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BRAUNSTEIN-KRIEGEL, Chloé; PETIOT, Fabien (eds.) BRAUNSTEIN-KRIEGEL, Chloé; PETIOT, Fabien (eds.) Crafts. Anthologie contemporaine pour un artisanat de demain Éditions Norma 2019 Anthologies / Crafts / Art Theory 45€ 45€
GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) GERRITY, Jeanne; HUBERMAN, Anthony (eds.) What happens between the knots? (A Series of Open Questions, vol. 3) Sternberg Press / CCA Wattis 2022 Anthologies / Art Theory / Artists' Writings 12€ 12€
ROMAN, Mathilde ROMAN, Mathilde Habiter l'exposition. L'artiste et la scénographie Manuella Editions 2020 Art Theory 22€ 22€
ABUDU, KJ (ed.) ABUDU, KJ (ed.) Living with Ghosts: A Reader Pace Publishing 2023 Anthologies / Art Theory / Postcolonial Studies 40€ 40€
AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) Art Against Art #1 Art Against Art Periodicals / Art Theory 9€ 9€
AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) Art Against Art #2 Art Against Art Periodicals / Art Theory 9€ 9€
AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) Art Against Art #3 Art Against Art Periodicals / Art Theory 9€ 9€
AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) Art Against Art #4 Art Against Art 2017 Periodicals / Art Theory 10€ 10€
AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) Art Against Art #5 Art Against Art 2018 Periodicals / Art Theory 9€ 9€
AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) AHMED, Taslima; GNAM, Manuel (eds.) Art Against Art #6 Art Against Art 2019 Art Theory / Periodicals 9€ 9€
ALBANO, Caterina ALBANO, Caterina Out of Breath. Vulnerability of Air in Contemporary Art University of Minnesota Press 2022 Art Theory / Cultural Studies / Essays 13€ 13€
ALBERRO, Alexander; STIMSON, Blake (eds.) ALBERRO, Alexander; STIMSON, Blake (eds.) Institutional Critique - An anthology of Artists' Writings MIT Press Art Theory / Essays / Anthologies 30€ 30€
ALBERS, Josef ALBERS, Josef Interaction of Color Yale University Press 2013 Art Theory / Education 20€ 20€
ALFANDARY, Isabelle; BROQUA, Vincent (eds.) ALFANDARY, Isabelle; BROQUA, Vincent (eds.) Gertrude Stein et les arts Les Presses du Réel 2019 Art History / Art Theory / Essays 15€ 15€
AMSELLE, Jean-Loup AMSELLE, Jean-Loup L'art de la friche – Essai sur l'art contemporain africain Les Presses du Réel 2022 Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Radical Coherency - Selected Essays on Art & Literature University of Chicago Press Art Theory / Essays / Literature 20€ 20€
ANTIN, David ANTIN, David Essais choisis sur l’art et la littérature 1966-2005 future 2017 Art Theory / Essays / Literature 30€ 30€
ANTOINE, Jean-Philippe ANTOINE, Jean-Philippe Farces et Attrapes – Inventer les images Les Presses du Réel / MAMCO 2017 Art Theory 24€ 24€
ARAEEN, Rasheed ARAEEN, Rasheed Art Beyond Art Third Text 2010 Ecology / Art Theory 16€ 16€
ARANDA, Julieta; KUAN WOOD, Brian; VIDOKLE, Anton; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; BECKETT, Colin ARANDA, Julieta; KUAN WOOD, Brian; VIDOKLE, Anton; CAIN-NIELSEN, Kaye; BECKETT, Colin Wonderflux - a decade of e-flux journal Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Comics & Illustrations / Periodicals 18€ 18€
ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) ARANDA, Julieta; WOOD, Brian Kuan; SQUIBB, Stephen; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) Art without Death. Conversations on Russian Cosmism Sternberg Press / e-flux 2017 Art History / Art Theory / Conversations / Essays / Philosophy 18€ 18€
ARTS AGAINST CUTS ARTS AGAINST CUTS Bad Feelings Book Works Art Theory / Essays / Politics 12€ 12€
ASENDORF, Christoph ASENDORF, Christoph Super Constellation Macula Art Theory 35€ 35€
AULT, Julie AULT, Julie In Part Dancing Foxes 2017 Art Theory / Literature 37€ 37€
