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CLEMAN, Rebecca; KLEIN, Alex (eds.) CLEMAN, Rebecca; KLEIN, Alex (eds.) Broadcasting: EAI at ICA ICA Philadelphia 2022 Art Spaces / Film & Video / Art History 31€ 31€
019 (ed.) 019 (ed.) S&D24: Anything But Certain Art Paper Editions 2022 Monographs / Art Spaces / Graphic Design / Design 45€ 45€
ABELOW, Joshua; BERRY, Gene ABELOW, Joshua; BERRY, Gene Abelow Berry Bodega Monographs / Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 20€ 20€
AGNEZ, Clémence (ed.) AGNEZ, Clémence (ed.) Glassbox, retour sur deux décennies de création contemporaine Tombolo Presses 2019 Art Spaces 24€ 24€
AM NUDEN DA AM NUDEN DA Session_12_Words + Untitled Am Nuden Da Art Spaces 19€ 19€
ANNI’S ANNI’S repetition, repetition Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite 2023 Artists' Books / Art Spaces / Book Culture 24€ 24€
ANTONINI, Marco (ed.) ANTONINI, Marco (ed.) Golden Age Nurture Art Art Spaces 12€ 12€
APPENDIX APPENDIX Appendix, Portland Container Corps Art Spaces 27€ 27€
ARCADIA MISSA ARCADIA MISSA (networked) every whisper... Anthology Arcadia Missa Art Spaces 20€ 20€
ART CLUB2000 ART CLUB2000 SoHo So Long. Interviews with gallerists, critics, and collectors conducted by ART CLUB2000, July 1996 Kunsthalle Zürich / Artists’ Space 2020 Facsimile & Reprints / Scenes / Art Spaces 25€ 25€
ARTEL, Rael (ed.) ARTEL, Rael (ed.) HOTELL PÄRNU Rael Artel Gallery - Non-Profit Project Space 2004-2008 Asterisk Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 10€ 10€
ATELIER IMPOPULAIRE (ed.) ATELIER IMPOPULAIRE (ed.) RULE C, a reader Atelier Impopulaire 2016 Anthologies / Art Spaces / Artists' Writings 30€ 30€
AUTO ITALIA SOUTH WEST AUTO ITALIA SOUTH WEST We have our own concept of time and motion Auto Italia South East Art Spaces / Essays 3€ 3€
AYAS, Defne; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) AYAS, Defne; SAELEMAKERS, Samuel (eds.) WDWXXV: In Light Of 25 Years Witte de With Art Spaces 15€ 15€
BABCOCK, Cecile; BABCOCK, Jeffrey BABCOCK, Cecile; BABCOCK, Jeffrey Séances. Re-wiring Images in the Amsterdam Underground Self-Published Essays / Film & Video / Cultural Studies / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
BANK BANK BANK Black Dog Publishing 2001 Monographs / Scenes / Counterculture / Art Spaces / Collectives / Documents / Painting 45€ 45€
BAROIS DE CAEVEL, Eva; ROELANDT, Els (EDS.) BAROIS DE CAEVEL, Eva; ROELANDT, Els (EDS.) Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise Sternberg Press 2017 Postcolonial Studies / Scenes / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
BAROT, Valérie; BETTE, Barthélémy; CHAUVIN, Laetitia; ana crews (éds.) BAROT, Valérie; BETTE, Barthélémy; CHAUVIN, Laetitia; ana crews (éds.) Apdv—Centre d’art. Une traversée du groupe HLM 4001, Porte de Vincennes 2009–2019 Apdv 2020 Art Spaces 32€ 32€
BARSHEE, Tenzing; DEJEAN, Gallien: SOLBACH, Dan (eds.) BARSHEE, Tenzing; DEJEAN, Gallien: SOLBACH, Dan (eds.) The BANK Fax-Bak Service Lenz / Treize 2021 Facsimile & Reprints / Art Spaces / Multiples & Ephemera / Institutional Critique 38€ 38€
BAUER, Petra; KIDNER, Dan (eds.) BAUER, Petra; KIDNER, Dan (eds.) Working Together: Notes on British Film Collectives in the 1970s Focal Point Gallery Essays / Film & Video / Art Spaces 20€ 20€
BAYAR, Devrim (ed.) BAYAR, Devrim (ed.) Le Salon. Anthology 2011–2016 Triangle Books 2019 Anthologies / Art Spaces / Scenes 25€ 25€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin castillo/corrales today #8 – History & Love, Pleasure & Time Paraguay Press 2014 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Music & Sound 10€ 10€
