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ABRAMS, Janet ABRAMS, Janet Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bauhaus. Profiles in Architecture and Design Princeton Architectural Press 2020 Design / Architecture / Essays 37€ 37€
AMACHER, Maryanne; DIETZ, Bill (ed.); CIMINI, Amy (ed.) AMACHER, Maryanne; DIETZ, Bill (ed.); CIMINI, Amy (ed.) Maryanne Amacher. Selected Writings and Interviews Blank Forms Editions 2020 Music & Sound / Essays 40€ 40€
AMACHER, Maryanne; DIETZ, Bill (ed.); CIMINI, Amy (ed.) AMACHER, Maryanne; DIETZ, Bill (ed.); CIMINI, Amy (ed.) Maryanne Amacher. Selected Writings and Interviews (2d Edition) Blank Forms Editions 2020 Essays / Artists' Writings / Music & Sound 25€ 25€
ANDERSSON, Axel; ESPINOZA, Tania (eds.) ANDERSSON, Axel; ESPINOZA, Tania (eds.) OEI #96–97: Det tekniska apoteket (Bernard Stiegler, andens politik och minnets estetik) OEI editör 2022 Periodicals / Book Culture / Artists' Writings / Essays / Poetry 35€ 35€
COLQUHOUN, Matt COLQUHOUN, Matt Egress: On Mourning, Melancholy and Mark Fisher Repeater 2020 Essays / Cultural Studies / Politics 16€ 16€
CONTI, Ilaria Conti; KOUMIANAKI, Chrysanthi; NIKOLAOU, Kosmas; VLASSOPOULOU, Paky (eds.) CONTI, Ilaria Conti; KOUMIANAKI, Chrysanthi; NIKOLAOU, Kosmas; VLASSOPOULOU, Paky (eds.) Around Labor, Art, and the Auratic Condition (This is Not a Love Song) Dolce Publishing 2020 Politics / Economy / Essays 5€ 5€
LEVIT, Briar (ed.) LEVIT, Briar (ed.) Baseline Shift: Untold Stories of Women in Graphic Design History Princeton Architectural Press 2021 Essays / Graphic Design / Feminism 28€ 28€
McKEOWN, Siobhan McKEOWN, Siobhan A Life Lived Remotely. Being and Work in the Digital Age Repeater Essays / Digital / Philosophy 12€ 12€
MOISAN, Victor; CHAUVEL, Alex MOISAN, Victor; CHAUVEL, Alex Zelda. Le Jardin et le monde Façonnage Éditions 2021 Essays / Media Studies / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
NICOLAS-LE STRAT, Pascal NICOLAS-LE STRAT, Pascal Faire Recherche En Commun. Chroniques d'une pratique éprouvée éditions du commun 2024 Politics / Essays 16€ 16€
SHAPIRO, Shain SHAPIRO, Shain This Must Be the Place: How Music Can Make Your City Better Repeater 2023 Essays / Music & Sound 16€ 16€
ABDO, Nahla ABDO, Nahla La Révolution captive. La lutte anticoloniale des femmes palestiniennes et le système carcéral israélien blast 2019 Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies / Feminism 22€ 22€
ABONNENC, Mathieu K.; ARNDT, Lotte; LOZANO, Catalina (eds.) ABONNENC, Mathieu K.; ARNDT, Lotte; LOZANO, Catalina (eds.) Ramper, Dédoubler. Collecte coloniale et affect / Crawling Doubles. Colonial collecting and affect B42 2016 Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 24€ 24€
ACID HORIZON ACID HORIZON Anti-Oculus. A Philosophy of Escape Repeater 2023 Essays / Literature / Science/Fiction 15€ 15€
ACKER, Kathy ACKER, Kathy New York City in 1979 Penguin 2018 Literature / Essays / Queer Culture 4€ 4€
ACKERMANN, Julie ACKERMANN, Julie Hyperpop. La pop au temps du capitalisme numérique Façonnage Éditions 2024 Essays / Music & Sound / Cultural Studies 15€ 15€
ADACHI-TASCH, Ann; HIRASAWA, Go; ROSS, Julian (eds.) ADACHI-TASCH, Ann; HIRASAWA, Go; ROSS, Julian (eds.) Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia. Critical Texts of the 1960s Archive Books 2020 Essays / Artists' Writings / Film & Video 15€ 15€
ADAMCZAK, Bini ADAMCZAK, Bini Le Communisme expliqué aux enfants Éditions Entremonde 2018 Essays / Education / Politics 8€ 8€
ADAMS, Abraham; CANTOR, Lou (eds.) ADAMS, Abraham; CANTOR, Lou (eds.) Intersubjectivity Vol. I. Language and Misunderstanding Sternberg Press 2016 Essays / Artists' Writings 19€ 19€
ADIMI, Kaouther; BENGOA, Daphné; FABRIZIO, Leo ADIMI, Kaouther; BENGOA, Daphné; FABRIZIO, Leo Fernand Pouillon et l'Algérie Macula 2019 Photography / Architecture / Essays / Art History 45€ 45€
ADLER-BOLTON, Beatrice; VIERKANT, Artie ADLER-BOLTON, Beatrice; VIERKANT, Artie Health Communism Verso 2022 Essays / Health / Politics 22€ 22€
