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ABRAMS, Janet ABRAMS, Janet Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bauhaus. Profiles in Architecture and Design Princeton Architectural Press 2020 Design / Architecture / Essays 37€ 37€
CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) Footnotes E La Police 2024 Periodicals / Typography / Graphic Design 32€ 32€
HAMMILL, Faye; HUSSEY, Mark HAMMILL, Faye; HUSSEY, Mark Modernism's Print Cultures Bloomsbury 2016 Book Culture / Graphic Design 26€ 26€
LEOPOLD, Sacha; HAVEGGER, François (eds.) LEOPOLD, Sacha; HAVEGGER, François (eds.) Revue Faire – To look at things #47 & 48 – Mechanical Translations Éditions Empire 2024 Politics / Graphic Design / Typography 14€ 14€
LEVIT, Briar (ed.) LEVIT, Briar (ed.) Baseline Shift: Untold Stories of Women in Graphic Design History Princeton Architectural Press 2021 Essays / Graphic Design / Feminism 28€ 28€
LIM, Kyung yong; KU, Helen Jungyeon (eds.) LIM, Kyung yong; KU, Helen Jungyeon (eds.) Publishing as Method: Ways of Working Together in Asia Mediabus 2023 Book Culture / Graphic Design 35€ 35€
019 (ed.) 019 (ed.) S&D24: Anything But Certain Art Paper Editions 2022 Monographs / Art Spaces / Graphic Design / Design 45€ 45€
ÅBÄKE ÅBÄKE Wajima Nuri Golden Love Dent-De-Leone 2024 Crafts / Graphic Design / Material Culture / Artists' Books 50€ 50€
ÅBÄKE (ed.) ÅBÄKE (ed.) All the Knives Dent-De-Leone 2013 Exhibition Catalogues / Multiples & Ephemera / Graphic Design 25€ 25€
ÅBÄKE; MUROGA, Kiyonori (eds.) ÅBÄKE; MUROGA, Kiyonori (eds.) Detour, the thirteen movies of Juzo Itami Dent-De-Leone Film & Video / Graphic Design / Food Culture 34€ 34€
ABDULLA, Danah ABDULLA, Danah Designerly ways of knowing: a working inventory of things a designer should know Set Margins 2024 Design 14€ 14€
ABLOH, Virgil ABLOH, Virgil “Insert Complicated Title Here” Harvard University Graduate School of Design / Sternberg Press 2018 Education / Fashion / Graphic Design 12€ 12€
ADBUSTERS ADBUSTERS Manifesto for World Revolution Blackspot Press 2023 Politics / Graphic Design / Media Studies / Manifestos 25€ 25€
ADIBRATA, JJ; BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; rakun, farid; SACK Philipp (eds.) ADIBRATA, JJ; BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; rakun, farid; SACK Philipp (eds.) Schools of Departure No. 1: Decolonising design education Bauhaus Dessau Foundation / Spector Books 2023 Periodicals / Postcolonial Studies / Design / Education 16€ 16€
AGUINACO, Julieta; ESCALERA, Marina AGUINACO, Julieta; ESCALERA, Marina Community in Print series: A Thing Called Time. Issue #1: Biological Time Casco Projects / Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Zines / Graphic Design 10€ 10€
AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA, Eva; DESPORTES, Pablo (eds.) AGUIRREGOMEZCORTA, Eva; DESPORTES, Pablo (eds.) Revue Tintamarre – Nos. 1–12 Self-Published 2020 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Fashion / Crafts / Education 16€ 16€
AHN, Pyo; CAMENZIND, Adrian AHN, Pyo; CAMENZIND, Adrian Your Trash, My Treasure Gerrit Rietveld Academie Graphic Design / Zines 10€ 10€
AICHER, Otl AICHER, Otl Le monde comme projet B42 Graphic Design / Essays 25€ 25€
AL-SHAARANI, Mouneer; SMITSHUIJZEN ABIFARÈS, Huda; SAMIR, Nagla AL-SHAARANI, Mouneer; SMITSHUIJZEN ABIFARÈS, Huda; SAMIR, Nagla Mouneer Al-Shaarani. Against the Grain: Exploring the Scope of the Arabic Letter Khatt Books 2023 Monographs / Typography / Graphic Design 50€ 50€
ALEGRE; VELARDI; SOSA ALEGRE; VELARDI; SOSA Apartamento #31 Apartamento Publishing 2023 Periodicals / Architecture / Design 18€ 18€
ALEKSIEJEW, Louise ALEKSIEJEW, Louise Nacre Association Presse Offset 2022 Graphic Design / Zines 3.5€ 3.5€
ALGERA, Kirsten (ed.) ALGERA, Kirsten (ed.) MacGuffin #5: The Cabinet MacGuffin 2017 Design / Material Culture / Periodicals 19€ 19€