AXEL, Nick; BARBER, Daniel A.; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) AXEL, Nick; BARBER, Daniel A.; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton (eds.) Accumulation: The Art, Architecture and Media of Climate Change e-flux 2022 Art Theory / Ecology 30€ 30€
BARIKIN, Amelia; HUGHES, Helen (eds.) BARIKIN, Amelia; HUGHES, Helen (eds.) Making Worlds. Art & Science-Fiction Surpllus Essays / Media Studies / Art Theory 15€ 15€
BARTHOLEYNS, Gil BARTHOLEYNS, Gil Politiques Visuelles Les Presses du Réel Essays / Art Theory 24€ 24€
BATCHELOR, David BATCHELOR, David Chromophobia Reaktion Books 2000 Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
BÄTSCHMANN, Oskar BÄTSCHMANN, Oskar The art public - a short history Reaktion Books 2023 Art Theory 27€ 27€
BEECH, Amanda; MACKAY, Robin (eds.) BEECH, Amanda; MACKAY, Robin (eds.) Construction Site for Possible Worlds Urbanomic 2020 Art Theory / Essays / Philosophy / Politics 20€ 20€
BEECH, Art BEECH, Art Art and Postcapitalism : Aesthetic Labour, Automation and Value Production Pluto Press 2020 Art Theory / Politics 24€ 24€
BEHNKE, Christoph; KASTELAN, Cornelia; KNOLL, Valérie; WUGGENIG, Ulf (eds.) BEHNKE, Christoph; KASTELAN, Cornelia; KNOLL, Valérie; WUGGENIG, Ulf (eds.) Art in the Periphery of the Center Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 26€ 26€
BELL, Kirsty BELL, Kirsty The Artist’s House Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 29€ 29€
BENDER, Annika BENDER, Annika Death of an Art Critic / Tod einer Kritikerin Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Bern 2017 Artists' Writings / Art Theory / Scenes 10€ 10€
BENGAL, Rebecca BENGAL, Rebecca Strange Hours: Photography, Memory, and the Lives of Artists Aperture 2023 Art Theory / Photography 29€ 29€
BENN MICHAELS, Walter BENN MICHAELS, Walter The beauty of a social problem University of Chicago Press 2023 Art Theory / Politics 30€ 30€
BERGER, John BERGER, John Voir le voir B42 2014 Essays / Art Theory / Cultural Studies / Graphic Design 22€ 22€
BERGER, John; MOHR, Jean BERGER, John; MOHR, Jean Une autre façon de raconter L'Écarquillé Art Theory / Essays / Film & Video 42€ 42€
BERGER, Maurice BERGER, Maurice Museums of tomorrow - A Virtual Discussion Centre for Art & Visual Culture Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
BERGER, Maurice BERGER, Maurice Postmodernism - A Virtual Discussion Centre for Art & Visual Culture Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays 10€ 10€
BERREBI, Sophie BERREBI, Sophie The Shape of Evidence Valiz Art Theory / Essays 29€ 29€
BERRY, Josephine BERRY, Josephine Art and (Bare) Life: A Biopolitical Inquiry Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Politics 25€ 25€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David; WIESENBERGER, Robert (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David; WIESENBERGER, Robert (eds.) The Serving Library - Annual 2022/23 (Meander) ROMA Publications 2022 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Art Theory 35€ 35€
BHATT, Jyoti; MEHTA, Pherozeshah Rustomji BHATT, Jyoti; MEHTA, Pherozeshah Rustomji Modernism/Murderism. The Modern Art Debate in Kumar reliable copy 2022 Art Theory / Art History 25€ 25€
BIRNBAUM, Daniel BIRNBAUM, Daniel Chronologie Les Presses du Réel Art Theory / Essays 11€ 11€
BIRNBAUM, Daniel BIRNBAUM, Daniel Notes on the frames of art Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Art Theory / Essays 29€ 29€
BIRNBAUM, Daniel; KUO, Michelle (eds.) BIRNBAUM, Daniel; KUO, Michelle (eds.) More Than Real. Art in the Digital Age Koenig Books 2018 Media Studies / Art Theory 16€ 16€
BIRNBAUM, Daniel; WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov BIRNBAUM, Daniel; WALLENSTEIN, Sven-Olov Spacing Philosophy: Lyotard and the Idea of the Exhibition Sternberg Press 2019 Art History / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Essays / Philosophy 19€ 19€