AGUADO, Víctor; DEL BUEY, Ramón; LABELLE, Brandon (eds.) AGUADO, Víctor; DEL BUEY, Ramón; LABELLE, Brandon (eds.) Party Studies #2 – Underground clubs, parallel structures and second cultures Errant Bodies Press 2024 Essays / Cultural Studies / Music & Sound 18€ 18€
AHMED, Sara AHMED, Sara Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others Duke University Press 2016 Essays / Gender Studies / Philosophy 27€ 27€
AHMED, Sara AHMED, Sara Living a feminist life Duke University Press 2017 Essays / Feminism 28€ 28€
AHMED, Sara AHMED, Sara On being included Duke University Press 2012 Cultural Studies / Essays 28€ 28€
AHMED, Sara AHMED, Sara The Feminist Killjoy Handbook allen lane 2023 Essays / Feminism 14€ 14€
AHMED, Sara AHMED, Sara Manuel rabat-joie féministe La Découverte 2024 Essays / Feminism 22€ 22€
AHMED, Sara AHMED, Sara Vivre une vie féministe Hors d'atteinte 2024 Essays / Feminism 23€ 23€
AHSAN, Hamja AHSAN, Hamja Shy Radicals. The Antisystemic Politics of the Militant Introvert Book Works 2017 Politics / Cultural Studies / Essays 18€ 18€
AICHER, Otl AICHER, Otl Le monde comme projet B42 Graphic Design / Essays 25€ 25€
AIKENS, Nick; GRANDAS, Teresa; HAQ, Nav; HERRAEZ, Beatriz; PETRESIN-BACHELEZ, Natasa (eds.) AIKENS, Nick; GRANDAS, Teresa; HAQ, Nav; HERRAEZ, Beatriz; PETRESIN-BACHELEZ, Natasa (eds.) The Long 1980s. Constellations of Art, Politics and Identities Valiz / L'Internationale 2018 Essays / Politics / Cultural Studies / Art History 32€ 32€
AIKENS, Nick; ROBLES, Elizabeth (eds.) AIKENS, Nick; ROBLES, Elizabeth (eds.) The Place is Here: The Work of Black Artists in 1980s Britain Sternberg Press 2019 Essays / Group Shows / Postcolonial Studies 31€ 31€
AILLAUD, Gilles; BONACCORSI, Robert AILLAUD, Gilles; BONACCORSI, Robert La Bataille du riz de Gilles Aillaud et la « Salle rouge pour Le Vietnam » – Itinéraire d'un tableau singulier Loevenbruck 2023 Essays / Monographs 22€ 22€
AJARI, Norman AJARI, Norman Le Manifeste afro-décolonial. Le rêve oublié de la politique radicale noire Seuil 2024 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Black Studies 14.5€ 14.5€
AKCAN, Esra AKCAN, Esra CCA Singles – Abolish Human Bans. Intertwined Histories of Architecture Centre Canadien d'Architecture 2022 Essays / Architecture / Politics 14€ 14€
ALBANO, Caterina ALBANO, Caterina Out of Breath. Vulnerability of Air in Contemporary Art University of Minnesota Press 2022 Art Theory / Cultural Studies / Essays 13€ 13€
ALBERRO, Alexander; STIMSON, Blake (eds.) ALBERRO, Alexander; STIMSON, Blake (eds.) Institutional Critique - An anthology of Artists' Writings MIT Press Art Theory / Essays / Anthologies 30€ 30€
ALFANDARY, Isabelle; BROQUA, Vincent (eds.) ALFANDARY, Isabelle; BROQUA, Vincent (eds.) Gertrude Stein et les arts Les Presses du Réel 2019 Art History / Art Theory / Essays 15€ 15€
ALFONSI, Isabelle ALFONSI, Isabelle Pour une esthétique de l’émancipation B42 2019 Essays / Queer Culture / Politics 22€ 22€
ALGARÍN NAVARRO, Francisco; SALDAÑA, Carlos (eds.) ALGARÍN NAVARRO, Francisco; SALDAÑA, Carlos (eds.) Illuminated Hours: The Early Cinema of Nathaniel Dorsky and Jerome Hiler Lumière 2023 Essays / Film & Video 30€ 30€
ALIMECK, Michel ALIMECK, Michel Dieu t’a créé, tu as crié… ! Une histoire des Guyanes Ròt-Bòt-Krik 2022 (1980) Essays / Anthropology / Postcolonial Studies 11€ 11€
ALLAVENA, Julien ALLAVENA, Julien L’hypothèse autonome Éditions Amsterdam 2020 Essays / Politics 18€ 18€
ALLEN, Ansgar ALLEN, Ansgar The Cynical Educator MayFlyBooks 2017 Education / Essays / Philosophy 12€ 12€
ALLIEZ, Éric; LAZZARATO, Maurizio ALLIEZ, Éric; LAZZARATO, Maurizio Wars and Capital Semiotext(e) 2018 Economy / Essays / Politics 27€ 27€
ALLIEZ, Éric; LAZZARATO, Maurizio ALLIEZ, Éric; LAZZARATO, Maurizio Guerres et Capital Éditions Amsterdam 2016 Economy / Essays / Philosophy / Politics 20€ 20€
ALLISON, Dorothy ALLISON, Dorothy Peau. A propos de sexe, de classe et de littérature Éditions Cambourakis 2015 Essays / Literature / Feminism 23€ 23€