ALGERA, Kirsten; EL BARBARY, Salma; ALGERA, Oda (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; EL BARBARY, Salma; ALGERA, Oda (eds.) Cairo Archives MacGuffin 2024 Periodicals / Typography / Graphic Design / Politics / Scenes 14€ 14€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #9: The Rug MacGuffin 2020 Periodicals / Material Culture / Design 25€ 25€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #7: The Trousers MacGuffin 2019 Design / Material Culture / Periodicals 21€ 21€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #10: The Bottle MacGuffin 2021 Design / Periodicals 22€ 22€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #8: The Desk MacGuffin 2020 Periodicals / Material Culture / Design 21€ 21€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #6: The Ball MacGuffin 2018 Design / Periodicals / Material Culture 20€ 20€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #11: The Chain MacGuffin 2022 Periodicals / Design 24€ 24€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #12: The Log MacGuffin 2023 Periodicals / Material Culture / Design 27€ 27€
ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) ALGERA, Kirsten; VAN DER HOEVEN, Ernst (eds.) MacGuffin #14: The Wall MacGuffin 2024 Design / Periodicals 28€ 28€
ALMQVIST, Erik Eje ALMQVIST, Erik Eje Hammer & Nail: Making and assembling furniture designs inspired by Enzo Mari Pavilion Books 2022 Manuals / Education / Design / Architecture 28€ 28€
ALVAREZ, Leyre Leon ALVAREZ, Leyre Leon Diccionario idiófono / Dictionnaire idéophonique okbooks 2022 Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Manuals 12€ 12€
AMOUYAL, Thomas; ELKAMEL, Sara; YORK, Charlotte AMOUYAL, Thomas; ELKAMEL, Sara; YORK, Charlotte The Ex-Clown, the Fan, the Stranger and I Dent-De-Leone 2019 Graphic Design 18€ 18€
ANDERSEN, Ronja; RIMKUS, Nerijus; KOPSA, Maxine (eds.) ANDERSEN, Ronja; RIMKUS, Nerijus; KOPSA, Maxine (eds.) WT reader: Reader, aantekeningen exemplaar Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press 2017 Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
ANDREASEN, Kasper (ed.) ANDREASEN, Kasper (ed.) Flip. About Image Construction Art Paper Editions 2018 Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design 10€ 10€
ANZUONI, Michael; BERTUCCI, Lea ANZUONI, Michael; BERTUCCI, Lea The Tonebook Inpatient Press 2017 Documents / Graphic Design / Music & Sound 30€ 30€
APHESBERO, Michel; COLOMINE, Danièle; CALENS, Jean (eds.) APHESBERO, Michel; COLOMINE, Danièle; CALENS, Jean (eds.) PNCI. Pensée Nomade Chose Imprimée – Histoire d’un atelier nomade de l’École des Beaux-arts de Bordeaux Paraguay Press Graphic Design / Education 30€ 30€
ARC (ed.) ARC (ed.) ARC #17 - Compendium RCA Royal College of Art Periodicals / Graphic Design 16€ 16€
ARC (ed.) ARC (ed.) ARC #18 - Accent Issue RCA Royal College of Art Periodicals / Graphic Design 8.5€ 8.5€
ASHLEY, Robert; HOLDER, Will; WATERMAN, Alex (eds.) ASHLEY, Robert; HOLDER, Will; WATERMAN, Alex (eds.) Yes, But Is It Edible? New Documents 2014 Monographs / Music & Sound / Graphic Design 60€ 60€
AUBART, François; (a.o.) (eds.) AUBART, François; (a.o.) (eds.) ∆⅄⎈ #3 (10/2012) BAT Editions Periodicals / Graphic Design / Book Culture 12€ 12€
AUCOMPTE, Yann; DARRICAU, Stéphane (eds.) AUCOMPTE, Yann; DARRICAU, Stéphane (eds.) La Querelle de la déconstruction. Un débat philosophique dans le design graphique ? T&P Publishing 2023 Anthologies / Graphic Design / Book Culture 22€ 22€
AURELI, Pier Vittorio; TSW, Cleo (ed.) AURELI, Pier Vittorio; TSW, Cleo (ed.) Subdivision and Colonisation (excerpt) Off Course 2021 Zines / Graphic Design / Urban Studies 4€ 4€
AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) AVANESSIAN, Armen; BAUWENS, Lietje; DE RAEVE, Wouter; HADDAD, Alice; MIESSEN, Markus (eds.) Perhaps It Is High Time for a Xeno-architecture to Match Sternberg Press 2018 Essays / Architecture / Design / Politics / Ecology 15€ 15€
AXEL, Nick; COLOMINA, Beatriz; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton; WIGLEY, Mark (eds.) AXEL, Nick; COLOMINA, Beatriz; HIRSCH, Nikolaus; VIDOKLE, Anton; WIGLEY, Mark (eds.) Superhumanity: Design of the Self e-flux / University of Minnesota Press 2018 Architecture / Design / Essays / Media Studies 30€ 30€
BABER, Phil (ed.) BABER, Phil (ed.) Cannon Magazine #2 Cannon Magazine Periodicals / Graphic Design / Literature 13€ 13€
BAILEY, Stuart (ed.) BAILEY, Stuart (ed.) In Alphabetical Order. File Under: Graphic Design, Schools, or Werkplaats Typografie (WT) NAI010 Publishers 2002 Graphic Design 22€ 22€
BAKST, Léon BAKST, Léon Designing Dreams: A Celebration of Léon Bakst [1st edition] Mousse Publishing / Nouveau Musée National de Monaco Monographs / Design / Fashion 250€ 250€