BISHOP, Claire BISHOP, Claire Radical Museology Koenig Books 2013 Essays / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 14€ 14€
BISHOP, Claire BISHOP, Claire Artificial Hells Verso 2023 Art Theory 24€ 24€
BISHOP, Claire BISHOP, Claire Disordered Attention: How We Look at Art and Performance Today Verso 2024 Art Theory / Art Criticism / Performance 25€ 25€
BISOPA, Klera BISOPA, Klera Antagonisms (Claire Bishop in Latvian) Kim? Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 1.8€ 1.8€
BLOM, Ina BLOM, Ina Houses To Die In and Other Essays on Art Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Essays 24€ 24€
BLUMENTHAL, Lyn; HORSFIELD, Kate (eds.); OWENS, Craig BLUMENTHAL, Lyn; HORSFIELD, Kate (eds.); OWENS, Craig Craig Owens: Portrait of a Young Critic Badlands Unlimited 2018 Art Theory / Conversations 20€ 20€
BOIS, Yve-Alain BOIS, Yve-Alain La Peinture comme modèle Les Presses du Réel / MAMCO Art Theory / Art History / Essays 29€ 29€
BOIS, Yve-Alain BOIS, Yve-Alain An Oblique Autobiography no place press 2022 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Art History 22€ 22€
BOLT RASMUSSEN, Mikkel BOLT RASMUSSEN, Mikkel The Contemporary Condition. Hegel after Occupy Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Politics 9€ 9€
BONIN, Vincent BONIN, Vincent D'un discours qui ne serait pas du semblant / Actors, Networks, Theories Concordia University / Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery 2018 Art Theory / Essays 25€ 25€
BONNET, François J. BONNET, François J. The Infra-World Urbanomic 2017 Philosophy / Art Theory 13€ 13€
BORDOWITZ, Gregg BORDOWITZ, Gregg Volition Printed Matter Art Theory / Essays 16€ 16€
BORDOWITZ, Gregg BORDOWITZ, Gregg Drive White Walls Art Theory / Essays 15€ 15€
BORDOWITZ, Gregg BORDOWITZ, Gregg Glenn Ligon: Untitled (I Am a Man) Afterall Books 2018 Art Theory / Art History 20€ 20€
BORIS, Arvatov BORIS, Arvatov Art et Production Sans Soleil 2022 Art Theory / Essays / Politics 19€ 19€
BOURRIAUD, Nicolas BOURRIAUD, Nicolas The Exform Verso 2016 Art Theory / Essays 12€ 12€
BOYM, Svetlana BOYM, Svetlana The Off-Modern Bloomsbury 2017 Art Theory 22€ 22€
BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) Rab-Rab: Journal for Political and Formal Inquiries in Art #5 Rab-Rab Press 2019 Art Theory / Periodicals / Politics 20€ 20€
BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) Rab-Rab: Journal for Political and Formal Inquiries in Art #4 Rab-Rab Press 2017 Art Theory / Periodicals / Politics 25€ 25€
BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) BOYNIK, Sezgin (ed.) Rab-Rab: Journal for Political and Formal Inquiries in Art #6 Rab-Rab Press 2021 Periodicals / Politics / Art Theory 15€ 15€
BOYNIK, Sezgin; ROUSSEAU, Gregoire (eds.) BOYNIK, Sezgin; ROUSSEAU, Gregoire (eds.) Rab-Rab: Journal for Political and Formal Inquiries in Art #2 (2 vols.) Rab-Rab Press 2015 Periodicals / Politics / Art Theory 20€ 20€
BOYNIK, Sezgin; ROUSSEAU, Gregoire (eds.) BOYNIK, Sezgin; ROUSSEAU, Gregoire (eds.) Rab-Rab: Journal for Political and Formal Inquiries in Art #3 Rab-Rab Press 2016 Periodicals / Politics / Art Theory 20€ 20€
BOYNIK, Sezgin; ROUSSEAU, Gregoire (eds.) BOYNIK, Sezgin; ROUSSEAU, Gregoire (eds.) Rab-Rab: Journal for Political and Formal Inquiries in Art #1 Rab-Rab Press 2014 Art Theory / Periodicals / Politics 30€ 30€
BRACEWELL, Michael BRACEWELL, Michael The Space Between Ridinghouse Art Theory / Essays 25€ 25€
BRADSHAW, Joseph BRADSHAW, Joseph The New York School Publication Studio Literature / Art Theory 20€ 20€
BRAMS, Koen; GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (eds.) BRAMS, Koen; GRUIJTHUIJSEN, Krist (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Fictional Artists (2 vol.) JRP|Ringier Essays / Art Theory / Biographies 40€ 40€