ALS, Hilton ALS, Hilton White Girls Penguin 2018 Essays / Literature / Politics / Queer Culture 16€ 16€
ALSADIR, Nuar ALSADIR, Nuar Animal Joy Fitzcarraldo Editions 2022 Essays / Philosophy 18€ 18€
AMIR, Fahim AMIR, Fahim Révoltes animales Éditions Divergences 2022 Essays / Ecology / Animal Studies 17€ 17€
AMOR, Mónica AMOR, Mónica Theories of the Nonobject. Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, 1944-1969 University of California Press 2016 Art History / Essays 65€ 65€
AMSELLE, Jean-Loup AMSELLE, Jean-Loup L'art de la friche – Essai sur l'art contemporain africain Les Presses du Réel 2022 Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
AMUNDSEN, Heidi Bale; MØRLAND, Gerd Elise (eds.) AMUNDSEN, Heidi Bale; MØRLAND, Gerd Elise (eds.) Curating and Politics Beyond the Curator: Initial Reflections Hatje Cantz 2015 Curatorial Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
ANASTAS, Rhea ANASTAS, Rhea Pound Per Image #1 – We make the image in real time: a viewing log Dancing Foxes 2019 Periodicals / Essays / Photography 12€ 12€
ANDERSEN, Thom ANDERSEN, Thom Slow Writing. Thom Andersen on Cinema The Visible Press 2017 Film & Video / Anthologies / Essays 25€ 25€
ANDERSSON, Axel ANDERSSON, Axel Negative Geology OEI editör 2021 Essays / Art History / Ecology 22€ 22€
ANDRAS, Joseph; HARCHI, Kaoutar ANDRAS, Joseph; HARCHI, Kaoutar Littérature et Révolution Éditions Divergences 2024 Politics / Essays 16€ 16€
ANDREASEN, Soren; BANG LARSEN, Lars ANDREASEN, Soren; BANG LARSEN, Lars The Critical Mass of Mediation Internationalistik Ideale Media Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
ANDREETTA, Gianmaria ANDREETTA, Gianmaria Naive Gossip Theory Sandberg Instituut Cultural Studies / Essays / Artists' Books 15€ 15€
ANN CAWS, Mary ANN CAWS, Mary Symbolism, Dada, Surrealisms Reaktion Books 2024 Art History / Essays 30€ 30€
ANNISS, Matt ANNISS, Matt Join The Future: Bleep Techno & the Birth of British Bass Music Velocity Press 2022 (2019) Dance / Essays / Music & Sound 20€ 20€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Radical Coherency - Selected Essays on Art & Literature University of Chicago Press Art Theory / Essays / Literature 20€ 20€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Essais choisis sur l’art et la littérature 1966-2005 future 2017 Art Theory / Essays / Literature 30€ 30€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David ce qu’être d’avant-garde veut dire Les Presses du Réel Artists' Writings / Essays / Poetry 15€ 15€
ANTWI, Phanuel ANTWI, Phanuel On Cuddling. Loved to Death in the Racial Embrace Pluto Press 2023 Essays / Black Studies 21€ 21€
ANZALDÚA, Gloria ANZALDÚA, Gloria Borderlands/La Frontera. The New Mestiza Aunt Lute Books 2022 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Gender Studies / Politics / Poetry 28€ 28€
ANZALDÚA, Gloria ANZALDÚA, Gloria Terres frontalières / La Frontera, la nouvelle Mestiza Éditions Cambourakis 2022 Essays / Feminism / Postcolonial Studies 24€ 24€
ARANDA, Julieta; VIDOKLE, Anton; WOOD, Brian Kuan (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; VIDOKLE, Anton; WOOD, Brian Kuan (eds.) Supercommunity. Diabolical Togetherness Beyond Contemporary Art (e-flux journal special issue) Verso 2019 Ecology / Essays / Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Philosophy / Politics 25€ 25€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) e-flux journal – What's Love (or Care, Intimacy, Warmth, Affection) Got to Do with It? Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Politics / Cultural Studies 20€ 20€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) Art without Death. Conversations on Russian Cosmism Sternberg Press / e-flux 2017 Art History / Art Theory / Conversations / Essays / Philosophy 18€ 18€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) e-flux journal – The Internet Does Not Exist Sternberg Press 2015 Media Studies / Essays 12€ 12€