BENEDETTI, Lorenzo; DUMALIN, Caroline (eds.) BENEDETTI, Lorenzo; DUMALIN, Caroline (eds.) During the Exhibition, the Studio Will be Close WIELS 2014 Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 10€ 10€
BERGERM, Randi Grov (ed.) BERGERM, Randi Grov (ed.) Retrospective catalogue Entrée 2009–11 Entrée Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 10€ 10€
BERGMAN, Aeron; SALINAS, Alejandra (eds.) BERGMAN, Aeron; SALINAS, Alejandra (eds.) OEI #82-83 Art in the Age of Kleptomania OEI editör 2018 Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Art Spaces / Scenes 35€ 35€
BIESENBACH, Klaus; DIRKSEN, Jenny; GRUIKTHUIJSEN, Krist; HORN, Gabriele (eds.) BIESENBACH, Klaus; DIRKSEN, Jenny; GRUIKTHUIJSEN, Krist; HORN, Gabriele (eds.) KW, a history (EN) Distanz 2021 Art Spaces 46€ 46€
BISHOP, Claire BISHOP, Claire Vers un musée radical. Réflexions pour une autre muséologie MKF 2021 Art Spaces / Cultural Studies 14€ 14€
BJÖRK, Karl Georg Staffan; TORMELL, Monica; VON ZWEIGBERGK, Felicia (cur.) BJÖRK, Karl Georg Staffan; TORMELL, Monica; VON ZWEIGBERGK, Felicia (cur.) Krust Gorilla Butcher’s Tears 2017 Exhibition Catalogues / Art Spaces / Music & Sound / Scenes 15€ 15€
BOVIER, Lionel (ed.) BOVIER, Lionel (ed.) Ecart JRP|Ringier Art Spaces / Monographs 10€ 10€
BOVIER, Lionel; CHERIX, Christophe (eds.) BOVIER, Lionel; CHERIX, Christophe (eds.) Ecart. Genève, 1969-1982 (édition française) HEAD / MAMCO 2019 Essays / Art Spaces / Documents / Book Culture / Scenes 25€ 25€
BOVIER, Lionel; CHERIX, Christophe (eds.) BOVIER, Lionel; CHERIX, Christophe (eds.) Ecart. Geneva, 1969-1982 (English edition) HEAD / MAMCO 2019 Essays / Art Spaces / Documents / Book Culture / Scenes 25€ 25€
BRANDT, A. E. BRANDT, A. E. The Order of Release Forlaget emancipa(t/ss)ionsfrugten 2023 Artists' Books / Art Spaces 10€ 10€
BROC, Stéphane; CHAPUIS, Jean-Louis (ed.) BROC, Stéphane; CHAPUIS, Jean-Louis (ed.) +/-L’épicerie L'Espace d'en bas 2021 Art Spaces / Monographs 20€ 20€
BROC, Stéphane; CHAPUIS, Jean-Louis: EPPLAY, Vincent; ESCOT, Pierre; OREL, Marion BROC, Stéphane; CHAPUIS, Jean-Louis: EPPLAY, Vincent; ESCOT, Pierre; OREL, Marion Tu laisses un message, pour eux, on n’est pas les seuls L'Espace d'en bas 2018 LPs & EPs / DVDs / Documents / Art Spaces 12€ 12€
BURES-KREMSER, Kim (ed.) BURES-KREMSER, Kim (ed.) Deprived of Rights and Property: The Art Dealer Max Stern Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2021 Biographies / Art History / Art Spaces 26€ 26€
CARPENTER, Merlin CARPENTER, Merlin ISH Fanzine #3 - Social Aesthetics Institute for Social Hypocrisy Zines / Art Spaces 5€ 5€
CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) castillo/corrales today #4 – J'ai froid Paraguay Press 2014 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Music & Sound / Artists' Writings 15€ 15€
CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) CASTILLO/CORRALES (ed.) castillo/corrales today #9 – sponte sua forte Paraguay Press Periodicals / Art Spaces / Poetry 5€ 5€
CESARCO, Alejandro; HERNÁNDEZ CHONG CUY, Sofía (eds.) CESARCO, Alejandro; HERNÁNDEZ CHONG CUY, Sofía (eds.) An Exhibition History of Latin American Art / Una historia de exposiciones de arte latinoamericano ISLAA 2023 Anthologies / Art History / Art Spaces / Scenes / Curatorial Studies 42€ 42€
