POETRY FRENZY w/ Verity Spott, Dolly Rae Star, Kat Addis, and Joseph Minden
6 April 2024 07:00PM

All the way from the wide ethereal and not-so-very-faraway shores of Brighton and Hove, After 8 Books brings you a night of poetry and song to usher in the spring, from four of the finest poets in all the land — Verity Spott, Dolly Rae Star, Kat Addis, and Joseph Minden. Darlings of the très à la mode verse and revelry scene of the coves and grottoes on the U.K.’s South East coast, Joe, Kat, Dolly and Verity also make up the travelling band known fondly as ‘The Beam-Eye Babies’. Come ye for wonders, all and sundry!

· Kat Addis has written Space Parsley (the 87press) and The Song of the Fucking Rose (slub press).
· Joseph Minden has written Paddock calls: the nightbook (slub press); Poppy (Carcanet) and Backlogues (Broken Sleep Books).
· Dolly Rae Star plays in poetry, sound, drag and magic. Movement, paradox, and transcendence. Let’s Dance! Publications include: Quest)ion) (Veer Press, 2022), Play Stance (Polyversity Press, 2021) and OH PARACOSMIC BEING! (Thee VVinter Olympiks, 2016). Work published by Ignota, Earthbound, Datableed, Hesterglock and Litmus.
· Verity Spott is a poet from Brighton, whose books include Hopelessness (the 87press; French edition:Désolation, Même pas l’hiver), Poems of Sappho (in translation), Prayers Manifestos Bravery (Pilot Pess) and The North Road Songbook and Other Poems (forthcoming, Pilot Press).

 - POETRY FRENZY w/ Verity Spott, Dolly Rae Star, Kat Addis, and Joseph Minden