BREHMER, Noah; STEPANOVAITE, Vaida (eds.) BREHMER, Noah; STEPANOVAITE, Vaida (eds.) Paths to Autonomy Lost Property Press / Minor Compositions 2022 Essays / Politics / Art Theory 20€ 20€
BRENEZ, Nicole BRENEZ, Nicole Manifestations. Écrits politiques sur le cinéma et autres arts filmiques de l'incidence éditeur 2020 Essays / Film & Video / Politics / Art History / Art Theory 9€ 9€
BRICKER BALKEN, Debra BRICKER BALKEN, Debra Harold Rosenberg University of Chicago Press Art History / Art Theory / Biographies 36€ 36€
BRINKEMA, Eugenie BRINKEMA, Eugenie Life-destroying Diagrams Duke University Press 2022 Art Theory 30€ 30€
BROWN, Nicholas BROWN, Nicholas Autonomy Duke University Press 2016 Essays / Art Theory / Media Studies / Politics 25€ 25€
BUCHLOH, Benjamin (ed.) BUCHLOH, Benjamin (ed.) Modernism and Modernity Nova Scotia College of Art & Design Art Theory / Art History 25€ 25€
BUCHLOH, Benjamin H. D.; FOSTER, Hal BUCHLOH, Benjamin H. D.; FOSTER, Hal Exit Interview no place press 2024 Conversations / Art Theory / Art History 28€ 28€
BUCHMANN, Sabeth; GRAW, Isabelle; HUBER, Susanne; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna; SÖNTGEN, Beate (eds.) BUCHMANN, Sabeth; GRAW, Isabelle; HUBER, Susanne; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna; SÖNTGEN, Beate (eds.) Texte Zur Kunst 33/132 (November 2023) LUST Texte Zur Kunst 2023 Periodicals / Art Theory 16.5€ 16.5€
BUCHMANN, Sabeth; GRAW, Isabelle; HUBER, Susanne; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna; SÖNTGEN, Beate (eds.) BUCHMANN, Sabeth; GRAW, Isabelle; HUBER, Susanne; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna; SÖNTGEN, Beate (eds.) Texte Zur Kunst 34/133 (Mars 2024) Restitution Texte Zur Kunst 2024 Periodicals / Art Theory 16.5€ 16.5€
BUCHMANN, Sabeth; GRAW, Isabelle; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna; SÖNTGEN, Beate (eds.) BUCHMANN, Sabeth; GRAW, Isabelle; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna; SÖNTGEN, Beate (eds.) Texte Zur Kunst 33/131 (September 2023) REVIEWS Texte Zur Kunst 2023 Periodicals / Art Theory 16.5€ 16.5€
BÜHLER, Melanie (ed.) BÜHLER, Melanie (ed.) No Internet, No Art Onomatopee 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Digital 20€ 20€
BURBIDGE, Ben BURBIDGE, Ben Photography After Capitalism Goldsmiths Press 2020 Photography / Art Theory 50€ 50€
BURNHAM, Jack; HAACKE, Hans BURNHAM, Jack; HAACKE, Hans Esthétique des systèmes Les Presses du Réel Essays / Art Theory / Cultural Studies / Media Studies 16€ 16€
BURNS, Aileen; LUNDH, Johan; McDOWELL, Tara (eds.) BURNS, Aileen; LUNDH, Johan; McDOWELL, Tara (eds.) The Artist As Producer, Quarry, Thread, Director, Writer, Orchestrator, Ethnographer, Choreographer, Poet, Archivist, Forger, Curator, and Many Other Things First Sternberg Press 2018 Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Politics 20€ 20€
BURROWS, Dani; CEZAR, Aaron (eds.) BURROWS, Dani; CEZAR, Aaron (eds.) Politics of Food Sternberg Press 2020 Art Theory / Food Culture 24€ 24€
BUTLER, Cornelia; et al (eds.) BUTLER, Cornelia; et al (eds.) From Conceptualism to Feminism. Lucy Lippard’s Numbers Shows 1969-74 Afterall Books 2012 Art Theory / Curatorial Studies / Art History / Feminism 50€ 50€
BUTT, Gavin BUTT, Gavin Between You and Me: Queer Disclosures in the New York Art World, 1948–1963 Duke University Press 2005 Queer Culture / Art Theory 25€ 25€
CAMPT, Tina M. CAMPT, Tina M. A Black Gaze: Artists Changing How we See MIT Press 2021 Art Theory / Black Studies 28€ 28€
CARSON, Juli CARSON, Juli The hermeneneutic impulse. Aesthetic of an untethered past b_books 2019 Art Theory 10€ 10€
CATLOW, Ruth; RAFFERTY, Penny (eds.) CATLOW, Ruth; RAFFERTY, Penny (eds.) Radical Friends: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and the Arts Torque Editions 2022 Art Theory / Essays / Politics / Media Studies 26€ 26€