CHAMMAS, Carla; DEDMAN, Rachel; KHOLEIF, Omar (eds) CHAMMAS, Carla; DEDMAN, Rachel; KHOLEIF, Omar (eds) Helen Khal. Gallery One and Beirut in the 1960s Sternberg Press 2023 Art Spaces / Biographies 25€ 25€
CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) CHOI, Binna; WIEDER, Axel (eds.) Casco Issues #12 - Generous Structures Casco Projects / Sternberg Press Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 19€ 19€
CLAURA, Michel (ed.) CLAURA, Michel (ed.) À Pierre et Marie. Une exposition en travaux Association pour l’Avenir de l’Art Actuel 1986 Exhibition Catalogues / Art Spaces 60€ 60€
COLAB; SCHUMANN, Max (ed.) COLAB; SCHUMANN, Max (ed.) A Book About Colab (and Related Activities) [new edition] Printed Matter 2024 Art Spaces / Scenes / Counterculture / Art History 39.95€ 39.95€
CONDORELLI, Céline (ed.) CONDORELLI, Céline (ed.) Support Structures Sternberg Press 2009 Anthologies / Economy / Art Spaces / Documents / Institutional Critique 40€ 40€
CONNER, Bruce CONNER, Bruce Brass Handles J&L Books 2018 Monographs / Photography / Health / Art Spaces 45€ 45€
DANNATT, Adrian; FREMONT, Vincent (eds.) DANNATT, Adrian; FREMONT, Vincent (eds.) Iolas. Alexander the great: Iolas gallery 1955,1987 Paul Kasmin Gallery Art Spaces / Monographs 58€ 58€
DEMEUSE, Sarah (ed.) DEMEUSE, Sarah (ed.) Bande à part. On Independent Art Institutions Mousse Publishing 2021 Anthologies / Art Spaces 18€ 18€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER Identity Artists’ Space Graphic Design / Art Spaces 5€ 5€
DIETRIECH, Maurin; HASNAY, Gloria (eds.) DIETRIECH, Maurin; HASNAY, Gloria (eds.) For Now 200 Years Kunstverein München Distanz 2023 Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 40€ 40€
DOUGLAS, Stan (ed.) DOUGLAS, Stan (ed.) Vancouver Anthology Talon Books Art Spaces / Essays / Art History / Scenes 32€ 32€
DUNCAN, Michael (ed.) DUNCAN, Michael (ed.) Advance of the Rear Guard. Ceeje Gallery: Out of the Mainstream in 1960s California Hirmer Verlag 2024 Art Spaces / Art History / Scenes 45€ 45€
EBNER, Martin; MÜLLER, Ariane (eds.) EBNER, Martin; MÜLLER, Ariane (eds.) Just what is it that made today's Berlin so different, so appealing? Starship Art Spaces / Scenes 8.88€ 8.88€
École zéro École zéro Itinéraire d’une école en construction (édition d’été n°1) Editions Burn-Août 2022 Institutional Critique / Education / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
EECKHOUT, Tanguy EECKHOUT, Tanguy Maisons d'art moderne MER Paper Kunsthalle 2021 Art Spaces / Biographies 40€ 40€
EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) After Berkeley. Objectif Exhibitions, 2010-2011 Sternberg Press Art Spaces 18€ 18€
EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) EL DAHAB, Mai Abu (ed.) From Berkeley to Berkeley. Objectif Exhibitions, 2008-2010 Sternberg Press Art Spaces 18€ 18€
ELDAHAB, Mai Abu; CHOI, Binna; PETHICK, Emily (eds.) ELDAHAB, Mai Abu; CHOI, Binna; PETHICK, Emily (eds.) Circular Facts Sternberg Press 2011 Art Spaces 15€ 15€
ELGIN, Dag Erik ELGIN, Dag Erik ISH Fanzine #4 - Bon a Fide Institute for Social Hypocrisy Zines / Art Spaces 5€ 5€
ENGQVIST, Jonatan Habib (ed.) ENGQVIST, Jonatan Habib (ed.) In Dependence. Collaborations & Artists' Initiatives Torpedo Press Art Spaces / Anthologies 20€ 20€
Fabian Schöneich, Franz Hempel (eds.) Fabian Schöneich, Franz Hempel (eds.) Portikus XXX Portikus 2017 Art Spaces 10€ 10€
FICTILIS (ed.) FICTILIS (ed.) Museum of Capitalism Inventory Press 2017 Art Spaces / Economy / Exhibition Catalogues / Politics 35€ 35€