BAKST, Léon; BERNASCONI, Célia (ed.); BOWLT, John E. (ed.); MAUSS, Nick (ed.) BAKST, Léon; BERNASCONI, Célia (ed.); BOWLT, John E. (ed.); MAUSS, Nick (ed.) Designing Dreams: A Celebration of Léon Bakst [2nd edition] Mousse Publishing / Nouveau Musée National de Monaco 2024 Monographs / Design / Fashion / Art History / Scenes / Dance 50€ 50€
BALDWIN, James; CLEEREMANS, Sarah (ed.) BALDWIN, James; CLEEREMANS, Sarah (ed.) The Fire Next Time Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press 2017 Literature / Facsimile & Reprints / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
BALGIU, Alexandru; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart (eds.) BALGIU, Alexandru; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart (eds.) The Essayer Tombolo Presses / ENSBA Lyon 2022 Book Culture / Education / Graphic Design 20€ 20€
BALTZER, Nanni; STIERLI, Martino (eds.) BALTZER, Nanni; STIERLI, Martino (eds.) Before Publication. Montage in Art, Architecture, and Book Design Park Books 2016 Book Culture / Essays / Graphic Design 38€ 38€
BANDEL, Jan-Frederik; GILBERT, Annette; PRILL, Tania (eds.) BANDEL, Jan-Frederik; GILBERT, Annette; PRILL, Tania (eds.) Under the Radar. Underground Zines and Self-Publications 1965-1975 Spector Books 2019 Exhibition Catalogues / Art History / Book Culture / Counterculture / Graphic Design 50€ 50€
BARBIER-BOUVET, Stéphane BARBIER-BOUVET, Stéphane After Service La Loge 2017 Design / Monographs 10€ 10€
BARKER, Andrew BARKER, Andrew La typographie des Penguin Classics Bureau Brut 2024 Book Culture / Graphic Design / Typography 16€ 16€
BARMETTLER, Rudolf (ed.) BARMETTLER, Rudolf (ed.) Zurich Type Design. 70 Neue Textschriften Triest Verlag 2021 Graphic Design 57€ 57€
BATHGATE, Yvette; LAHAYE, Lieven; SHEPHERD, Jack (eds.) BATHGATE, Yvette; LAHAYE, Lieven; SHEPHERD, Jack (eds.) Belong To Our Nonsense* Estonian Academy of Arts 2023 Artists' Writings / Education / Graphic Design 6€ 6€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #9 / Dec. 2017 – Substance Spector Books 2017 Architecture / Design / Periodicals 13.8€ 13.8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #10 / 2018 - Standard Spector Books 2018 Architecture / Design / Periodicals 13.8€ 13.8€
BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) BAUHAUS DESSAU FOUNDATION (ed.) Bauhaus #11 / 2019 - Centenary Spector Books 2019 Periodicals / Architecture / Design 12€ 12€
BAY, Barbara; FAYOLLE, Claire (eds.) BAY, Barbara; FAYOLLE, Claire (eds.) Couleur et soin ENSAD Nancy 2020 Health / Design 22€ 22€
BEACHER, Hannah; Steward, Jacqueline; GRIGGIN, Toni L. BEACHER, Hannah; Steward, Jacqueline; GRIGGIN, Toni L. Design in a frame of emotion Sternberg Press 2020 Design / Conversations 14€ 14€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin The Aspen Complex Sternberg Press 2012 Artists' Books / Ecology / Design 25€ 25€
BECK, Martin BECK, Martin About The Relative Size Of Things In The Universe Casco Projects / Four Corners Books 2007 Artists' Books / Curatorial Studies / Design 16€ 16€
BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) BECK, Martin; VON BISMARCK, Beatrice; BUCHMANN, Sabeth; LAFER, Ilse (eds.) Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetic, and Critique Spector Books 2022 Exhibition Catalogues / Essays / Architecture / Curatorial Studies / Design 36€ 36€
BELDEN, Rosalind BELDEN, Rosalind MsHeresies 4. Daffodils (from Is Beauty Good) Rietlanden Women’s Office 2022 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Documents / Feminism 10€ 10€
BELLINI, Andrea; LOMBARDI, Sarah (curs.) BELLINI, Andrea; LOMBARDI, Sarah (curs.) Écrire en dessinant. Quand la langue cherche son autre Skira 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design / Literature / Typography 75€ 75€
BENNEWITZ, David; ROTHENBURGER, Sereina (eds.) BENNEWITZ, David; ROTHENBURGER, Sereina (eds.) Questions? Looking for answers in the middle of somewhere Spector Books 2019 Graphic Design 22.5€ 22.5€
BERENTSEN, Mirthe BERENTSEN, Mirthe Stories from Kings County Hospital Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press 2019 Artists' Writings / Graphic Design / Health 17€ 17€
BERGER, John BERGER, John Voir le voir B42 2014 Essays / Art Theory / Cultural Studies / Graphic Design 22€ 22€
