ecology / Essays / Architecture / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
HOLERT, Tom HOLERT, Tom Civic City Cahier 3: Distributed Agency, Design's Potentiality Bedford Press Essays / Urban Studies / Design 10€ 10€
HUTTON, Jane; TURPIN, Etienne (eds.) HUTTON, Jane; TURPIN, Etienne (eds.) Scapegoat #01. Service SCAPEGOAT Publications 2011 Economy / Politics / Urban Studies / Periodicals 6€ 6€
IFERT, Gérard; DE SMET, Catherine IFERT, Gérard; DE SMET, Catherine Paris Couleurs. Gérard Ifert, Ektachromes 1953-1954 B42 2019 Monographs / Design / Architecture / Urban Studies / Photography 25€ 25€
JANKOVIC, Nikola; MARGOLIES, John JANKOVIC, Nikola; MARGOLIES, John Learning from USA B2 2022 Photography / Urban Studies / Architecture 16€ 16€
JENCKS, Charles JENCKS, Charles Can architecture affect your health? Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press Urban Studies 15€ 15€
KERN, Leslie KERN, Leslie Feminist City. Claiming Space in a Man-Made World Verso 2020 Urban Studies / Feminism 12€ 12€
KERN, Leslie KERN, Leslie Ville féministe les éditions du remue-ménage 2022 Feminism / Urban Studies 16€ 16€
KERN, Leslie KERN, Leslie Gentrification Is Inevitable and Other Lies Verso 2022 Essays / Politics / Urban Studies 18€ 18€
KLIMAŠAUSKAS, Valentinas KLIMAŠAUSKAS, Valentinas Daugiakampis Six Chairs Books 2018 Artists' Writings / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
KONTOS, Marianna; BELLO MARCANO, Manuel; GUILLIBERT, Paul; WRONA, Xavier (eds.) KONTOS, Marianna; BELLO MARCANO, Manuel; GUILLIBERT, Paul; WRONA, Xavier (eds.) Après la révolution – Hors-série: JO 2024 Riot Éditions 2022 Periodicals / Architecture / Urban Studies / Politics 20€ 20€
KOOLHAAS, Rem KOOLHAAS, Rem Junkspace Payot & Rivages 2011 Essays / Urban Studies / Architecture 13.8€ 13.8€
KURG, Andres; LAANEMETS, Kurg (eds.) KURG, Andres; LAANEMETS, Kurg (eds.) Forecast and Fantasy: Architecture without Borders, 1960s–1980s Lugemik 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Documents / Urban Studies / Collectives / Architecture 38€ 38€
KWAK, Mingoo; LEE, Sejung; YI, Seula KWAK, Mingoo; LEE, Sejung; YI, Seula Closing Ceremony Hilton Seoul 1983-2022 MakerMaker 2023 Architecture / Urban Studies / Comics & Illustrations 38€ 38€
LAGNADO, Lisette (ed.) LAGNADO, Lisette (ed.) Drifts and Derivations. Experiences, Journeys and Morphologies Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia 2010 Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture / Urban Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Art History 42€ 42€
LANGDALEN, Erik Fenstad; PINOCHET, Andrea; SZCAKA, Léa-Catherine LANGDALEN, Erik Fenstad; PINOCHET, Andrea; SZCAKA, Léa-Catherine Concrete Oslo Torpedo Press 2018 Urban Studies / Architecture 30€ 30€
LARBEY, Camille LARBEY, Camille Blade Runner Landmark : Le Bradbury Building au Cinéma B2 2021 Architecture / Urban Studies / Film & Video 9€ 9€
LATOUR, Bruno; HERMANT, Émilie LATOUR, Bruno; HERMANT, Émilie Paris Ville Invisible B42 2021 Urban Studies / Architecture / Essays 24€ 24€
LE DANTEC, Bruno LE DANTEC, Bruno La Ville-sans-nom. Marseille dans la bouche de ceux qui l’assassinent Éditions du Chien Rouge 2024 Urban Studies 10€ 10€
LENDING, Mari; HVATTUM, Mari (ed.) LENDING, Mari; HVATTUM, Mari (ed.) Modelling Time. The Permanent Collection 1925-2014 Torpedo Press Urban Studies / Exhibition Catalogues 30€ 30€
LEWIS, Nicholas LEWIS, Nicholas Traces et tensions en terrain colonial Shed Publishing 2023 Urban Studies / Postcolonial Studies 19€ 19€
LIN, Jan LIN, Jan Taking Back the Boulevard. Art, Activism, and Gentrification in Los Angeles New York University Press 2019 Politics / Urban Studies 28€ 28€