ARÈNES, Alexandra; GRÉGOIRE, Axelle; AÏT-TOUATI, Frédérique ARÈNES, Alexandra; GRÉGOIRE, Axelle; AÏT-TOUATI, Frédérique Terra Forma. Manuel de cartographies potentielles B42 2019 Architecture / Essays / Urban Studies 25€ 25€
ARNDT, Olaf; BURKART, Gunter; FUJIMOTO, Kenichi (eds.) ARNDT, Olaf; BURKART, Gunter; FUJIMOTO, Kenichi (eds.) Welt in der Hand – World in your hand Spector Books Essays / Politics / Media Studies 22€ 22€
ARNS, Inke; BIRKENSTOCK, Eva; BÖNISCH, Dominik; HUNGER, Francis (eds.) ARNS, Inke; BIRKENSTOCK, Eva; BÖNISCH, Dominik; HUNGER, Francis (eds.) Training The Archive Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König / Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst Aachen 2024 Essays / Media Studies / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
ARSANIOS, Mirene ARSANIOS, Mirene Notes on Mother Tongues Ugly Duckling Presse 2020 Essays / Postcolonial Studies 14€ 14€
ARSANIOS, Mirene; VALINSKY, Rachel (eds.) ARSANIOS, Mirene; VALINSKY, Rachel (eds.) Among a Sea of Influences Wendy's Subway / Makhzin / Fully Booked 2021 Conversations / Essays / Poetry 25€ 25€
ARSENAL - INSTITUT FÜR FILM UND VIDEOKUNST (ed.) ARSENAL - INSTITUT FÜR FILM UND VIDEOKUNST (ed.) Living Archive. Archive Work as a Contemporary Artistic and Curatorial Practice b_books Essays / Film & Video / Cultural Studies 35€ 35€
ART & LANGUAGE ART & LANGUAGE Art & Language in Practice (Vol. 2) Fundació Antoni Tàpies Monographs / Essays 35€ 35€
ART & LANGUAGE; BAILEY, Robert ART & LANGUAGE; BAILEY, Robert Art & Language International: Conceptual Art between Art Worlds Duke University Press 2016 Essays / Art History 25€ 25€
ARTS AGAINST CUTS ARTS AGAINST CUTS Bad Feelings Book Works Art Theory / Essays / Politics 12€ 12€
ARVATOV, Boris ARVATOV, Boris Art and Production Pluto Press 2017 Art History / Essays 25€ 25€
ASHBERY, John ASHBERY, John Something Close to Music. Late Art Writings, Poems, and Playlists David Zwirner Books 2022 Poetry / Essays 14€ 14€
ASHER, Michael; KING, Jennifer (ed.) ASHER, Michael; KING, Jennifer (ed.) October Files 19: Michael Asher MIT Press Essays / Monographs 16€ 16€
ASHER, Michael; RORIMER, Anne ASHER, Michael; RORIMER, Anne Kunsthalle Bern, 1992 Afterall Books 2012 Essays / Monographs 22€ 22€
ASHFORD, Doug ASHFORD, Doug Writings and Conversations Mousse Publishing 2013 Essays / Artists' Writings 15€ 15€
ASTARIAN, Bruno ASTARIAN, Bruno L’Abolition de la valeur Éditions Entremonde 2017 Politics / Economy / Essays 20€ 20€
ATHERTON LIN, Jeremy ATHERTON LIN, Jeremy Gay Bar Granta 2022 Essays / Queer Culture 15€ 15€
ATTIA, Kader; FRANKE, Anselm; TEIXEIRA PINTO, Ana (eds.) ATTIA, Kader; FRANKE, Anselm; TEIXEIRA PINTO, Ana (eds.) The White West: Fascism, Unreason, and the Paradox of Modernity Sternberg Press / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2023 Essays / Postcolonial Studies / Politics / History 21.95€ 21.95€
AUBART, François AUBART, François L'attitude de la Pictures Generation – Excès, passion et manipulation Les Presses du Réel 2023 Essays / Art History / Scenes 28€ 28€
AUERBACH, Nina AUERBACH, Nina Our Vampires, Ourselves University of Chicago Press 1997 Cultural Studies / Essays 30€ 30€
AULT, Julie (ed.) AULT, Julie (ed.) Alternative Art New York - 1965-1985 University of Minnesota Press 2002 Art History / Scenes / Essays 35€ 35€
AUMERCIER, Sandrine; GROHMANN, Frank AUMERCIER, Sandrine; GROHMANN, Frank Quel sujet pour la théorie critique ? Aiguiser Marx et Freud l'un par l'autre Crise & Critique 2024 Politics / Essays / Philosophy 20€ 20€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio AURELI, Pier Vittorio Architecture and Abstraction MIT Press 2023 Architecture / Essays 39€ 39€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.) AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.) The City as a Project RUBY PRESS 2013 Anthologies / Essays / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies 44€ 44€
AUS DEM MOORE, Elke (ed.) AUS DEM MOORE, Elke (ed.) Untranslatable Terms of Cultural Practices. A Shared Vocabulary Archive Books / Edition Solitude 2021 Essays / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