BERRY, Anne H.; COLLIE, Kareem; LAKER, Penina Acayo ; NOEL, Lesley-Ann ; RITTNER, Jen; WALTERS, Kelly (eds.) BERRY, Anne H.; COLLIE, Kareem; LAKER, Penina Acayo ; NOEL, Lesley-Ann ; RITTNER, Jen; WALTERS, Kelly (eds.) The Black Experience in Design: Identity, Expression & Reflection Allworth Press 2022 Design / Black Studies 22€ 22€
BERTIN, Jacques BERTIN, Jacques La Graphique et le traitement de l'information Zones Sensibles 2017 Essays / Graphic Design / Media Studies 22€ 22€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; KEEFER, Angie; MACKLER, Lauren; REINFURT, David (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; KEEFER, Angie; MACKLER, Lauren; REINFURT, David (eds.) The Serving Library – Annual 2017/18 (Public Fiction) ROMA Publications 2017 Anthologies / Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) The Serving Library – Annual 2018/19 (Translation) ROMA Publications 2018 Anthologies / Periodicals / Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) The Serving Library – Annual 2019/20 (Bruno Munari Obvious Code) ROMA Publications 2019 Design / Monographs / Periodicals 29.5€ 29.5€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David (eds.) The Serving Library – Annual 2020/21 (Objects) ROMA Publications 2020 Graphic Design / Periodicals / Cultural Studies 30€ 30€
BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David; WIESENBERGER, Robert (eds.) BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Francesca; BERTOLOTTI-BAILEY, Stuart; LATRONICO, Vincenzo; REINFURT, David; WIESENBERGER, Robert (eds.) The Serving Library - Annual 2022/23 (Meander) ROMA Publications 2022 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Art Theory 35€ 35€
BERTRAND, Olivier (ed.) BERTRAND, Olivier (ed.) La Perruque Surfaces Utiles Periodicals / Graphic Design / Book Culture 8€ 8€
BEUCHERT, Jonas BEUCHERT, Jonas Less than one minute ago Taube 2011 Artists' Books / Media Studies / Graphic Design 25€ 25€
BIASETTON, Noemi BIASETTON, Noemi Superstorm. Design and Politics in the Age of Information Onomatopee 2024 Essays / Design / Politics 23€ 23€
BIERENS DE HAAN, Giulia; DELCHINI, Chloé; MERCIER, Mona; VINTON, Swani (eds.) BIERENS DE HAAN, Giulia; DELCHINI, Chloé; MERCIER, Mona; VINTON, Swani (eds.) TAkEAwAY Gerrit Rietveld Academie 2020 Anthologies / Book Culture / Graphic Design / Education / Typography 25€ 25€
BIERUT, Michael BIERUT, Michael Direct, accessible et futé Bureau Brut 2022 Graphic Design / Typography 16€ 16€
BILAK, Peter (ed.) BILAK, Peter (ed.) Works that Work #2 Works that Work Graphic Design / Design / Periodicals 16€ 16€
BILAK, Peter (ed.) BILAK, Peter (ed.) Works that Work #3 Works that Work Graphic Design / Design / Periodicals 16€ 16€
BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; NICHOLS, Catherine; SACK, Philipp BITTNER, Regina; KLAUS, Katja; NICHOLS, Catherine; SACK, Philipp Schools of Departure No. 2: The New Designer / Design as a profession Bauhaus Dessau Foundation / Spector Books 2023 Periodicals / Design / Education 16€ 16€
BIZARRI, Alain; RODRIGUEZ, Thomas; CHABANON, Eve BIZARRI, Alain; RODRIGUEZ, Thomas; CHABANON, Eve Specimen Le Feu Sacré 2015 Specimen / Graphic Design / Typography / Essays 20€ 20€
Björk; M/M Paris (ed.) Björk; M/M Paris (ed.) Björk as a book Mondadori 2021 Graphic Design / Music & Sound / Photography / Monographs 44€ 44€
BLAMEY, David; HAYLOCK, Brad (eds.) BLAMEY, David; HAYLOCK, Brad (eds.) Distributed Open Editions 2018 Essays / Graphic Design / Book Culture 30€ 30€
BLAUVELT, Andrew (ed.) BLAUVELT, Andrew (ed.) Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia Walker Art Center 2015 Book Culture / Counterculture / Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design 58€ 58€
BOEHLE, Esther; AMMER, Manuela BOEHLE, Esther; AMMER, Manuela Pattern and Decoration. Ornament as Promise Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst Aachen / mumok / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2018 Exhibition Catalogues / Design / Art History 32€ 32€
BOKOV, Anna BOKOV, Anna Avant-Garde as Method. Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920–1930 Park Books 2020 Essays / Architecture / Design / Art History / Education 58€ 58€
BONAVENTURE, Florine; NIEDERHAUSER, Jennifer (eds.) BONAVENTURE, Florine; NIEDERHAUSER, Jennifer (eds.) Adventice #1 Adventice Periodicals / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