LINDGAARD, Jade LINDGAARD, Jade Paris 2024 Éditions Divergences 2024 Politics / Urban Studies 15€ 15€
LORINC, John (ed.) LORINC, John (ed.) Dream States Coach House Books 2022 Urban Studies / Politics / Technology 20€ 20€
LUBIN-LEVY, Joshua; MOTTA, Carlos (eds.) LUBIN-LEVY, Joshua; MOTTA, Carlos (eds.) Petite Mort: Recollections of a Queer Public Forever & Today / Inc. 2011 Anthologies / Queer Culture / Sex / Urban Studies / Scenes 50€ 50€
LYLE, Erick LYLE, Erick Quand l’art investit la ville Centre des Métiers De l'Édition 2021 Politics / Art Theory / Urban Studies 8€ 8€
LYON, Danny LYON, Danny The destruction of lower Manhattan Aperture 2020 Urban Studies / Architecture 50€ 50€
MARCOS, Isabel MARCOS, Isabel How To Live Together series: The Fantasy Casco Projects / Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Urban Studies 8€ 8€
MARINI, Sara; BERTAGNA, Alberto MARINI, Sara; BERTAGNA, Alberto Venice, A Document bruno Urban Studies 15€ 15€
MATHIEU, Geoffroy; BALLESTA, Jordi MATHIEU, Geoffroy; BALLESTA, Jordi Anti installation Building Books 2023 Artists' Books / Documents / Photography / Urban Studies / Politics 29€ 29€
MATRIX MATRIX Making Space. Women and the Man Made Environment Verso 2022 Essays / Urban Studies / Gender Studies 20€ 20€
MAZÉ, Charles; SUNIER, Coline MAZÉ, Charles; SUNIER, Coline Come Vanno Le Cose ? future 2015 Graphic Design / Monographs / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
MERRIFIELD, Andy MERRIFIELD, Andy Métromarxisme. Un conte marxiste de la ville Éditions Entremonde 2019 Essays / Politics / Urban Studies 22€ 22€
META BAUER, Ute; OEN, Karin; TAN, Pelin (eds.) META BAUER, Ute; OEN, Karin; TAN, Pelin (eds.) The Ideal Communist City Weiss Publications 2022 Facsimile & Reprints / Architecture / Urban Studies / Politics 25€ 25€
MININNO, Alessandro MININNO, Alessandro Graffiti Writing in Italy 1989–2021 bruno 2021 Essays / Documents / Urban Studies / Scenes 25€ 25€
MORGAN, Susan (ed.) MORGAN, Susan (ed.) An Esther McCoy Reader East of Borneo Urban Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
MÖRTENBÖCK, Peter; MOOSHAMMER, Helge with CRUZ, Teddy, & FORMAN, Fonna MÖRTENBÖCK, Peter; MOOSHAMMER, Helge with CRUZ, Teddy, & FORMAN, Fonna Informal Market Worlds (reader). The Architecture of Economic Pressure NAI010 Publishers Urban Studies / Economy / Essays 35€ 35€
NIEMANN, K. (ed.) NIEMANN, K. (ed.) States of Transition : Art in the Urban Contexts of Detroit, Baltimore and Hamburg International Typographical Union Urban Studies 10€ 10€
O'ROURKE, Karen O'ROURKE, Karen Walking and Mapping. Artists as Cartographers MIT Press Essays / Art Theory / Urban Studies 35€ 35€
Office Office The Politics of Public Space, Volume 5 OFFICE 2024 Ecology / Urban Studies 52€ 52€
OFFICE & Birch, Tony (eds.) OFFICE & Birch, Tony (eds.) The Politics of Public Space, Volume Three OFFICE 2021 Urban Studies / Health 22€ 22€
OFFICE & MURATORE, Tom (eds.) OFFICE & MURATORE, Tom (eds.) The Politics of Public Space, Volume Two OFFICE 2020 Periodicals / Urban Studies / Politics 20€ 20€
OFFICE & MURATORE, Tom (eds.) OFFICE & MURATORE, Tom (eds.) The Politics of Public Space, Volume One OFFICE 2020 Periodicals / Urban Studies / Architecture 20€ 20€
OFFICE & MURATORE, Tom (eds.) OFFICE & MURATORE, Tom (eds.) The Politics of Public Space, Volume Four OFFICE 2021 Architecture / Design / Periodicals / Politics / Urban Studies 22€ 22€
OLTHETEN, Paulien OLTHETEN, Paulien NON ROMA Publications 2019 Artists' Books / Photography / Urban Studies 20€ 20€