AUTO ITALIA SOUTH WEST AUTO ITALIA SOUTH WEST We have our own concept of time and motion Auto Italia South East Art Spaces / Essays 3€ 3€
AVANESSIAN, Armen AVANESSIAN, Armen Overwrite. Ethics of Knowledge - Poetics of Existence Sternberg Press Essays 20€ 20€
AVANESSIAN, Armen AVANESSIAN, Armen Miamification Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Urban Studies / Cultural Studies 18€ 18€
AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) Perhaps It Is High Time for a Xeno-architecture to Match Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Architecture / Design / Politics / Ecology 15€ 15€
AXEL, Nick; COLOMINA, Beatriz; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton; WIGLEY, Mark (eds.) AXEL, Nick; COLOMINA, Beatriz; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton; WIGLEY, Mark (eds.) Superhumanity: Design of the Self e-flux / University of Minnesota Press 2018 Architecture / Design / Essays / Media Studies 30€ 30€
AYAD, Myrna AYAD, Myrna Alcove - Intimate Essays On Arab Modernist Artists Kaph Books 2024 Essays / Art History 40€ 40€
AYAS, Defne; BROWN, Mimi; CHONG, Heman; GAD, Amira; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) AYAS, Defne; BROWN, Mimi; CHONG, Heman; GAD, Amira; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) End Notes(s). Moderation(s) 2012-2014 Witte de With Curatorial Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
AYIM, May AYIM, May Nouveau départ Ypsilon 2023 Essays / Feminism / Postcolonial Studies 17€ 17€
AZERRAD, Michael AZERRAD, Michael Our Band Could Be Your Life (Scenes from the American Indie Underground, 1981-1991) Back Bay Books 2001 Essays / Music & Sound / Scenes / Institutional Critique / Poetry 22€ 22€
AZOULAY, Ariella Aīsha AZOULAY, Ariella Aīsha Potential History. Unlearning Imperialism Verso 2019 Essays / Philosophy / Politics 36€ 36€
AZOULAY, Ariella Aīsha AZOULAY, Ariella Aīsha Civil Imagination: A Political Ontology of Photography Verso 2024 Essays / Politics / Photography 25€ 25€
B., Daphné B., Daphné Maquillée. Essai sur le monde et ses fards Grasset 2021 Literature / Essays / Cultural Studies 19€ 19€
B., Daphné B., Daphné Made-Up Coach House Books 2021 Essays / Cultural Studies 18€ 18€
BABCOCK, Cecile; BABCOCK, Jeffrey BABCOCK, Cecile; BABCOCK, Jeffrey Séances. Re-wiring Images in the Amsterdam Underground Self-Published Essays / Film & Video / Cultural Studies / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
BACQUE, Bertrand; LIPPI, Lucrezia; MARGEL, Serge; ZUCHUAT, Olivier (eds.) BACQUE, Bertrand; LIPPI, Lucrezia; MARGEL, Serge; ZUCHUAT, Olivier (eds.) Montage. Une anthologie (1913-2018) MAMCO / HEAD 2018 Anthologies / Artists' Writings / Essays / Film & Video 28€ 28€
BACQUE, Bertrand; NEYRAT, Cyril; SCHULMANN, Clara; TERRIER-HERMANN, Véronique (eds.) BACQUE, Bertrand; NEYRAT, Cyril; SCHULMANN, Clara; TERRIER-HERMANN, Véronique (eds.) Jeux sérieux – Cinéma et art contemporains transforment l’essai MAMCO Essays / Film & Video / Cultural Studies 28€ 28€
BADIOU, Alain BADIOU, Alain L'aventure de la philosophie française La Fabrique Philosophy / Essays 16€ 16€
BAKKER, Karen BAKKER, Karen The Sounds of Life. How digital technology is bringing us closer to the worlds of animals and plants Princeton University Press 2022 Essays / Music & Sound 33€ 33€
BAL, Mieke (ed.) BAL, Mieke (ed.) The Architecture of Loneliness. Reflections on Displacement and Welcoming Valiz 2024 Essays / Health / Politics 27€ 27€
BAL-BLANC, Pierre BAL-BLANC, Pierre The Continuum Was Performed in the Following Manner – Notes on documenta 14 Nero / Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève 2022 Essays / Curatorial Studies / Conversations 18€ 18€
BALDWIN, James BALDWIN, James Dark Days Penguin 2018 Essays / Postcolonial Studies 3€ 3€
BALDWIN, James BALDWIN, James Notes of a Native Son Penguin 2017 Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 13€ 13€