BONAVENTURE, Florine; NIEDERHAUSER, Jennifer (eds.) BONAVENTURE, Florine; NIEDERHAUSER, Jennifer (eds.) Adventice #2 Adventice Periodicals / Graphic Design 16€ 16€
BONSIEPE, Gui BONSIEPE, Gui The Disobedience of Design Bloomsbury 2021 Design 26€ 26€
BOOM, Irma BOOM, Irma Book Manifest Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 2022 Graphic Design / Monographs 30€ 30€
BORKOWSKA, Karolina Borkowska; SAHUQUET, Lucie (eds.) BORKOWSKA, Karolina Borkowska; SAHUQUET, Lucie (eds.) Azimuts #56 se permettre l'écriture : artistes, designe.r.se.s, chercheu.r.se.s Azimuts 2023 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Design 20€ 20€
BORTIȘ-SCHULTZ, Simona BORTIȘ-SCHULTZ, Simona To Hold Your Heart in Your Teeth, Women’s Work: The Visual Language of the Romanian Blouse Set Margins 2023 Anthropology / Material Culture / Gender Studies / Design / Crafts 28€ 28€
BOS, Ben BOS, Ben TD 63–73 (Expanded Edition) Unit Editions 2018 Graphic Design 75€ 75€
BOSQUÉ, Camille BOSQUÉ, Camille Open Design. Fabrication numérique et mouvement maker B42 2021 Graphic Design / Media Studies / Design / Digital 12€ 12€
BOSSHARD, Hans Rudolf BOSSHARD, Hans Rudolf Max Bill/Jan Tschichold. La querelle typographique des modernes B42 Graphic Design / Essays 24€ 24€
BOVET, Roxane; BROQUART, Dimitri; TAVELLI, Julien (eds.) BOVET, Roxane; BROQUART, Dimitri; TAVELLI, Julien (eds.) IRL – In Real Life #1: The MONEY Issue HEAD 2024 Periodicals / Conversations / Graphic Design / Labor / Education / Economy 15€ 15€
BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) BRATTON, Benjamin H.; BOYADJIEV, Nicolay; AXEL, Nick (eds.) The New Normal Strelka / Park Books 2020 Architecture / Design / Ecology / Education / Essays / Media Studies / Urban Studies 58€ 58€
BRAUN, Pierre BRAUN, Pierre Digital Klee. Pedagogical Sketchbook. An Inquiry Into The Future Of Form 2020 Présent Composé 2020 Digital / Painting / Education / Graphic Design 15€ 15€
BRINGHURST, Robert BRINGHURST, Robert The Elements of Typographic Style (Version 4.3) Hartley & Marks 2019 Graphic Design / Manuals / Typography 30€ 30€
BRITTON, Alison BRITTON, Alison Seeing Things. Collected Writings on Art, Craft and Design Occasional Papers 2022 Crafts / Design / Essays 35€ 35€
BROBY-JOHANSON, R.; HØRUP, Line-Gry (ed.) BROBY-JOHANSON, R.; HØRUP, Line-Gry (ed.) BLOOD: The Poems and Archive of R. Broby-Johansen Kunstverein Amsterdam 2020 Poetry / Photography / Graphic Design 54€ 54€
BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian Letraset: The DIY Typography Revolution Unit Editions Graphic Design / Typography 65€ 65€
BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) Lance Wyman: The Visual Diaries 1973—1982 Unit Editions Graphic Design / Monographs / Typography 75€ 75€
BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) Herb Lubalin: Typographer Unit Editions 2016 Graphic Design / Monographs 36€ 36€
BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) ACTION TIME VISION. Punk & Post-Punk 7" Record Sleeves (The Archive Series: #002) Unit Editions 2016 Graphic Design / Multiples & Ephemera / Music & Sound 34€ 34€
BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) BROOK, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian (eds.) Manuals 2: Design & Identity Guidelines Unit Editions 2019 Graphic Design / Typography / Manuals 90€ 90€
BROOKS, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian BROOKS, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian Paula Scher: Works (concise edition) Unit Editions Graphic Design / Monographs 65€ 65€
BROOKS, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian BROOKS, Tony; SHAUGHNESSY, Adrian Paula Scher: Works (new edition) Thames & Hudson / Unit Editions 2024 Monographs / Graphic Design 68€ 68€
BROWN, Kendall; NISHIMURA MORSE, Ane; NAGAHARA, Hiromu BROWN, Kendall; NISHIMURA MORSE, Ane; NAGAHARA, Hiromu Songs for Modern Japan: Popular Music and Graphic Design, 1900–1950 Museum of Fine Arts Boston 2024 Graphic Design / Music & Sound 40€ 40€
BRUNNER, Orlando BRUNNER, Orlando Archeology of Consequent Forms Maximage 2024 Typography / Graphic Design / Digital 37€ 37€
BRUYERE, Nathalie BRUYERE, Nathalie Global Tools (1973-1975) - Éco-Design : Dé-projet & Low-Tech isdatT 2023 Architecture / Education / Design 35€ 35€
BUCK-MORSS, Susan ; McCAUGHEY, Kevin; MICHAELS, Adam (eds.) BUCK-MORSS, Susan ; McCAUGHEY, Kevin; MICHAELS, Adam (eds.) Seeing <—> Making: Room for Thought Inventory Press 2023 Graphic Design / Design 32.5€ 32.5€
