WEST, Franz; AKHAVAN, Reza (ed.); KONZETT, Philipp (ed.); NEUMANN, Heinz (ed.); SCHAUER, Gernot (ed.)
Franz West. Privat

I like Franz West, his works, his collages above all, and also the f*d-up sculptures, so it's always good news when a new book on his work is released. This one was published on the occasion of an exhibition at Galerie Konzett, Vienna, that gathered more than 400 works from  4 Austrian art collectors. I am told that “in contrast to museums, this exhibition gave direct access to the works. Visitors could sit on the sofas, divans, and chairs and were allowed to use the Adaptives under supervision.” This you can’t see in the book, except for a spread at the end of the catalogue, which is clearly not the most interesting part of Privat, that otherwise gathers superb photographs of West’s works. The book also comprises short texts by Heimo Zobernig, Robert Fleck, and Peter Pakesch, who share personal memories of the artist; and essays by Thomas Trummer and Andrea Überbacher-Kloiber.

Bilingual English + German.

Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2024
Design by Jonny Hawaii Studios

Price: 50€

WEST, Franz; AKHAVAN, Reza (ed.); KONZETT, Philipp (ed.); NEUMANN, Heinz (ed.); SCHAUER, Gernot (ed.) - Franz West. Privat