FICTILIS (ed.) FICTILIS (ed.) Museum of Capitalism [new edition] Inventory Press 2019 Art Spaces / Economy / Exhibition Catalogues / Politics 45€ 45€
FONTAINE, Lucie (ed.) FONTAINE, Lucie (ed.) Rowhouse Project Hassla 2018 Art Spaces 32€ 32€
FOURNIER, Lauren FOURNIER, Lauren Autotheory as Feminist Practice in Art, Writing and Criticism MIT Press 2021 Feminism / Art Spaces 39€ 39€
GOODE BRYANT, Linda; PHILIPS, Marcy S. (eds.) GOODE BRYANT, Linda; PHILIPS, Marcy S. (eds.) Contextures Primary Information / Pacific 2024 Art Spaces / Facsimile & Reprints / Exhibition Catalogues 24€ 24€
GOTTELIER, Luke; UPRITCHARD, Francis (eds.) GOTTELIER, Luke; UPRITCHARD, Francis (eds.) Bart Wells Institute Dent-De-Leone Art Spaces / Monographs 20€ 20€
GRABNER, Michelle (ed.) GRABNER, Michelle (ed.) Why did the chicken cross the road? Original Jokes about The Suburban and the Poor Farm by Artists Who have Exhibited There Poor Farm Press Art Spaces / Artists' Books 10€ 10€
GUILLAUBEZ, Coralie; KAYA, Marie; NOSELLA, Carole; PANO-ZAVARONI, Éléonore; PASQUET, Akim; PUPIER, Chloé; RIPERT, Émil*; RIOU, Pascale (eds.) GUILLAUBEZ, Coralie; KAYA, Marie; NOSELLA, Carole; PANO-ZAVARONI, Éléonore; PASQUET, Akim; PUPIER, Chloé; RIPERT, Émil*; RIOU, Pascale (eds.) CARBONE 20. Biennale d’artist-run spaces et artist-run initiatives, Saint-Étienne (France) Idoine 2023 Art Spaces / Conversations 30€ 30€
GYSEL, Jessica; MILER, Christoph; SEIFFERT, Isabel (eds.) GYSEL, Jessica; MILER, Christoph; SEIFFERT, Isabel (eds.) Elements Jan Van Eyck Academie 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design / Magic / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
HAMMONS, David; HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) HAMMONS, David; HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) David Hammons Is on Our Mind CCA Wattis 2018 Monographs / Essays / Art Spaces 40€ 40€
HEHEWERTH, Dieuwertje HEHEWERTH, Dieuwertje Salticidae Icius Self-Published 2019 Art Spaces 15€ 15€
HEHEWERTH, Dieuwertje HEHEWERTH, Dieuwertje Plet Self-Published Art Spaces 5€ 5€
HENDRICKS, Jon; TOCHE, Jean HENDRICKS, Jon; TOCHE, Jean GAAG - The Guerrilla Art Action Group, 1969-1976: A Selection Kunstverein Amsterdam / Printed Matter Facsimile & Reprints / Politics / Scenes / Art Spaces 22€ 22€
HERMOSILLA, Daniela; VORMANN, Jan (eds.); BALMACEDA, Elisa HERMOSILLA, Daniela; VORMANN, Jan (eds.); BALMACEDA, Elisa ,coma #1 Greta Rusttt 2020 Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Art Spaces 0.1€ 0.1€
HESSLER, Stefanie; BANG LARSEN, Lars; WEST, Kim (eds.) HESSLER, Stefanie; BANG LARSEN, Lars; WEST, Kim (eds.) E2-E4 Royal Institute of Art 2018 Art Spaces / Education / Periodicals 5€ 5€
HUBERMAN, Anthony HUBERMAN, Anthony The Artist's Institute: Today… (Haim Steinbach season) The Artist's Institute Art Spaces / Zines 10€ 10€
HUBERMAN, Anthony HUBERMAN, Anthony The Artist's Institute: Touching objects… (Haim Steinbach season) The Artist's Institute Art Spaces / Zines 10€ 10€
HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) The Artist’s Institute: Today we should be thinking about. Koenig Books / The Artist's Institute Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies / Essays 35€ 35€
HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) HUBERMAN, Anthony (ed.) Abbas to Yuki: Writing Alongside Exhibitions CCA Wattis / Mousse Publishing 2019 Anthologies / Essays / Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 27€ 27€
HULTEN, Pontus HULTEN, Pontus Pontus Hulten and Moderna Museet : The Formative Years Moderna Museet / Koenig Books Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 25€ 25€