BUQUET, Benoît BUQUET, Benoît Graphics Presses universitaires François-Rabelais 2021 Graphic Design 35€ 35€
BURKE, Christopher BURKE, Christopher Gerard Unger - Life In Letters De Buitenkant 2021 Monographs / Graphic Design / Typography 52€ 52€
BURKE, Christopher: KINDEL, Eric (eds.) BURKE, Christopher: KINDEL, Eric (eds.) Isotype. Design and context 1925-1971 Hyphen Press 2013 Graphic Design / Essays / Politics 42€ 42€
BURTENSHAW, Ben; AVRAHAM, Amir BURTENSHAW, Ben; AVRAHAM, Amir Community in Print series: No Man Is an Island Casco Projects / Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Graphic Design / Artists' Books / DVDs 12€ 12€
BUTLER, Connie; GODFREY, Lauren (eds.) BUTLER, Connie; GODFREY, Lauren (eds.) Her Eyes My Voice #03. Decorative Grammar Vanessa Visual & Virginia Verbal Periodicals / Graphic Design 9€ 9€
BUTLER, Connie; GODFREY, Lauren (eds.) BUTLER, Connie; GODFREY, Lauren (eds.) Her Eyes My Voice #2. Performing to Objects Vanessa Visual & Virginia Verbal Periodicals / Graphic Design 9€ 9€
CARTER, Harry CARTER, Harry A view of early typography Hyphen Press Graphic Design 30€ 30€
cc tapis cc tapis cc-tapis. An encounter with Charlotte Perriand (1972-2023) A Magazine 2023 Crafts / Design 45€ 45€
CESARCO, Alejandro (ed.) CESARCO, Alejandro (ed.) buen diseño para la industria ISLAA 2023 Exhibition Catalogues / Design / Art History 62€ 62€
CHADEBEC, Bernard CHADEBEC, Bernard Intrus Sympathiques Rollo Press 2016 Graphic Design / Monographs 25€ 25€
CHANCOGNE, Thierry CHANCOGNE, Thierry Histoire du graphisme avant la modernité en trois temps cinq mouvements franciscopolis éditions / Les Presses du Réel Graphic Design / Typography 22€ 22€
CHANCOGNE, Thierry CHANCOGNE, Thierry Le Gobelet de Cristal Tombolo Presses 2021 Graphic Design 25€ 25€
CHANCOGNE, Thierry CHANCOGNE, Thierry Revue Faire – Regarder le graphisme – #38 Special Issue – A debate: Jan van Toorn, Wim Crouwel Éditions Empire 2022 Graphic Design / Periodicals / Typography 14€ 14€
CHOI, Binna; TANAKA, Maiko (eds.) CHOI, Binna; TANAKA, Maiko (eds.) The Grand Domestic Revolution Handbook Casco Projects / Valiz Gender Studies / Design / Politics 30€ 30€
CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) Footnotes D La Police 2022 Graphic Design / Typography / Periodicals 31€ 31€
CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) Footnotes C La Police 2019 Graphic Design / Typography / Periodicals 21€ 21€
CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) CHRISTE, Mathieu (ed.) Footnotes B La Police 2017 Graphic Design / Typography / Periodicals 21€ 21€
CHURM, Rob CHURM, Rob THE STONE TAPE — POSTERS 2001-2023 Sunday’s Print Service 2023 Anthologies / Music & Sound / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
CIRCLUDE, Camille CIRCLUDE, Camille La Typographie post-binaire : Au-delà de l’écriture inclusive B42 2023 Essays / Graphic Design / Typography / Gender Studies 24€ 24€
CLEMOES, Charlie; LEE Jungmyung (eds.) CLEMOES, Charlie; LEE Jungmyung (eds.) Real-Time Realist #1 Jung-Lee Type Foundry 2017 Graphic Design / Periodicals 20€ 20€
COLES, Alex COLES, Alex EP Vol. 2 – Design Fiction Sternberg Press 2017 Essays / Art Theory / Design / Architecture 22€ 22€
Collectif Collectif Décor n° 02 – Vulgaire ENSAD Paris 2022 Periodicals / Design / Crafts 25€ 25€
Collectif Collectif Décor n° 01 ENSAD Paris 2022 Design / Crafts / Periodicals 25€ 25€
Collectif Collectif Le temps des objets ; une histoire du design industriel en France, 1950-1970 Cité du Design 2022 Design 23€ 23€
COLOMINA, Beatriz COLOMINA, Beatriz Cernés par les images B2 2013 Architecture / Design / Essays / Media Studies 10€ 10€
COLOMINA, Beatriz; WIGLEY, Mark COLOMINA, Beatriz; WIGLEY, Mark Are We Human? Notes on an Archaeology of Design Lars Müller Verlag 2019 Architecture / Design / Essays 19€ 19€
COLOVER, Joel; TAILLET, Charlotte COLOVER, Joel; TAILLET, Charlotte The Griefers of Bandung ArtEZ Press / Werkplaats Typografie 2017 Graphic Design / Literature 15€ 15€
CÔME, Tony CÔME, Tony L'institut de l'environnement: une école décloisonnée B42 Architecture / Design 24€ 24€
CÔME, Tony; POLLET, Juliette (eds.) CÔME, Tony; POLLET, Juliette (eds.) L’idée de confort, une anthologie. Du zazen au tourisme spatial B42 2016 Anthologies / Essays / Architecture / Design 25€ 25€