CHABERT, Garance ; MOLE, Aurélien (eds.) CHABERT, Garance ; MOLE, Aurélien (eds.) Les Artistes iconographes / Artists as Iconographers Éditions Empire 2020 (2018) Art Theory / Photography / Exhibition Catalogues 22€ 22€
CHARI, Anita CHARI, Anita A User’s Manual to Claire Fontaine Lenz 2024 Art Theory 20€ 20€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #01 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 6€ 6€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #02 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #03 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #04 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #05 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #06 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 10€ 10€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #07 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 10€ 10€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #08 MAY 2012 Periodicals / Art Theory 10€ 10€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #09 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 12€ 12€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #10 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 12€ 12€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #11 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 12€ 12€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #12 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 12€ 12€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #13 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #14 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #15 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #16 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #17 MAY Periodicals / Art Theory 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #18 MAY 2017 Art Theory / Periodicals 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #19 MAY 2018 Periodicals / Art Theory 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #20: 05/2021 MAY 2021 Art Theory / Periodicals 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) CHEVALIER, Catherine (ed.) May #21: 06/2022 MAY 2022 Art Theory / Periodicals 15€ 15€
CHEVALIER, Catherine; FOHR, Andreas CHEVALIER, Catherine; FOHR, Andreas Une anthologie de la revue Texte zur Kunst de 1990 à 1998 Les Presses du Réel / JRP|Ringier 2010 Art Theory / Anthologies / Periodicals 18€ 18€
CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) Casco Issues #12 - Generous Structures Casco Projects / Sternberg Press Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 19€ 19€
CHOY, Bo; ESCHE, Charles; MORRIS, David; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) CHOY, Bo; ESCHE, Charles; MORRIS, David; STEEDS, Lucy (eds.) Art and its Worlds: Exhibitions, Institutions and Art Becoming Public Afterall Books / CCS Bard 2021 Anthologies / Essays / Art Theory / Art History / Curatorial Studies 20€ 20€
CLARK, T. J. CLARK, T. J. If These Apples Should Fall. Cézanne and the Present Thames & Hudson 2022 Essays / Painting / Art History / Art Theory 44€ 44€
CLAY, Jean CLAY, Jean Atopiques. De Manet à Ryman L'atelier contemporain 2024 Essays / Anthologies / Art Theory / Art History 30€ 30€
COLEMAN, Kevin; JAMES, Daniel (eds.) COLEMAN, Kevin; JAMES, Daniel (eds.) Capitalism and the Camera Verso 2019 Photography / Art Theory 25€ 25€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex EP Vol. 2 – Design Fiction Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Art Theory / Design / Architecture 22€ 22€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex The Transdisciplinary Studio Sternberg Press 2012 Art Theory 22€ 22€
CONNER, Bruce; AUKEMAN, Anastasia (author) CONNER, Bruce; AUKEMAN, Anastasia (author) Welcome to Painterland. Bruce Conner and the Rat Bastard Protective Association University of California Press 2016 Scenes / Monographs / Art Theory 53€ 53€