BALESTRINI, Nanni; MORONI, Primo BALESTRINI, Nanni; MORONI, Primo La horde d’or. Italie 1968-1977 L'éclat 2017 Essays / Politics / Counterculture 25€ 25€
BALLARD, James G. BALLARD, James G. Selected Non-Fiction 1962–2007 MIT Press 2023 Essays / Literature 37€ 37€
BALSOM, Erika; PELEG, Hila (eds.) BALSOM, Erika; PELEG, Hila (eds.) Documentary Across Disciplines MIT Press / Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2017 Essays / Film & Video 25€ 25€
BALSOM, Erika; PELEG, Hila (eds.) BALSOM, Erika; PELEG, Hila (eds.) Feminist Worldmaking and the Moving Image Haus der Kulturen der Welt / MIT Press 2022 Essays / Feminism / Film & Video 44€ 44€
BALTZER, Nanni; STIERLI, Martino (eds.) BALTZER, Nanni; STIERLI, Martino (eds.) Before Publication. Montage in Art, Architecture, and Book Design Park Books 2016 Book Culture / Essays / Graphic Design 38€ 38€
BARAVALLE, Marco; BRAGA, Emanuele; RICCIO, Gabriella; TIMETO, Federica (eds.) BARAVALLE, Marco; BRAGA, Emanuele; RICCIO, Gabriella; TIMETO, Federica (eds.) Art for Radical Ecologies (manifesto) bruno 2024 Essays / Ecology / Politics 12.5€ 12.5€
BARBAGALLO, Camille; BEURET, Nicholas; HARVIE, David (eds.) BARBAGALLO, Camille; BEURET, Nicholas; HARVIE, David (eds.) Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici Pluto Press 2019 Politics / Essays 28€ 28€
BARBER, Stephen BARBER, Stephen Pierre Guyotat: Revolutions & Aberrations Vauxhall&Company 2016 Essays / Literature 18€ 18€
BARBER, Stephen BARBER, Stephen The Projectionists diaphanes 2020 Photography / Media Studies / Essays 30€ 30€
BARIKIN, Amelia; HUGHES, Helen (eds.) BARIKIN, Amelia; HUGHES, Helen (eds.) Making Worlds. Art & Science-Fiction Surpllus Essays / Media Studies / Art Theory 15€ 15€
BARRAUD, Antoine (ed.) BARRAUD, Antoine (ed.) Inside Out – Le cinéma de Stephen Dwoskin indipendencia 2013 Essays / Monographs 27€ 27€
BARRY, Robert BARRY, Robert The Music of the Future Repeater 2017 Essays / Music & Sound 12€ 12€
BARTHOLEYNS, Gil BARTHOLEYNS, Gil Politiques Visuelles Les Presses du Réel Essays / Art Theory 24€ 24€
BARTON, Polly BARTON, Polly Porn. An Oral History Fitzcarraldo Editions 2023 Essays / Sex 19€ 19€
BASAGLIA, Franco BASAGLIA, Franco L’Institution en négation Arkhê 2012 Essays / Health / Institutional Critique 19.9€ 19.9€
BATCHELOR, David BATCHELOR, David Chromophobia Reaktion Books 2000 Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
BATTCOCK, Gregory; GRIGELY, Joseph (ed.) BATTCOCK, Gregory; GRIGELY, Joseph (ed.) Oceans of Love: The Uncontainable Gregory Battcock Koenig Books 2016 Biographies / Essays / Queer Culture 25€ 25€
BAUDOIN, Tanja; BERGHOLTZ, Frédérique; ZIHERL, Vivian (eds.) BAUDOIN, Tanja; BERGHOLTZ, Frédérique; ZIHERL, Vivian (eds.) Rereading Appropriation If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution Performance / Essays 25€ 25€
BAUDOIN, Tanja; BERGHOLTZ, Frédérique; ZIHERL, Vivian (eds.) BAUDOIN, Tanja; BERGHOLTZ, Frédérique; ZIHERL, Vivian (eds.) Reading / Feeling If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution Essays / Performance 25€ 25€
BAUER, Petra; KIDNER, Dan (eds.) BAUER, Petra; KIDNER, Dan (eds.) Working Together: Notes on British Film Collectives in the 1970s Focal Point Gallery Essays / Film & Video / Art Spaces 20€ 20€
BAUMBACH, Nico BAUMBACH, Nico Cinema/Politics/Philosophy Columbia University Press 2018 Essays / Film & Video 27€ 27€
BAUMEISTER, Ruth (ed.) BAUMEISTER, Ruth (ed.) L'Architecture Sauvage. Asger Jorn’s critique and concept of architecture NAI010 Publishers Monographs / Essays / Architecture 50€ 50€
BEAL, Justin BEAL, Justin Sandfuture MIT Press 2021 Architecture / Essays 28€ 28€
BECHTLER, Cristina; IMHOF, Dora (eds.) BECHTLER, Cristina; IMHOF, Dora (eds.) Museum of the Future – Now What? JRP|Ringier / Les Presses du Réel 2021 Essays / Conversations / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetic, and Critique Spector Books 2022 Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Architecture / Curatorial Studies / Design 36€ 36€
BECKER, Konrad BECKER, Konrad Dictionnaire de réalité stratégique UV Éditions 2017 Media Studies / Essays 20€ 20€