CONDORELLI, Céline; KIWANGA, Kapwani; RADUL, Judy; ZOBERNIG, Heimo CONDORELLI, Céline; KIWANGA, Kapwani; RADUL, Judy; ZOBERNIG, Heimo Demonstration Rooms Spector Books 2020 Exhibition Catalogues / Curatorial Studies / Design 32€ 32€
CONRAD, Demian; VAN LEIJSEN, Rob; HÉRITIER, David CONRAD, Demian; VAN LEIJSEN, Rob; HÉRITIER, David Graphic Design in the Post-Digital Age Onomatopee 2021 Graphic Design 24€ 24€
CORTAT, Matthieu; BELLIER, Marie-Mam Sai (eds.) CORTAT, Matthieu; BELLIER, Marie-Mam Sai (eds.) Diorama No.1: Legibility (Nov. 2018) Diorama Publishing 2018 Graphic Design / Periodicals / Typography 30€ 30€
CORTAT, Matthieu; BELLIER, Marie-Mam Sai (eds.) CORTAT, Matthieu; BELLIER, Marie-Mam Sai (eds.) Diorama No.2: Geometric City (2019) Diorama Publishing 2019 Periodicals / Graphic Design / Typography / Architecture 40€ 40€
COSTA, Cecilia; KOPSA, Maxine; PONIK, Scott (eds.) COSTA, Cecilia; KOPSA, Maxine; PONIK, Scott (eds.) The Summer Reader, Again, or A Diamond in the Rough Werkplaats Typografie / ArtEZ Press 2008 Artists' Writings / Book Culture / Graphic Design 17€ 17€
COSTANTINI, Marco COSTANTINI, Marco Beyrouth, les temps du design Kaph Books 2022 Design / Exhibition Catalogues 40€ 40€
COTTON, Michelle (cur.) COTTON, Michelle (cur.) Xerography Firstsite Book Culture / Graphic Design / Exhibition Catalogues 15€ 15€
COX, Christoph; JASKEY, Jenny; MALIK, Suhail COX, Christoph; JASKEY, Jenny; MALIK, Suhail Realism Materialism Art Sternberg Press Graphic Design / Essays 25€ 25€
COX, Ines COX, Ines SAVE Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp 2019 Graphic Design 40€ 40€
CRICKX RESEARCH GROUP (ed.) CRICKX RESEARCH GROUP (ed.) Publi Fluor. Affaires de lettre à Bruxelles / Letterzaken in Brussel / Letter business in Brussels Surfaces Utiles 2024 Monographs / Typography / Graphic Design 37€ 37€
CROCI-TORTI, Sylvain; PIGUET, Pauline CROCI-TORTI, Sylvain; PIGUET, Pauline SCT—PP Acme / Micronaut 2018 Artists' Books / Graphic Design 30€ 30€
CROUWEL, Wim CROUWEL, Wim Wim Crouwel Blind Gallery Graphic Design / Monographs 30€ 30€
CROUWEL, Wim CROUWEL, Wim Architectures Typographiques B42 2021 Monographs / Graphic Design / Typography 20€ 20€
DA LUZ, Nuno DA LUZ, Nuno environments Atlas Projectos 2019 Essays / Graphic Design / Music & Sound 30€ 30€
DALY, Wayne DALY, Wayne The Names For Further Information Graphic Design 10€ 10€
DALY, Wayne; VASQUEZ, Adrien (eds.) DALY, Wayne; VASQUEZ, Adrien (eds.) Dressed in Black. Spektrum and Lothar Reher. Precinct 2017 Book Culture / Graphic Design / Photography 15€ 15€
DANCE, Charlie DANCE, Charlie Community in Print series: The Bedroom Barn Casco Projects / DAI Dutch Art Institute / Werkplaats Typografie 2014 Artists' Books / Graphic Design / Book Culture 15€ 15€
DAPREY, Carole DAPREY, Carole Hochet, un répertoire de formes / Rattle, an inventory of forms piqpoq 2023 Design 29€ 29€
DARAKHVELIDZE, Lado DARAKHVELIDZE, Lado TV Museum Station DAI Dutch Art Institute / Werkplaats Typografie 2010 Graphic Design / Artists' Books / Film & Video / Zines 7€ 7€
DARLING, Michael (ed.) DARLING, Michael (ed.) Virgil Abloh: Figures of Speech (1980-2019) Delmonico Books / D.A.P. / MCA Chigago 2019 Architecture / Urban Studies / Graphic Design / Design 80€ 80€
DARS, Sophie; LE GRELLE, Roxane (eds.) DARS, Sophie; LE GRELLE, Roxane (eds.) Objects of Fascination Accattone 2021 Exhibition Catalogues / Architecture / Design 22€ 22€
DARS, Sophie; MENON, Carlo; VAN DAELE, Galaad (eds.) DARS, Sophie; MENON, Carlo; VAN DAELE, Galaad (eds.) Accattone #6 Accattone 2019 Architecture / Design / Periodicals 25€ 25€
DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga & ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.) DAUBARAITĖ, Jurga & ŽUKAUSKAS, Jonas (eds.) Jonas Prapuolenis: STUDIJA Kirvarpa 2024 Monographs / Design / Crafts 40€ 40€
DAUTREY, Jehanne (ed.) DAUTREY, Jehanne (ed.) Design et pensée du care – Pour un design des microluttes et des singularités Les Presses du Réel 2019 Design / Ecology / Essays 25€ 25€
DAUTREY, Jehanne; QUINZ, Emanuele DAUTREY, Jehanne; QUINZ, Emanuele Strange Design. Du design des objets au design des comportements. It: editions Essays / Design 28€ 28€
DAUTREY, Jehanne; QUINZ, Emanuele (eds.) DAUTREY, Jehanne; QUINZ, Emanuele (eds.) Strange Design Les Presses du Réel 2024 Anthologies / Design 24€ 24€