CONNOLLY, Maeve CONNOLLY, Maeve TV Museum. Contemporary Art and the Age of Television Intellect Media Studies / Essays / Art Theory 40€ 40€
Contemporary Art Writing Daily Contemporary Art Writing Daily Anti-Ligature Rooms Cabinet 2021 Art Theory / Artists' Writings 15€ 15€
COOLS, Guy; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) COOLS, Guy; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) The Ethics of Art. Ecological Turns in the Performing Arts Valiz 2014 Anthologies / Politics / Performance / Art Theory 20€ 20€
COPELAND, Mathieu COPELAND, Mathieu L'exposition d'un film Les Presses du Réel Art Theory / Film & Video / Essays 30€ 30€
COPELAND, Mathieu Copeland; LOVAY, Balthazar COPELAND, Mathieu Copeland; LOVAY, Balthazar The Anti-Museum. An Anthology Koenig Books 2017 Anthologies / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 40€ 40€
CORBEL, Laurence; VIART, Christophe (eds.) CORBEL, Laurence; VIART, Christophe (eds.) Paperboard, la conférence performance : artistes et cas d'étude T&P Publishing 2021 Art Theory / Performance 25€ 25€
CORNELL, Lauren; HALTER, Ed (eds.) CORNELL, Lauren; HALTER, Ed (eds.) Mass Effect. Art and the Internet in the 21st Century MIT Press / New Museum Art Theory / Media Studies 45€ 45€
CORREIA, Alice (ed.) CORREIA, Alice (ed.) What is Black Art? Penguin 2022 Art History / Art Theory / Artists' Writings / Anthologies / Black Studies / Essays 16€ 16€
CORRIS, Micheal CORRIS, Micheal Leaving Skull City - selected writings on art Les Presses du Réel Art Theory / Essays 22€ 22€
COUSINIÉ, Frédéric COUSINIÉ, Frédéric Esthétique des fluides Éditions du Félin 2011 Art Theory / Art History / Painting 35€ 35€
COX Geoff, LUND Jacob COX Geoff, LUND Jacob The Contemporary Condition. Introductory Thoughts on Contemporaneity and Contemporary Art Sternberg Press 2016 Essays / Art Theory 9€ 9€
COX, Geoff; LUND, Jacob (eds.) COX, Geoff; LUND, Jacob (eds.) The Contemporary Condition. Contemporary Research Intensive Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Curatorial Studies 9€ 9€
CRAS, Sophie (ed.) CRAS, Sophie (ed.) Écrits d’artistes sur l’économie, une anthologie B42 2022 Art Theory 23€ 23€
CRIMP, Douglas CRIMP, Douglas Pictures. S’approprier la photographie, New York, 1979–2014 Le Point du Jour Essays / Art Theory / Photography 24€ 24€
CRIMP, Douglas CRIMP, Douglas On the Museum’s Ruins MIT Press Art Theory / Essays 40€ 40€
CRIMP, Douglas (ed.) CRIMP, Douglas (ed.) Our Kind of Movie (paperback) MIT Press 2014 Art Theory / Essays 25€ 25€
Critical Writing in Art & Design MA Critical Writing in Art & Design MA After Butler's Wharf. Essays on a Working Building RCA Royal College of Art Art Theory / Essays / Education 20€ 20€
CRONE, Bridget; NIGHTINGALE, Sam; STANTON, Polly CRONE, Bridget; NIGHTINGALE, Sam; STANTON, Polly Fieldwork for Future Ecologies - Radical practice for art and art-based research Onomatopee 2023 Artists' Writings / Art Theory / Anthologies 39€ 39€
D'SOUZA, Aruna D'SOUZA, Aruna Imperfect Solidarities Floating Opera Press 2024 Art Theory / Essays / Health 17€ 17€
DANIELS, Dieter DANIELS, Dieter The Readymade Century Spector Books 2019 Art History / Art Theory / Essays 18€ 18€
DANY, Hans-Christian; KNOLL, Valérie (ed.); LOICHINGER, Hannes (ed.) DANY, Hans-Christian; KNOLL, Valérie (ed.); LOICHINGER, Hannes (ed.) No Dandy, No Fun Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Bern 2023 Essays / Art Theory 18€ 18€
DAVILA, Arlene DAVILA, Arlene Latinx Art Duke University Press 2020 Art Theory / Politics 24€ 24€
DAVIS, Ben DAVIS, Ben Art in the After-Culture. Capitalist Crisis and Cultural Strategy Haymarket Books 2023 Art Theory 22€ 22€
DE ANDRADE, Oswaldo DE ANDRADE, Oswaldo Anthropophagie, Crise, Utopies L’extrême contemporain 2024 Essays / Art Theory / Postcolonial Studies 15€ 15€