IHMOF, Dora ; BECHTER, Cristina IHMOF, Dora ; BECHTER, Cristina The Private Museum of the Future JRP|Ringier / Les Presses du Réel 2018 Art Spaces 20€ 20€
J. SCHNEEMANN, Peter J. SCHNEEMANN, Peter Localizing the Contemporary – The Kunsthalle Bern as a Model JRP|Ringier 2018 Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
JARRELL, Wadsworth A. JARRELL, Wadsworth A. AFRICOBRA. Experimental Art toward a School of Thought Duke University Press 2020 Art Spaces / Black Studies / Education 30€ 30€
JIR SANDEL JIR SANDEL Art Viewer Ads 2nd Cannons 2020 Artists' Books / Art Spaces / Scenes / Economy 30€ 30€
JONAS, Joan; HUBERMAN, Anthony; RICHARD, Francis (ed.) JONAS, Joan; HUBERMAN, Anthony; RICHARD, Francis (ed.) Joan Jonas is on our mind CCA Wattis 2017 Monographs / Performance / Essays / Art Spaces / Film & Video 25€ 25€
JUDD, Donald; JUDD, Rainer (ed.) JUDD, Donald; JUDD, Rainer (ed.) Donald Judd Furniture MACK 2024 Monographs / Art Spaces / Art History / Design 70€ 70€
JØLBO, Marte Danielsen; MARKHUS, Nicola Louise (eds.) JØLBO, Marte Danielsen; MARKHUS, Nicola Louise (eds.) Another Space: Textile Spaces Eller med a 2013 Art Spaces 20€ 20€
KADIST KADIST Kadist: A Distinct Itinerary in Space and Time KADIST 2018 Art Spaces 15€ 15€
KHONSARI, Torange; CARL, Peter; PEARMAN, Hugh; SHERINGHAM, Olivia; RENDELL, Jane (eds.); PADHILA, Eduardo KHONSARI, Torange; CARL, Peter; PEARMAN, Hugh; SHERINGHAM, Olivia; RENDELL, Jane (eds.); PADHILA, Eduardo My Home Is Your Home BalinHouseProjects / public works Architecture / Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 15€ 15€
KIPPENBERGER, Martin KIPPENBERGER, Martin Martin Kippenberger. MOMAS Project MAMCO 2021 Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 30€ 30€
KITTO, Svetlana KITTO, Svetlana Sara Penn’s Knobkerry: An Oral History Sourcebook Sculpture Center 2021 Art History / Art Spaces / Scenes / Black Studies / Biographies 25€ 25€
KOMPLOT KOMPLOT YEAR 13 Komplot Art Spaces 18€ 18€
KOMPLOT KOMPLOT The Cure Komplot Art Spaces / Essays 15€ 15€
KREPLAK, Yaël; BELTRAME, Tiziana N. (eds.) KREPLAK, Yaël; BELTRAME, Tiziana N. (eds.) Les réserves des musées. Écologies des collections Les Presses du Réel 2024 Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 28€ 28€
KRYSA, Joasia (ed.) KRYSA, Joasia (ed.) Systemics (or, Exhibition as a Series) – Index of Exhibitions and Related Materials, 2013–14 Sternberg Press 2018 Anthologies / Art Spaces / Scenes 12€ 12€
KUNSTHALLE LISSABON KUNSTHALLE LISSABON Kunsthalle Lissabon / Performing the Institution(al) volume 1 Atlas Projectos Art Spaces / Anthologies 12€ 12€
KUNSTHALLE LISSABON KUNSTHALLE LISSABON Kunsthalle Lissabon / Performing the Institution(al) volume 2 Atlas Projectos Art Spaces / Anthologies 12€ 12€
Kunstverein Amsterdam (ed.) Kunstverein Amsterdam (ed.) Ginger&Piss #3: Private Kunstverein Amsterdam 2016 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Scenes 15€ 15€
KUŸMICZ, Marika; RONDUDA, Lukasz (eds.) KUŸMICZ, Marika; RONDUDA, Lukasz (eds.) Workshop of the Film Form / Warsztat Formy Filmowej Sternberg Press 2018 Anthologies / Film & Video / Art Spaces / Art History / Scenes 25€ 25€
KWON, Lim; LEPINEAU, Juliette KWON, Lim; LEPINEAU, Juliette Hovering Doors 1-6 Self-Published 2020-21 Art Spaces / Conversations / Graphic Design / Periodicals 12€ 12€
LAFRENIERE, Steve (ed.) LAFRENIERE, Steve (ed.) Hello We Were Talking About Hudson Soberscove Press 2024 Conversations / Art History / Essays / Art Spaces / Scenes 24€ 24€
