BUCHLOH, Benjamin H. D.; FOSTER, Hal
Exit Interview

In Exit Interview, the prominent art critics and historians Hal Foster and Benjamin Buchloh discuss their intellectual foundations and the projects they've worked on together, from October to Art Since 1900. Through three engaging conversations, Foster engages Buchloh on his early influences and aspirations, his formative years in Berlin, London, and Dusseldorf, and his career in North America, while exploring the impact of other art historians and critics. Buchloh candidly addresses his successes, critical significance, and unexplored avenues in art history, providing a unique window into his motivations and experiences. With a powerful postface by Buchloh, Exit Interview builds from biography and anecdote to important reflection on one's critical life as a whole. [publisher's note]

Published by no place press, 2024
Conversations / Art Theory / Art History

Price: 28€

BUCHLOH, Benjamin H. D.; FOSTER, Hal - Exit Interview