OORTHUIZEN, Sanne; GARCIA-DORY, Fernando; ARMIN, Janine (eds.) OORTHUIZEN, Sanne; GARCIA-DORY, Fernando; ARMIN, Janine (eds.) INLAND Volume: Publishing Class V DAI Dutch Art Institute / Casco Projects 2016 Education / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies / Art Theory 30€ 30€
OTTEWILL, JIm OTTEWILL, JIm Out of Space: How UK Cities Shaped Rave Culture Velocity Press 2022 Essays / Music & Sound / Scenes / Urban Studies / Dance 20€ 20€
ÖZKAYA, Serkan (ed.) ÖZKAYA, Serkan (ed.) Double : Storefront for Art and Architecture Manifesto Series 2 Lars Müller Verlag 2013 Urban Studies / Architecture / Essays 15€ 15€
PETERMAN, Dan PETERMAN, Dan Waterways Small World 2010 LPs & EPs / Urban Studies / Scenes 20€ 20€
PIMLOTT, Mark PIMLOTT, Mark Without and Within Episode Publishers Urban Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
PRESNER, Todd; SHEPARD, David; KAWANO, Yoh PRESNER, Todd; SHEPARD, David; KAWANO, Yoh Hypercities Harvard University Press Urban Studies / Essays / 25€ 25€
QUINLAN, Hannah & HASTINGS, Rosie; HANHARDT, Christina B. QUINLAN, Hannah & HASTINGS, Rosie; HANHARDT, Christina B. Tulips Distanz 2023 Conversations / Queer Culture / Essays / Urban Studies 18€ 18€
RABATÉ, Ulysse RABATÉ, Ulysse Streetologie. Savoirs de la rue et culture politique éditions du commun 2024 Essays / Politics / Urban Studies 16€ 16€
ROMAGNY, Vincent (ed.) ROMAGNY, Vincent (ed.) Anthologie, aires de jeux au Japon Tombolo Presses 2019 Anthologies / Architecture / Design / Urban Studies 40€ 40€
RUPERT SMYTH STUDIO (ed.) RUPERT SMYTH STUDIO (ed.) Study #7 06.24 On New York Dwellings STUDY 2024 Periodicals / Scenes / Architecture / Urban Studies / Fashion 32€ 32€
SALAMANCA GONZÁLEZ, María Grace SALAMANCA GONZÁLEZ, María Grace Esthétiques du care pour l'anthropocène Éditions deux-cent-cinq 2023 Anthropology / Architecture / Ecology / Essays / Urban Studies 12.5€ 12.5€
SANTINI, Maria Ludovica SANTINI, Maria Ludovica The Last Lands bruno Urban Studies 15€ 15€
SAVAGE, Jon SAVAGE, Jon Rough Trade Editions #9: Uninhabited London Rough Trade Books 2018 Chapbooks / Music & Sound / Urban Studies / Photography 10€ 10€
SCHMIDT-COLINET, Lisa; SCHMOEGER, Alex; VALDÉS FIGUEROA, Eugenio; ZEYFANG, Florian (eds.) SCHMIDT-COLINET, Lisa; SCHMOEGER, Alex; VALDÉS FIGUEROA, Eugenio; ZEYFANG, Florian (eds.) Pabellón Cuba: 4D – 4Dimensions, 4Decades b_books 2008 Exhibition Catalogues / Urban Studies / Architecture / Film & Video / Politics 40€ 40€
SCHULMAN, Sarah SCHULMAN, Sarah La gentrification des esprits B42 2018 Essays / Politics / Queer Culture / Urban Studies 20€ 20€
SCHWARTZ, Johannes SCHWARTZ, Johannes The Athens Recorder ROMA Publications 2016 Artists' Books / Photography / Urban Studies 65€ 65€
SCOTT, Diane SCOTT, Diane Ruine Les Prairies Ordinaires 2019 Urban Studies 14€ 14€
SELF, Jack (ed.) SELF, Jack (ed.) Real Review #9 (Spring 2020) REAL Foundation 2020 Periodicals / Urban Studies / Politics 12€ 12€
SENDRA, Pablo ; SENNET, Richard SENDRA, Pablo ; SENNET, Richard Designing Disorder. Experiments and Disruptions in the City Verso 2020 Urban Studies / Architecture 17€ 17€
SENNETT, Richard SENNETT, Richard The Uses of Disorder Verso 2021 Urban Studies 15€ 15€
SENNETT, Richard SENNETT, Richard Democracy and Urban Form Sternberg Press / Harvard Design Press 2024 Essays / Urban Studies / Politics 22€ 22€
SHKUDA, Aaron SHKUDA, Aaron The Lofts of Soho. Gentrification, Art, and Industry in New York, 1950-1980 University of Chicago Press Urban Studies / Art History 35€ 35€
SMART, Alan SMART, Alan Volcanoes of the Capitalocene. Cities and Landscapes of the Second Industrial Revolution Gato Negro / Other Forms 2021 Economy / Essays / Graphic Design / Politics / Urban Studies 10€ 10€