LANZARINI, Orietta Lanzarini LANZARINI, Orietta Lanzarini The Living Museums – Franco Albini – BBPR – Lina Bo Bardi – Carlo Scarpa Nero 2021 Architecture / Art Spaces 25€ 25€
LASZLO, Zsuzsa; MAURER, Dora; VESIC, Jelena; DEBEUSSCHER, Juliane (eds.) LASZLO, Zsuzsa; MAURER, Dora; VESIC, Jelena; DEBEUSSCHER, Juliane (eds.) On Directing Air 2018 #2: Selforganization and the Art System in Central Eastern Europe Archiving Art Press 2018 Periodicals / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies / Scenes 10€ 10€
LAWSON, Sheila (ed.) LAWSON, Sheila (ed.) Platform 1998—2006 Platform 2001 Art Spaces 30€ 30€
LEGUILLON, Pierre LEGUILLON, Pierre The Museum of Mistakes Edition Patrick Frey 2020 Artists' Books / Curatorial Studies / Institutional Critique / Art Spaces / Book Culture 58€ 58€
LEKKERKERK, Niekolaas Johannes LEKKERKERK, Niekolaas Johannes The Standard Book of Noun-Verb Exhibition Grammar Onomatopee 2017 Art Spaces / Art Theory / Essays 19€ 19€
LISKA, Sylvia (ed.) LISKA, Sylvia (ed.) The Secession Talks - Exhibitions in Conversation - 1998-2010 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König Art Spaces / Anthologies 38€ 38€
LOMME, Freek LOMME, Freek The Unmediated Mediation Onomatopee LPs & EPs / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
MAIER, Tobi (ed.) MAIER, Tobi (ed.) The first 3 years of Ludlow 38 Spector Books Art Spaces / Monographs 14€ 14€
MALZ, Isabelle; SIEGERT, Nadine (eds.) MALZ, Isabelle; SIEGERT, Nadine (eds.) The Mbari Artists and Writers Club in Ibadan iwalewabooks 2021 Art Spaces / Documents / Scenes 15€ 15€
MC KAY, Edie MC KAY, Edie ISH Fanzine #2 - Like Stupidity… Institute for Social Hypocrisy Zines / Art Spaces 5€ 5€
MEAGHER, Patrick; MIN, Yunhee MEAGHER, Patrick; MIN, Yunhee The Silvershed Reader: Matt Mullican, John McCracken, Peter Halley Silvershed Art Spaces / Essays 15€ 15€
MEISTER, Clara (ed.) MEISTER, Clara (ed.) Compilation of Translations : One Year at Ludlow 38 Sternberg Press Art Spaces / Monographs 15€ 15€
MORGAN, Jessica (ed.) MORGAN, Jessica (ed.) Dia: An Introduction to Locations and Sites DIA Art Foundation 2021 Art Spaces 20€ 20€
MURPHY, Gavin; CULLEN, Mark MURPHY, Gavin; CULLEN, Mark Artist-Run Europe - Practice/Projects/Spaces Onomatopee 2016 Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies / Art Theory 25€ 25€
MUSEO APPARENTE MUSEO APPARENTE Rivista Apparente #1 Museo Apparente Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
MUSEO APPARENTE MUSEO APPARENTE Rivista Apparente #2 Museo Apparente Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
MUSEO APPARENTE MUSEO APPARENTE Rivista Apparente #4 Museo Apparente Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
MUSEO APPARENTE MUSEO APPARENTE Rivista Apparente #6 Museo Apparente Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
MUSEO APPARENTE MUSEO APPARENTE Rivista Apparente #8 Museo Apparente Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
MUSEO APPARENTE MUSEO APPARENTE Rivista Apparente #9 Museo Apparente Art Spaces / Exhibition Catalogues 12€ 12€
NANNUCCI, Maurizio; DETTERER, Gabriele (eds.) NANNUCCI, Maurizio; DETTERER, Gabriele (eds.) Artist-Run Spaces Les Presses du Réel Art Spaces / Essays 20€ 20€
NEW THEATER; HENKEL, Calla; PITEGOFF, Max NEW THEATER; HENKEL, Calla; PITEGOFF, Max SELECTED PLAYS 2013-2015 Whitney Museum of American Art Art Spaces / Monographs / Artists' Writings 50€ 50€
NICKAS, Bob NICKAS, Bob May 68 Books and Records At Last Books 2019 Art Spaces / Book Culture / Zines 16€ 16€