DE BARROS, Manuela DE BARROS, Manuela Magie et Technologie UV Éditions 2017 Media Studies / Art Theory 15€ 15€
DE BOEVER, Anne DE BOEVER, Anne Against Aesthetic Exceptionalism University of Minnesota Press 2021 Art Theory / Essays 10€ 10€
DE BRUYN, Eric; LÜTTICKEN, Sven (eds.) DE BRUYN, Eric; LÜTTICKEN, Sven (eds.) Futurity Report. Counter-Histories Vol. 1 Sternberg Press 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Politics / Art Theory 24€ 24€
DE DRUYNE, Paul; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) DE DRUYNE, Paul; GIELEN, Pascal (eds.) Community Art. The Politics of Trespassing Valiz Curatorial Studies / Art Theory / Politics / Essays 20€ 20€
DEAN, Aria DEAN, Aria Bad Infinity Sternberg Press 2023 Art Theory 19€ 19€
DEBAISE, Didier; STENGERS, Isabelle (eds.) DEBAISE, Didier; STENGERS, Isabelle (eds.) Gestes Spéculatifs Les Presses du Réel 2015 Essays / Philosophy / Art Theory 28€ 28€
DECTER, Joshua DECTER, Joshua Art is a problem JRP|Ringier Essays / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DELIRE, Luce; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna (eds.) DELIRE, Luce; KÖLBL, Antonia; LICLAIR, Christian; SINOFZIK, Anna (eds.) Texte Zur Kunst 33/129 (Mar. 2023) Trans Perspectives Texte Zur Kunst 2023 Periodicals / Art Theory / Queer Culture / Politics 16.5€ 16.5€
DEMOS, T.J. DEMOS, T.J. Beyond the World′s End Duke University Press 2020 Art Theory / Ecology 24€ 24€
DERKSEN, Jeff DERKSEN, Jeff After Euphoria JRP|Ringier / Les Presses du Réel 2014 Essays / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DIACK, Heather DIACK, Heather Documents of Doubt University of Minnesota Press 2020 Art History / Photography / Art Theory 24€ 24€
DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges L'Invention de l'hystérie Macula Essays / Art Theory 33€ 33€
DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges Le Cube et le Visage Macula Essays / Art Theory 30€ 30€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich (Over)production and Value / (Über)Produktion und Wert Sternberg Press / Kunsthalle Bern 2017 Art Theory / Economy / Essays 11€ 11€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich De la plus-value dans l’art. Suivi de (Sur)production et valeur Éditions Entremonde 2019 Art Theory / Essays 8€ 8€
DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; ETXEBERRIA, Oier (eds.) DIEDERICHSEN, Diedrich; ETXEBERRIA, Oier (eds.) Cybernetics of the Poor Sternberg Press 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Anthologies / Media Studies / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DIETRICH, Maurin; HASNAY, Gloria (eds.) DIETRICH, Maurin; HASNAY, Gloria (eds.) Not Working Archive Books / Kunstverein München 2020 Anthologies / Essays / Artists' Writings / Art Theory / Economy / Politics 15€ 15€
DILLON, Brian DILLON, Brian I am sitting in a Room Cabinet Art Theory / Literature 10€ 10€
DILLON, Brian DILLON, Brian Objects in this mirror Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 22€ 22€
DITTEL, Kris (ed.) DITTEL, Kris (ed.) The Economy is Spinning Onomatopee 2017 Economy / Art Theory 22€ 22€
DOWNEY, Anthony DOWNEY, Anthony Adversarially Evolved Hallucinations – Research/Practice 04 Sternberg Press 2024 Art Theory / Monographs 15€ 15€
DRAXLER, Helmut DRAXLER, Helmut Structures of Response S*I*G 2018 Essays / Art Theory / Monographs 5€ 5€
DRAXLER, Helmut; ARMALY, Fareed DRAXLER, Helmut; ARMALY, Fareed Coercing Constellations. Space, reference, and Representation in Fareed Armaly / Die Gewalt des Zusammenhangs. Raum, Referenz und Repräsentation bei Fareed Armaly b_books 2007 Art Theory 24€ 24€