STEVENS, Mary Otis; MC NULTY, Thomas STEVENS, Mary Otis; MC NULTY, Thomas World of Variation Weiss Publications 2022 (1970) Facsimile & Reprints / Urban Studies / Politics 25€ 25€
STONECIPHER, Donna STONECIPHER, Donna Model City Shearsman Books 2015 Poetry / Urban Studies / Architecture 19€ 19€
SWYNGEDOUW, Erik SWYNGEDOUW, Erik Civic City Cahier 5: Designing the Post-Political City an the Insurgent Polis Bedford Press Essays / Urban Studies / Politics 10€ 10€
THOBURN, Nicholas THOBURN, Nicholas Brutalism as Found. Housing, Form and Crisis at Robin Hood Gardens Goldsmiths Press 2022 Urban Studies / Architecture / Politics 44€ 44€
TZIMOULIS, Kostas (ed.) TZIMOULIS, Kostas (ed.) In Between Visible/Invisible Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Artists' Books / Urban Studies 8€ 8€
T▇▇ 謝▇ T▇▇ 謝▇ Salty Wet Inpatient Press 2019 Zines / Urban Studies / Material Culture / Book Culture 10€ 10€
VAN DER POL, Bik (ed.) VAN DER POL, Bik (ed.) School of Missing Studies Sternberg Press 2017 Urban Studies 16€ 16€
VARIOUS VARIOUS Public Occasion Agency 1-22 Bedford Press Essays / Urban Studies / Design 19€ 19€
VASSEUR, Guy; VASSEUR, Nadine VASSEUR, Guy; VASSEUR, Nadine 36, rue du Caire. Une histoire de la confection & D’Alexanderplatz au Sentier Petite Égypte 2019 Essays / Fashion / Urban Studies 23€ 23€
VASUDEVAN, Alexander VASUDEVAN, Alexander The Autonomous City. A History of Urban Squatting Verso 2023(2017) Urban Studies / Politics 24€ 24€
VERGÈS, Françoise; VRAINOM :€, Seumboy VERGÈS, Françoise; VRAINOM :€, Seumboy De la violence coloniale dans l’espace public Shed Publishing 2021 Politics / Postcolonial Studies / Urban Studies 15€ 15€
VIDAL DE LA BACHE, Paul VIDAL DE LA BACHE, Paul Carnet 9. Allemagne & Varia Macula 2020 Urban Studies / Ecology 18€ 18€
VIGNELLI, Massimo; TAURANAC, John VIGNELLI, Massimo; TAURANAC, John The New York Subway Map Debate at Cooper Union Standards Manual 2022 Urban Studies / Graphic Design / Conversations 54€ 54€
VILLARS, Eliott VILLARS, Eliott Maison Libre Alienze 2020 Artists' Books / Photography / Urban Studies 30€ 30€
VON LENTHE, Jonas VON LENTHE, Jonas Responding to Particular Needs at a Precise Moment Spector Books 2018 Architecture / Urban Studies / Photography / Monographs 18€ 18€
VON SCHLEGELL, Mark VON SCHLEGELL, Mark Ickles, Etc. — Critical Spatial Practice 5 Sternberg Press Literature / Urban Studies 15€ 15€
WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov 1930-1931 Swedish Modernism at the Crossroads Axl Books Urban Studies / Architecture 15€ 15€
WARZA, Joanna (ed.) WARZA, Joanna (ed.) Ministry of Highways - A Guide to the Performative Architecture of Tbilisi Casco Projects / Sternberg Press Urban Studies / Architecture 15€ 15€
WEIZMAN, Eyal WEIZMAN, Eyal La vérité en ruines. Manifeste pour une architecture forensique Zones 2021 Urban Studies / Politics / Architecture 24€ 24€
WHITE, William H. WHITE, William H. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces Project for Public Spaces 2001 Politics / Urban Studies / Facsimile & Reprints 40€ 40€
WILLATS, Stephen WILLATS, Stephen Street Talk: Amsterdam Occasional Papers 2011 Artists' Books / Facsimile & Reprints / Urban Studies 15€ 15€
ZARIN, Cynthia ZARIN, Cynthia Two Cities David Zwirner Books 2020 Essays / Urban Studies 14€ 14€
ZARKA, Raphaël (ed.) ZARKA, Raphaël (ed.) Riding Modern Art B42 2017 Artists' Books / Photography / Urban Studies 50€ 50€
ZOLGHADR, Tirdad ZOLGHADR, Tirdad Realty. Beyond the Traditional Blueprints of Art & Gentrification Hatje Cantz 2022 Urban Studies / Curatorial Studies 24€ 24€