NIEDERBEGER, Shusha; SOLLFRANK, Cornelia; STALDER, Felix (eds.) NIEDERBEGER, Shusha; SOLLFRANK, Cornelia; STALDER, Felix (eds.) Aesthetic of the Commons diaphanes 2021 Artists' Books / Group Shows / Art Spaces 25€ 25€
NIIT, Margo; KLEMENT Elisabeth (eds.) NIIT, Margo; KLEMENT Elisabeth (eds.) VIKERKAAR Asterisk Art Spaces 15€ 15€
O'BRIEN, Melanie (ed.) O'BRIEN, Melanie (ed.) Vancouver Art & Economies Arsenal Pulp Press / Artspeak Art Spaces / Scenes 24€ 24€
PANO-ZAVARONI, Éléonore; RIOU, Pascale (eds.) PANO-ZAVARONI, Éléonore; RIOU, Pascale (eds.) IDOINE - Pierre Courtin Idoine 2015 Conversations / Periodicals / Zines / Art Spaces 5€ 5€
PAPER MONUMENT (ed.) PAPER MONUMENT (ed.) As radical, as mother, as salad, as shelter: What should art institutions do now? Paper Monument 2018 Art Spaces / Institutional Critique / Curatorial Studies 15€ 15€
PARASITE PARASITE Home Stories PARASITE Art Spaces 15€ 15€
PARASITE; POGACAR,Tadej PARASITE; POGACAR,Tadej The best is yet to come PARASITE / Revolver Art Spaces / Monographs 12€ 12€
PARKER, McIntyre (ed.) PARKER, McIntyre (ed.) Pied-à-terre Pied-à-terre 2017 Art Spaces / Scenes 12€ 12€
PEARCE, Naomi; READ, Shirley; SULLY, Isabelle (ed.) PEARCE, Naomi; READ, Shirley; SULLY, Isabelle (ed.) Unbidden Tongues #7: Continuity Girl Kunstverein München 2022 Essays / Artists' Writings / Art Spaces / Photography 12€ 12€
PESSLER, Monika; FINZI, Daniela (eds.) PESSLER, Monika; FINZI, Daniela (eds.) FREUD. Berggasse 19 – The Origin of Psychoanalysis Hatje Cantz 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Art Spaces 70€ 70€
PUBLIC SPACE WITH A ROOF PUBLIC SPACE WITH A ROOF Passages Through (the Unfinished Monument) ROMA Publications Art Spaces 10€ 10€
PUBLICS (ed.) PUBLICS (ed.) The Voice that Remains Lugemik / PUBLICS 2023 Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 23€ 23€
RADON, Lisa (ed.) RADON, Lisa (ed.) Twenty Seven Installations by Portland Center for the Visual Arts 1989 Publication Studio Art Spaces / Facsimile & Reprints 28€ 28€
ROELSTRAATE, Dieter (a.o.) ROELSTRAATE, Dieter (a.o.) Storage & Display [ROMA 51] ROMA Publications Art Spaces 15€ 15€
ROELSTRAETE, Dieter (ed.) ROELSTRAETE, Dieter (ed.) Auguste Orts: Correspondence Sternberg Press 2010 Film & Video / Curatorial Studies / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
ROMAO, André ROMAO, André The Vertical Stage Atlas Projectos Art Spaces / Artists' Books 8€ 8€
ROTH, Ariane; SCHUTZ, Marina (eds.) ROTH, Ariane; SCHUTZ, Marina (eds.) The Dynamic Library: Organizing Knowledge at the Sitterwerk—Precedents and Possibilities Soberscove Press 2015 Book Culture / Art Spaces 22€ 22€
RUF, Beatrix; SLYCE, John (eds.) RUF, Beatrix; SLYCE, John (eds.) Size Matters! (De)Growth of the 21st Century Art Museum Koenig Books 2017 Art Spaces 16€ 16€
SCHÄFER, Magnus; LOICHINGER, Hannes (eds.) SCHÄFER, Magnus; LOICHINGER, Hannes (eds.) Dealing with—some texts, images, and thoughts related to American Fine Arts, co. Sternberg Press 2013 Art Spaces / Essays / Scenes 18€ 18€
SHIN-JIE LEE, Emily; CHONG-KAI, Huang; MARTÍNEZ ELÍAS, Yornel J. SHIN-JIE LEE, Emily; CHONG-KAI, Huang; MARTÍNEZ ELÍAS, Yornel J. Archipelagic Affects / Archipiélago de Afectos Framer Framed / Jan Van Eyck Academie 2024 Essays / Art Spaces / Artists' Writings / Scenes 20€ 20€
SIMON-Kennedy, Kira; CHEN, Quinn; XU, Xiaoyao (eds.) SIMON-Kennedy, Kira; CHEN, Quinn; XU, Xiaoyao (eds.) Shifting the Angle of Shine. An Anthology of Artists and Collectives in the Sinosphere from 2013 to 2023 Yáo Collaborative 2024 Scenes / Art Spaces 26€ 26€