BECKER, Paul BECKER, Paul How We Made ‘The Kick Inside’ JOAN 2023 Essays 16€ 16€
BECKER-HO, Alice BECKER-HO, Alice La Part maudite dans l'œuvre de François Villon l’échappée 2018 Essays / Poetry 14€ 14€
BEECH, Amanda; MACKAY, Robin (eds.) BEECH, Amanda; MACKAY, Robin (eds.) Construction Site for Possible Worlds Urbanomic 2020 Art Theory / Essays / Philosophy / Politics 20€ 20€
BEESON, John; HERLETH, Daniel; ROWLAND, Cameron (eds.) BEESON, John; HERLETH, Daniel; ROWLAND, Cameron (eds.) Close to Now TND 2017 Artists' Writings / Essays / Politics 16€ 16€
BEHAR, Katherine BEHAR, Katherine Object-Oriented Feminism University of Minnesota Press 2016 Feminism / Essays 28€ 28€
BEHNKE, Christoph; KASTELAN, Cornelia; KNOLL, Valérie; WUGGENIG, Ulf (eds.) BEHNKE, Christoph; KASTELAN, Cornelia; KNOLL, Valérie; WUGGENIG, Ulf (eds.) Art in the Periphery of the Center Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 26€ 26€
BEIL, Kim BEIL, Kim Anonymous Objects: Inscrutable Photographs and the Unknown SPBH 2024 Essays / Photography 15€ 15€
BEILIN, Caren BEILIN, Caren The Yellow Papers 3. Blackfishing the IUD The Last Books 2020 Essays / Health / Gender Studies 9.5€ 9.5€
BEKHRAD, Joobin BEKHRAD, Joobin With My Head in the Clouds and Stars in My Eyes: Stories About Iran and Elsewhere Self-Published 2018 Essays 15€ 15€
BELHASSEN, Lauren BELHASSEN, Lauren Femmes animales. Bestiaire métaphorique éditions des grands champs 2020 Essays / Feminism 12€ 12€
BELL, Kirsty BELL, Kirsty The Artist’s House Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 29€ 29€
BELL, Kirsty BELL, Kirsty The Undercurrents. A Story of Berlin Fitzcarraldo Editions 2022 Essays 17€ 17€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie When the Sick Rule the World Semiotext(e) 2015 Literature / Essays 20€ 20€
BELLAMY, Dodie BELLAMY, Dodie Bee Reaved Semiotext(e) 2021 Essays / Literature 22€ 22€
BELLINI, Andrea; KUNAK, Göksu (eds.) BELLINI, Andrea; KUNAK, Göksu (eds.) Artists’ Survival Kit Nero 2023 Essays / Labor 20€ 20€
BELOFF, Zoé BELOFF, Zoé A World Redrawn. Eisenstein And Brecht in Hollywood Christine Burgin 2016 Artists' Books / Essays / Film & Video 35€ 35€
BELOFF, Zoe BELOFF, Zoe Techniques de la distraction Les Presses du Réel 2019 Essays / Artists' Writings / Media Studies 12€ 12€
BEN LAKHDAR, Khémaïs BEN LAKHDAR, Khémaïs L’appropriation culturelle. Histoire, domination et création : aux origines d’un pillage occidental Stock 2024 Essays / Cultural Studies / Postcolonial Studies / Fashion 18.5€ 18.5€
BENE, Carmelo BENE, Carmelo L’Esthétique du déplaisir Les Presses du Réel 2019 Essays / Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Media Studies 9€ 9€
BENERA, Anca & ESTEFAN, Arnold BENERA, Anca & ESTEFAN, Arnold Debrisphere Punch 2018 Essays / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
BENJAMIN, Daniel; SNEATHEN, Eric (eds.) BENJAMIN, Daniel; SNEATHEN, Eric (eds.) The Bigness of Things: New Narrative and Visual Culture Wolfman Books 2017 Essays / Counterculture / Literature / Film & Video 20€ 20€
BENJAMIN, Walter; LÃCIS, Asja; SOHN-RETHEL, Alfred BENJAMIN, Walter; LÃCIS, Asja; SOHN-RETHEL, Alfred Sur Naples Editions La Tempête 2019 Essays / Urban Studies / Politics 10€ 10€
BENSON-ALLOTT, Caetlin BENSON-ALLOTT, Caetlin The Stuff of Spectatorship. Material Cultures of Film and Television University of California Press 2021 Media Studies / Cultural Studies / Essays 27€ 27€
BENTOUHAMI, Hourya BENTOUHAMI, Hourya Judith Butler. Race, genre et mélancolie Éditions Amsterdam 2022 Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 12€ 12€
BENTOUNSI, Amal; BERNANOS, Antonin; COUPAT, Julien; DUFRESNE, David; HAZAN, Eric; LORDON, Frédéric BENTOUNSI, Amal; BERNANOS, Antonin; COUPAT, Julien; DUFRESNE, David; HAZAN, Eric; LORDON, Frédéric Police La Fabrique 2020 Essays / Politics 12€ 12€
BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" Breathing Semiotext(e) 2019 Essays / Poetry / Politics 16€ 16€
BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" BERARDI, Franco "Bifo" The Third Unconscious Verso 2021 Essays 20€ 20€
BERG, Aase BERG, Aase Tsunami from Solaris: Essays on Poetry Action Books 2019 Poetry / Essays 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) Free Love Paid Love Kyklàda 2020 Essays / Sex / Politics 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) Public Health in Crisis. Confined in the Aegan Archipelago Kyklàda 2020 Essays / Health / Politics 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) The Architect is Absent Kyklàda 2020 Essays / Architecture / Cultural Studies 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) The Beach Machine. Making and Operating the Mediterranean Coastline Kyklàda 2022 Essays / Cultural Studies / Architecture 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) Bodies of Extraction. Underneath the Ground of Islands Kyklàda 2022 Essays 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David (ed.) BERGÉ, David (ed.) The Sleeping Hermaphrodite. Waking up from a Lethargic Confinement Kyklàda 2020 Essays / Gender Studies / Art History 12€ 12€
BERGÉ, David; KONDYLATOU, Dimitra (eds.) BERGÉ, David; KONDYLATOU, Dimitra (eds.) (Forced) Movement Across the Aegan Archipelago Kyklàda 2021 Essays / Politics 12€ 12€
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BERGÉ, David; PAPAM, George (eds.) BERGÉ, David; PAPAM, George (eds.) Islands After Tourism. Escaping the Monocultures of Leisure Kyklàda 2023 Essays 12€ 12€
BERGER, John BERGER, John Voir le voir B42 2014 Essays / Art Theory / Cultural Studies / Graphic Design 22€ 22€
BERGER, John BERGER, John Et nos visages Éditions Hourra 2024 Essays / Literature 22€ 22€
BERGER, John; MOHR, Jean BERGER, John; MOHR, Jean Une autre façon de raconter L'Écarquillé Art Theory / Essays / Film & Video 42€ 42€
BERGER, Maurice BERGER, Maurice Museums of tomorrow - A Virtual Discussion Centre for Art & Visual Culture Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
BERGER, Maurice BERGER, Maurice Postmodernism - A Virtual Discussion Centre for Art & Visual Culture Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
BERGMAN, Carla; MONTGOMERY, Nick BERGMAN, Carla; MONTGOMERY, Nick Joie Militante éditions du commun 2023 Politics / Essays 16€ 16€
BERLANT, Lauren BERLANT, Lauren Cruel Optimism Duke University Press 2011 Essays / Philosophy / Cultural Studies 26€ 26€
BERLANT, Lauren BERLANT, Lauren Reading Sedgwick Duke University Press 2019 Queer Culture / Essays 30€ 30€
BERLANT, Lauren BERLANT, Lauren On the Inconvenience of Other People Duke University Press 2022 Essays 26€ 26€
BERLINER, David BERLINER, David Perdre sa culture Zones Sensibles 2018 Cultural Studies / Essays 15€ 15€
BERMAN, Marshall BERMAN, Marshall Tout ce qui est solide se volatilise Éditions Entremonde 2018 Cultural Studies / Politics / Essays 26€ 26€
BERREBI, Sophie BERREBI, Sophie The Shape of Evidence Valiz Art Theory / Essays 29€ 29€
BERREBI, Sophie BERREBI, Sophie Dubuffet and the City: People, Place, and Urban Space Hauser & Wirth 2018 Architecture / Essays / Monographs 45€ 45€
BERRY SLATER, Josephine; ILES, Anthony BERRY SLATER, Josephine; ILES, Anthony No Room To Move. Radical art and the regenerate city Mute Publishing Architecture / Essays 20€ 20€
BERRY, Josephine BERRY, Josephine Art and (Bare) Life: A Biopolitical Inquiry Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Politics 25€ 25€
BERSANI, Leo BERSANI, Leo Is the Rectum a Grave? and Other Essays University of Chicago Press 2009 Essays / Gender Studies / Queer Culture 34€ 34€
BERSANI, Léo BERSANI, Léo La mort parfaite de Stéphane Mallarmé Epel 2008 (1982) Essays / Poetry 18€ 18€
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BERTHIER, René BERTHIER, René La Palestine au pied du mur Editions du Monde Libertaire 2008 Essays / Politics / Postcolonial Studies 10€ 10€
BERTIN, Jacques BERTIN, Jacques La Graphique et le traitement de l'information Zones Sensibles 2017 Essays / Graphic Design / Media Studies 22€ 22€