DAVIDSON, Stephanie DAVIDSON, Stephanie 10 MINUTES Architects and Designers in Conversation Idoine 2023 Conversations / Architecture / Design 25€ 25€
DAVIS, Glyn; GUY, Laura (eds) DAVIS, Glyn; GUY, Laura (eds) Queer Print in Europe Bloomsbury 2022 Book Culture / Queer Culture / Graphic Design 35€ 35€
DAY WINKEL, Romy DAY WINKEL, Romy ¶#2 - Bundle Theory OUTLINE / Werkplaats Typografie 2021 Graphic Design / Periodicals / Typography 10€ 10€
DE BAETS, Bart; SÖDERLING, Rustan DE BAETS, Bart; SÖDERLING, Rustan Dark and Stormy 4 Self-Published Zines / Graphic Design 3€ 3€
DE BONDT, Sara (ed.) DE BONDT, Sara (ed.) Off the Grid. Histories of Belgian graphic design Occasional Papers 2022 Graphic Design / Art History 30€ 30€
DE BONDT, Sarah; MUGGERIDGE, Fraser (eds.) DE BONDT, Sarah; MUGGERIDGE, Fraser (eds.) The Form of the Book Book Occasional Papers 2015 Essays / Book Culture / Graphic Design 18€ 18€
DE FIETS, Andy DE FIETS, Andy A Letter to Robin Kinross - 2nd Edition True True True Graphic Design 5€ 5€
DE FRIES, Femte DE FRIES, Femte Fashioning Value — Undressing Ornament [2nd edition] Onomatopee 2015 Design / Fashion 12€ 12€
DE SMET, Catherine DE SMET, Catherine Pour une critique du design graphique. Dix-huit essais B42 Essays / Graphic Design 24€ 24€
DE SMET, Catherine: DE BONDT, Sara (eds.) DE SMET, Catherine: DE BONDT, Sara (eds.) Graphic Design: History in the Writing (1983–2011) Occasional Papers 2014 Graphic Design / Essays / Anthologies / Art History 22€ 22€
DE SMET, Catherine; FRAENKEL, Béatrice (eds.) DE SMET, Catherine; FRAENKEL, Béatrice (eds.) Études sur le collectif Grapus, 1970-1990… Entretiens et archives B42 2016 Graphic Design / Monographs 22€ 22€
DE SMET, Catherine; MILLOT, Philippe; BALDINGER, André (eds.) DE SMET, Catherine; MILLOT, Philippe; BALDINGER, André (eds.) Design graphique, les formes de l’histoire B42 2017 Anthologies / Graphic Design / Art History 26€ 26€
DE VRIES, Esther (ed.) DE VRIES, Esther (ed.) Library of Inextricable Books The Palace of Typographic Masonry 2021 Graphic Design 15€ 15€
DEBARGUE, César DEBARGUE, César Yu&Me (Sento Book) Self-Published 2018 Graphic Design / City Guides & Travel 15€ 15€
DÉCOR (ed.) DÉCOR (ed.) Décor n° 03 – Trans ENSAD Paris 2023 Periodicals / Design / Crafts 25€ 25€
DECROOS, Bart; PATTEEUW, Véronique; SCHWARZ, Marius (eds.) DECROOS, Bart; PATTEEUW, Véronique; SCHWARZ, Marius (eds.) OASE #100: Karel Martens and The Architecture of the Journal NAI010 Publishers 2018 Periodicals / Anthologies / Architecture / Graphic Design 46€ 46€
DELANOË-VIEUX, Carine (ed.) DELANOË-VIEUX, Carine (ed.) Art et design dans les lieux de soins. Pour une poétique de l’hospitalité Presses Universitaires de Lyon 2024 Essays / Design / Health 25€ 25€
DELBOS-GOMEZ, Alex: PELINQ, Lola (eds.) DELBOS-GOMEZ, Alex: PELINQ, Lola (eds.) Azimuts #57 dé-designer Azimuts / Cité du Design 2024 Periodicals / Design / Education 25€ 25€
DEMAY, Sophie DEMAY, Sophie Department 21 Self-Published Graphic Design 9€ 9€
DENEKAMP, Doris; VENEZIA, Noah (eds.) DENEKAMP, Doris; VENEZIA, Noah (eds.) Handboek voor de stadswildernis Werkplaats Typografie / DAI Dutch Art Institute Graphic Design / Cultural Studies 8€ 8€
DENNY, Phillip; PRZYWARA, Adam (eds.) DENNY, Phillip; PRZYWARA, Adam (eds.) The Art of Joining: Designing the Universal Connector (Bauhaus Taschenbuch 23) Spector Books 2019 Architecture / Design 11.5€ 11.5€
DEVALENCE (ed.) DEVALENCE (ed.) A book from deValence B42 2015 Graphic Design / Monographs 24€ 24€
DEXTA, Chris; ROBERTS, Joe (eds.) DEXTA, Chris; ROBERTS, Joe (eds.) The Icon Catalogue House Vol. 1 Velocity Press 2024 Graphic Design / Music & Sound 11€ 11€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER Universal Serial Bus [USB key] Sternberg Press Graphic Design / Artists' Books 19€ 19€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER Identity Artists’ Space Graphic Design / Art Spaces 5€ 5€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER On a Universal Serial Bus* ROMA Publications / Kunstverein München 2015 Exhibition Catalogues / Graphic Design / Typography / Artists' Writings 18€ 18€
DEXTER SINISTER DEXTER SINISTER The Contemporary Condition. Notes on the Type, Time, Letters & Spirits Sternberg Press 2017 Graphic Design / Media Studies / Essays 9€ 9€