SMITS, Lisette (ed.) SMITS, Lisette (ed.) Casco Issues #05 - Real Experiments Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SMITS, Lisette (ed.) SMITS, Lisette (ed.) Casco Issues #06 - Democratic Design Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SMITS, Lisette (ed.) SMITS, Lisette (ed.) Casco Issues #07 - Democratic Design Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SMITS, Lisette (ed.) SMITS, Lisette (ed.) Casco Issues #08 - Multiplicity Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SMITS, Lisette; DÖLLE, Mariette (eds.) SMITS, Lisette; DÖLLE, Mariette (eds.) Casco Issues #03 - Human Technology Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SMITS, Lisette; DÖLLE, Mariette (eds.) SMITS, Lisette; DÖLLE, Mariette (eds.) Casco Issues #04 - The Black-White Issue Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SMITS, Lisette; DÖLLE, Mariette; RUYTERS, Dominiek (eds.) SMITS, Lisette; DÖLLE, Mariette; RUYTERS, Dominiek (eds.) Casco Issues #02 - Parallel Worlds Casco Projects Periodicals / Art Theory / Art Spaces / Curatorial Studies 10€ 10€
SPAULINGS, Reena; CZERLITSKI, Anna (ed.) SPAULINGS, Reena; CZERLITSKI, Anna (ed.) HER AND NO Museum Ludwig / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2021 Monographs / Art Spaces / Painting 30€ 30€
STANDARD STANDARD Hegdehaugsveien 3 Standard Books Art Spaces / Monographs 35€ 35€
STANDARDS STANDARDS Plus Jamais Seul. Standards HOLOHOLO Art Spaces 20€ 20€
STEEDMAN, Marijke (ed.) STEEDMAN, Marijke (ed.) Gallery as Community Whitechapel Gallery Art Spaces 20€ 20€
Studio for Propositional Cinema Studio for Propositional Cinema Myths and Manifestos Kunstverein München 2021 Art Spaces / Artists' Writings 20€ 20€
STUDIO FOR PROPOSITIONAL CINEMA (ed.) STUDIO FOR PROPOSITIONAL CINEMA (ed.) In relation to a Spectator: Sternberg Press / A.P.E. (art projects era) 2017 Art Spaces / Artists' Writings / Group Shows 18€ 18€
TADINI, Emilio TADINI, Emilio The Reality of the Image 1968-1972 Mousse Publishing 2022 Art Spaces / Monographs 35€ 35€
TEN THIJE, Steven (ed.) TEN THIJE, Steven (ed.) The emancipated museum Mondriaan Fund 2017 Essays / Art History / Art Spaces 15€ 15€
TESTSTRIP (ed.) TESTSTRIP (ed.) Teststrip - a history of an artist-run space (1992-1997) Clouds Art Spaces / Monographs 35€ 35€
TIRAVANIJA, Rirkrit; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; MELASNIEMI, Antto; MÜLLER, Michel (eds.) TIRAVANIJA, Rirkrit; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; MELASNIEMI, Antto; MÜLLER, Michel (eds.) Do We Dream Under the Same Sky Sternberg Press Art Spaces 10€ 10€
TREMBLEY, Nicolas (ed.) TREMBLEY, Nicolas (ed.) The Syz Collection JRP|Ringier 2018 Exhibition Catalogues / Art Spaces 32€ 32€
TUCKER, Alexander TUCKER, Alexander Fifth Quarter: Derek Jarman, Keith Collins & Dungeness Subtext / Multiverse Ltd. 2023 Monographs / Art Spaces 38€ 38€
V4ULT V4ULT A gesture waves on us, answering our own wave Nero Art Spaces 10€ 10€
VAN KERCKHOVEN, Anne-Mie VAN KERCKHOVEN, Anne-Mie castillo/corrales today #10 – AMVK comics Paraguay Press Periodicals / Art Spaces 1€ 1€
VARIOUS VARIOUS S.M.A.K. TRACK ROMA Publications Exhibition Catalogues / Art Spaces 29€ 29€
WÄCHTLER, Peter WÄCHTLER, Peter The Set Etablissement d'en face Monographs / Artists' Writings / Art Spaces 12€ 12€
WEBER, Jeff (ed.) WEBER, Jeff (ed.) An Attempt at a Personal Epistemology ROMA Publications 2018 Art Spaces 28€ 28€