DREISHPOON, Douglas (ed) DREISHPOON, Douglas (ed) Modern Sculpture University of California Press 2022 Art Theory 35€ 35€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice (eds.) Octopus notes #5 Octopus notes 2015 Periodicals / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste (eds.) Octopus notes #6 Octopus notes 2016 Periodicals / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste (eds.) Octopus notes #7 Octopus notes 2016 Periodicals / Art Theory / Queer Culture 20€ 20€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste; LABORDE, Martin (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; PINTEAUX, Baptiste; LABORDE, Martin (eds.) Octopus notes #9 Octopus notes 2019 Periodicals / Poetry / Art Theory / Artists' Writings / Counterculture / Documents 20€ 20€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; SAILLARD, Claire (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; SAILLARD, Claire (eds.) Octopus notes #3 Octopus notes 2014 Periodicals / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; SAILLARD, Claire (eds.) DUSAPIN, Alice; PIALOUX, Alice; SAILLARD, Claire (eds.) Octopus notes #4 Octopus notes 2015 Periodicals / Art Theory / Photography 20€ 20€
DUTTON, Danielle DUTTON, Danielle A Picture Held Us Captive Image Text Ithaca Press 2022 Essays / Conversations / Art Theory 20€ 20€
DWORKIN, Craig DWORKIN, Craig No Medium MIT Press Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
EARNEST, Jarrett EARNEST, Jarrett What it Means to Write About Art. Interviews with art critics David Zwirner Books 2018 Art Theory / Conversations 36€ 36€
EASTHAM, Ben; TYLEVICH, Katya EASTHAM, Ben; TYLEVICH, Katya My Life as a Work of Art Elephant 2016 Art Theory / Essays 25€ 25€
EBELING, Knut EBELING, Knut The Contemporary Condition. There Is No Now: An Archaeology of Contemporaneity Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Art Theory 9€ 9€
EFIMOVA, Alla; MANOVICH, Lev (eds.) EFIMOVA, Alla; MANOVICH, Lev (eds.) Tekstura. Russian essays on visual culture University of Chicago Press 1993 Anthologies / Art Theory 25€ 25€
EHRENBOURG, Ilya EHRENBOURG, Ilya Et pourtant elle tourne Les Presses du Réel 2019 Art Theory / Essays 19€ 19€
EICHHORN, Maria EICHHORN, Maria The Artist's Contract Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Art Theory / Essays 30€ 30€
EINSTEIN, Carl EINSTEIN, Carl La discontinuité même L'Écarquillé 2021 Art History / Art Theory / Essays 12€ 12€
EISENSTEIN, Sergueï-Mikhaïlovitch; ALBERA, François (ed.) EISENSTEIN, Sergueï-Mikhaïlovitch; ALBERA, François (ed.) Cinématisme – Peinture et Cinéma Les Presses du Réel 2025 Essays / Artists' Writings / Film & Video / Painting / Art Theory 28€ 28€
EL BARONI, Bassam (ed.) EL BARONI, Bassam (ed.) Between the Material and the Possible – Infrastructural Re-examination and Speculation in Art Sternberg Press 2022 Art Theory / Institutional Critique 24€ 24€
ELKIN, Lauren ELKIN, Lauren Art Monsters unruly bodies in feminist art Penguin 2023 Art History / Art Theory / Feminism 37€ 37€
ELKIN, Lauren ELKIN, Lauren Art Monsters [paperback] Vintage 2023 Art Theory 19€ 19€
ELMS, Anthony ELMS, Anthony Blast Counterblast White Walls Art Theory / Essays / Anthologies 16€ 16€
ENGLISH, Darby ENGLISH, Darby To Describe a Life. Notes from the Intersection of Art and Race Terror Yale University Press 2019 Art Theory / Essays / Politics 30€ 30€
ENSSLIN, Felix; KLINK, Charlotte (eds.) ENSSLIN, Felix; KLINK, Charlotte (eds.) Aesthetics of the Flesh Sternberg Press Art Theory / Essays 20€ 20€
ESCHE, Charles ESCHE, Charles Modest Proposals Baglam Art Theory / Essays / Curatorial Studies 12€ 12€
ESCHE, Charles; LEWIS, Mark (eds.) ESCHE, Charles; LEWIS, Mark (eds.) Afterall #30 (Summer 2012) Afterall Books Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€
ESCHE, Charles; LEWIS, Mark (eds.) ESCHE, Charles; LEWIS, Mark (eds.) Afterall #33 (Summer 2013) Afterall Books Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€
ESCHE, Charles; LEWIS, Mark (eds.) ESCHE, Charles; LEWIS, Mark (eds.) Afterall #34 (Autumn/Winter 2013) Afterall Books Periodicals / Art Theory 8€ 8€